Guild Representation Sample Clauses
Guild Representation. Throughout the grievance procedure, an aggrieved employee shall have the right guaranteed by RCW 41.56.080 to represent himself/herself, when the Guild has been given reasonable opportunity to be present at any initial meeting called for the resolution of such grievance, or to be represented by a Guild official. Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to grant employees the right to proceed to arbitration which right shall be reserved to the Guild in its discretion in accordance with its duty of fair representation.
Guild Representation. Throughout the grievance procedure, an aggrieved Employee may be represented by the Guild, provided any Employee, at any time, may present his/her grievance without the intervention of the Guild. The Guild shall be given reasonable opportunity to be present at any initial meeting called for the resolution of a grievance.
Guild Representation. 5.01 The Guild agrees to notify the Company in writing of the names of its officers and to inform the Company in the same manner of any changes and thereafter, the Company shall conduct all its dealings with the Guild through these designated representatives.
Guild Representation. 1.1 The employer recognizes the Guild as the exclusive bargaining agent for the deputy fire marshal X and II, lead deputy fire marshal, fire plans examiner; resources service technician and fire code officer classifications.
1.2 The Employer and the Guild agree that questions of Guild representation that may arise shall be resolved in accord with rules of the Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) and in accord with local, state or national statues and rules.
Guild Representation. 4.1 The Guild is recognized to be the sole bargaining agent for Officers employed on Canadian flagged vessels owned or bareboat chartered by the Company.
4.2 Nothing in this Agreement limits of eliminates the Guild’s ability to challenge the contents,
4.3 The Guild agrees to notify the Company in writing of the names of its Officers and to inform the Company in the same manner of any changes and thereafter, the Company shall conduct all its dealings with the Guild through those designated representatives.
Guild Representation. 5 Section 1.
Guild Representation. 5.01 The Guild xx xxxx to notify the Company in w riting of the names of its Office rs and to inform the Company in the same manner of any changes and the reafte r, the Company shall conduct all its dealings with the Guild th rough these designated rep resentatives.
Guild Representation. (a) The Employer recognises the Guild as the exclusive bargaining agent for all employees covered by this agreement.
(b) Every employee covered by this agreement who is now, or hereafter becomes a member of the Guild, shall maintain such membership.
(c) The Guild agrees that it will accept and retain in membership any employee subject to its constitution and bylaws.
(d) The Employer agrees that there shall be no interference with, discrimination against or discipline of any Guild representative for carrying out Guild business outside working hours.
(e) The Employer shall advise new employees that a collective agreement is in effect. A Guild representative shall be allowed one-half hour during a new employee's first week of work to discuss the collective agreement and to sign the new employee into Guild membership.
(f) The Employer shall continue to provide the Guild with its present bulletin board space and shall provide another site should the space disappear because of physical alteration of the workplace or a change in location of the workplace.
Guild Representation. Section 1. The Library agrees to recognize one (1) Chief Xxxxxxx for the bargaining unit and a xxxxxxx for each seventy-five (75) employees in the bargaining unit.
X. Xxxxxxxx designated by the Guild are authorized to perform the following duties on behalf of employees within the organizational unit to which they have been assigned by the Guild:
1. discuss complaints, grievances, and appeals with bargaining unit employees and/or other Guild representatives;
2. prepare and present grievances and appeals on behalf of bargaining unit employees;
3. attend meetings with supervisors and management officials to discuss grievances and appeals
4. represent employees in grievance, appeal, and dispute resolution proceedings.
X. Xxxxxxxx and Guild officers are responsible for serving as representatives for the purposes of collective bargaining, handling grievances and appeals, furthering effective labor-management relations, or acting in accordance with applicable regulations and agreements on behalf of an employee or a group of employees.
C. Guild representatives will be provided with access to telephones with outside lines so that they may properly conduct their duties.
Guild Representation. A Officers have a right to have a Guild representative, who may be a