Regular Wages Sample Clauses
Regular Wages. The Employer may alter the work schedule to the extent the Employer determines necessary to comply with applicable local, state or federal laws or regulations; the availability of utilities; or for other circumstances beyond the control of the Employer. Paraprofessionals will not report for work on snow days. Paraprofessionals will be paid for any "Act of God Days" not required by the state to be made up, including delayed starts and early releases resulting from "Acts of God."
Regular Wages. The Responding Department shall not bill the Requesting Department for any regular or “on duty” time spent on the investigation or routine use of equipment.
Regular Wages. The Employer may alter the work schedule to the extent the Employer determines necessary to comply with applicable local, state or federal laws or regulations; the availability of utilities; or for other circumstances beyond the control of the Employer, except that in this latter regard if school is closed by reason of adverse weather or other emergency and employees are not requested to come in to work, they shall receive their regular rate of pay for such days up to two
Regular Wages. Effective the first day of the month following ratification by both parties, all bargaining unit classifications will receive a 2.5% COLA. Effective January 1, 2021, all bargaining unit classifications shall be paid on an hourly basis for all hours worked or taken as leave time. Effective the first day of the month following ratification by both parties, or January 1, 2021, whichever is later, all bargaining unit classifications will receive a 2.0% COLA. Effective July 1, 2021, all bargaining unit classifications will receive a 1.0% COLA. Furloughs will be required during 2021. Furlough hours are leave without pay and accrued leave cannot be used to offset furlough hours. Full time employees will be required to furlough a total of 96 hours. Part time, Seasonal and Regular Non-benefited (RNB) employees will be furloughed an equivalent number of hours based on their budgeted FTE. Furloughs will be taken at the rate of 24 hours per quarter (or their part time equivalent). Furloughs will be taken in four-hour increments (4,8,12) and will be scheduled in coordination with the employee’s supervisor to ensure business needs continue to be met. Part time employees with less than 4 hours of furlough increments, shall take the remaining time in one instance. (E.g. .6 FTE employee must take 14.4 furlough hours per quarter; once the employee has taken three four-hour blocks, they must then take the remaining 2.4 hours in one instance.) The City reserves the right to discontinue furloughs if City finances allow. The furlough schedule above ensures employees will maintain health and leave benefits through the furlough period, unless furlough leave is combined with other LWOP which may make an employee ineligible for those benefits. Before asking to combine furlough days with other types of Leave Without Pay, the employee should communicate carefully with Human Resources to understand possible impacts to City benefits. Employees working as operators in the water and wastewater treatment plants and employees working in Municipal Court will not be subject to furlough. Layoffs will be the option of last resort after first doing the following things in order:
1. Continue to freeze vacancies
2. Reduce through attrition
3. Eliminate Temporary workers unless otherwise agreed with the Union
4. Explore City Closure Days
5. Request additional furloughs through impact bargaining
6. Layoffs is the last resort after meet and confer with the Union Effective two pay periods after ratif...
Regular Wages. The Employer may alter the work schedule to the extent the Employer determines necessary to comply with applicable local, state or federal laws or regulations; the availability of utilities; or for other circumstances beyond the control of the Employer, except that in this latter regard if school is closed by reason of adverse weather or other emergency and employees are not requested to come in to work, they shall receive their regular rate of pay for such days up to the number allowed by law. Bus Drivers will not be required to work on snow days. Bus drivers who have "punched in" for work prior to the cancellation or announced delay of the start of school will be paid for time worked or two (2) hour minimum whichever is greater. Furthermore, if school is cancelled or delayed less than ten (10) minutes prior to a driver's punch in time and the driver is present, he/she will be paid a two (2) hour minimum. Drivers who have had a prearranged sick day at least 3 days in advance of a snow day will not forfeit a sick day. Any employee notified by Director of Transportation to be on standby/on call, whether on the Employer's premises or otherwise, shall be paid their regular hourly rate for all hours on standby/on call but no less than a minimum of 2 hours at their regular hourly rate.
Regular Wages. Effective and retroactive to January 1, 2018, all bargaining unit classifications shall receive a five percent (5%) COLA as provided in Appendix A. Retroactive pay will be calculated based on an individual's gross wages (excluding any medical opt-out); employees must be on the payroll at the time of ratification to be eligible to receive it; on a non-precedent setting basis, employees who are on payroll at the time of ratification but who separate employment before retro is paid, will still be eligible for retro. Additionally, on a non-precedent setting basis, employees who completed their full season prior to ratification (eg they didn’t quit mid- season), will also receive the retro payment as outlined above. The City will calculate and pay retro to impacted employees no later than 90 calendar days after ratification by both parties.
Regular Wages. The parties agree upon ratification of this Agreement to the implementation of a Wage Band Chart as attached hereto. Effective the first day of the first full pay period after ratification of this Agreement: The Employer shall provide a two-and-three-quarter (2.75%) percent increase to all employees (full-time, part-time, per diem) then existing regular base wages. Effective the first day of the first full pay period after August 1, 2019: The Employer shall provide a three (3%) percent increase to all employees’ (full-time, part-time, per diem) then existing regular base wages; and Effective the first day of the first full pay period after August 1, 2020: The Employer shall provide a three (3%) percent increase to all employees’ (full-time, part-time, per diem) then existing regular base wages; The parties further agree to convene the Labor Management Committee to discuss any modification, during the term of this Agreement, to wage rates/grade levels for market adjustment purposes.
Regular Wages. (a) Regular Rates of Pay - During the lifetime of this Agreement the Company agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept the scale of wages as set out in Schedule “A” hereto which is hereby made a part of this Agreement. Amendments to this clause or modifications thereto may be proposed by either party hereto between the 10th and 20th days of the months of March and September, and if acceptable to both parties shall be written and when executed by both parties shall be valid and binding effective as of the date specified therein and shall constitute a part of this Agreement to the same extent as if incorporated herein.
Regular Wages. Reg u 1 a r dail y wag e s sh all be paid for a 11 day s \'1hen sc h00 1 is not in session, but which are counted for state membership aid. Wages shall not be paid for days when school is not in session which are not counted for state membership aid.
Regular Wages. Basic pay plus any differential pay for work on evening and night tours as shown in Article 3, Paragraph 3.09A. No overtime or extra pay other than evening or night differential is included in regular pay.