Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day Christmas Day
Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day Christmas Day (December 25th) Canada Day (July 1st) Boxing Day (December 26th) August Civic Holiday Anniversary Date
Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day (Fete de Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Labour Day NOTE: The Union will have the option of designating Xxxx Xxx in the province of Quebec as one of the General Holidays instead of Remembrance Day. In the event of any of the above holidays falling on a Sunday, the day approved by the Federal Government will be observed. An employee is not entitled to pay for a general holiday that occurs in his first thirty (30) days of employment with an employer if the employee does not work on that day, but if he is required to work on the general holiday he shall be paid at a rate at least equal to one and one- half times (1 his regular rate of wages for the time worked by him on that day, unless he is employed in a continuous operation in which case he is entitled to his regular wages for the time worked by him on
Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day
Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day August Civic Holiday A further holiday shall be granted if a day is declared a General Holiday by the Federal or Provincial Government, and is generally No work shall be performed on Labour Day except where safety to life or property it necessary. When one of these holidays falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the following regular day shall be observed as the holiday. Should Christmas Day and/or Boxing Day fall on a Saturday and/or Sunday, the Monday and/or Tuesday following shall be observed as the All time involved in moving machines, equipment and trucks over ton capacity shall be considered as hours and the applicable rate shall be paid. All time involved in operating a vehicle for the express purpose of transporting materials shall be considered time the applicable rates shall be paid. All time spent operating a vehicle, the express purpose of which is to transport in of four (4) men, shall be considered time and the applicable rates shall be paid. All time involved in moving trucks ton capacity and under, and all mechanic’s service vehicles, supplied by the Employer shall be paid as travel time. The free zone will apply if the employee is leaving directly from or returning directly to his temporary domicile, but the free does not apply after the employee has reported to work. (i.e. The same as if the employee is in his own vehicle).
Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day August Civic Holiday draft and all general holidays proclaimed to be a statutory holiday by any of the following levels of Governmental authority:
(a) the Municipal Government in which the base office is located;
(b) the Province of Alberta; or
(c) the Government of Canada.
Good Friday Remembrance Day. Victoria Day Christmas Eve Canada Day Christmas Day Civic Holiday Boxing Day Labour Day Employee's Birthday Re: Employee's Birthday: Each employee must submit one (1) week or more in advance. Should an employee's birthday fall on a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday,the employeemay request that it be celebrated on the nearest Monday or Friday to make a long weekend, production requirements permitting. In the eventthat HeritageDay ispassed by legislation, that day also be considered a paid holiday under this article. An employeewith less than thirty (30)calendar days of service with the Company must have worked at least (thethirty(30)calendardaysimmediately preceding aholiday fulfillthe attendancerequirements as stated in Section of this Agreement order to receive pay for the holiday. Any employeewhodoesnot fullregularshift day the day immediately following such Holiday shall not be entitled to payment without labour unless such failure to work is due to: