HEPATITIS VACCINATION. To minimize the contraction of hepatitis, employees in the classification series of Correctional Officers, Juvenile Correctional Officers, and Security Officers shall be screened to determine if the hepatitis vaccination will be of medical benefit to the employee. If it is determined to be of benefit, the employee shall receive the necessary vaccinations at County expense. Such screening and vaccinations shall be paid for by the employee’s department. The Association agrees that employees who are not able to receive the screenings and vaccinations while on duty, shall present themselves at times designated by the County without causing the expenditure of overtime. Scheduling for this process shall be at the sole discretion of the County. Newly hired employees entering these classifications shall complete the screening and the initiation of the vaccination processes within ninety (90) days of their date of hire.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. The County and the Association recognizes that employees assigned to the classifications of Deputy Sheriff I - Court Services, Deputy Sheriff I – Recruit, Deputy Sheriff II-IV; Deputy Coroner I/II; Identification Technician I-IV; and Criminalist I-Specialist are subject to a greater occupational risk of exposure to Hepatitis - B than other employees represented by Bargaining Unit 1. To minimize the contraction of hepatitis, all personnel assigned to the above-mentioned classifications shall be screened to determine if the hepatitis vaccination will be of medical benefit to the employee. Newly hired employees entering these classifications must complete the screening and vaccination processes within ninety (90) days following date of hire. If it is determined to be of benefit, the employee shall receive the necessary vaccinations at the County’s expense. The above screening and vaccination process will be administered through County facilities, unless referred by County Administrative Office.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. The County and the Association recognize that employees covered by this MOU are subject to an occupational risk of exposure to Hepatitis - B. To minimize the contraction of hepatitis, all employees covered by this MOU shall be screened to determine if the hepatitis vaccination will be of medical benefit to the employee. If it is determined to be of benefit, the employee shall receive the necessary vaccinations at the County’s expense. The above screening and vaccination process will be administered through County facilities, unless referred by County Administrative Office.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. Employees assigned to work in the County detention facilities shall be screened to determine if the hepatitis vaccination will be of medical benefit to the employee. If it is determined to be of benefit, the employee has the option to receive the necessary vaccination at the County’s expense. The screening and vaccination process will be administered through County facilities, unless referred by County Administrative Office. Employees assigned to the County detention facilities, who are not able to receive the tests or vaccinations while on duty, shall present themselves at times designated by the County without causing the expenditure of overtime. Scheduling for this process shall be at the sole discretion of the County. This procedure is optional to the employee with no penalty for refusal. The parties further agree that hepatitis vaccination may be provided to other job classes in the Unit at the discretion of the County.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. Parks Groundskeepers assigned to supervise or work directly with inmates may, at their option, be screened to determine if the hepatitis vaccination will be of medical benefit to the employee. The employee will be offered an opportunity to complete the screening process within ninety (90) days following date of hire or assignment to supervise or work directly with inmates. If it is determined to be of benefit, the employee shall have the option to receive the necessary vaccination at the County’s expense. The screening and vaccination process will be administered through County facilities, unless referred by County Administrative Office. This procedure is optional to the employee with no penalty for refusal.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. To minimize the contraction of hepatitis, all Correctional Sergeants shall be screened to determine if the hepatitis vaccination will be of medical benefit to the employee. If it is determined to be of benefit, the employee shall receive the necessary vaccinations at County expense. The above screening and vaccination process will be administered by personnel designated by the County Health Department. The Association agrees that employees who are not able to receive the screening and vaccinations while on duty, shall present themselves at times designated by the County without causing the expenditure of overtime. Scheduling for this process shall be at the sole discretion of the County. Newly hired employees entering these classes shall complete the screening and the initiation of the vaccination processes within ninety (90) days following date of the completion of their probationary period.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. The Employer will make available and provide Titer Tests and Hepatitis B shots to Employees.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. The Contractor shall ensure Contractor’s staff, performing services under this Contract at institutional sites, is vaccinated against Hepatitis in accordance with the Department of Health’s guidelines prior to the start of service delivery. The Contractor shall provide the Contract manager or clinical designee with proof of vaccination prior to the start of service delivery by any Contractor’s staff.
HEPATITIS VACCINATION. Special Education Student Aides (SESA) shall be offered Hepatitis vaccinations at District expense.