Historical Perspective. Although it was Xxxxxxxxxxx ‘the father of medicine’ who first described the presence of lymph nodes and chyle in humans in the 5th century BC, it wasn’t until much later, in the 16th century, that the Swedish intellectual Xxxxx Xxxxxxx explained the proper structure of the lymphatic system. Helped by the discovery by Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx of the blood circulatory system, Xxxxxxx correctly observed that fluid in lymphatic vessels drained away from tissue and converged at the thoracic duct, where it re-entered circulation via the blood. He also described the presence of valves in the large lymphatic vessels. The most comprehensive study of the human lymphatic system was published in 1938 by the French anatomist Rouviere. This was a continuation of the work of Xxxxxx, who had developed a technique to visualise the lymphatic vessels of human cadavers using mercury (92).
Historical Perspective. The District desires to seek alternative sources of revenue to continue and/or enhance the quality of its education programs. Strong community support to assist the District in maximizing alternative revenue sources requires reciprocal commitment and support from the District. Community involvement in raising funds for educational programs achieves an investment in the school district and builds a strong community of philanthropy which will benefit students for years to come. The formation of the Foundation was a community desire expressed through the District’s Strategic Plan. As a result, the Foundation was established in 1997 as the philanthropic arm of the District.
Historical Perspective. 35 Theory ........................................................................................................... 35
Historical Perspective. 41 Central Office and Principal Perceptions ...................................................... 42 Action Areas ................................................................................................. 43
Historical Perspective. 70 Principal and Mentor..................................................................................... 71 Principal and Central Office ......................................................................... 72 Barriers to Building and Sustaining Trust..................................................... 74 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 76 Summary of Literature Review ................................................................................. 76 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................ 78 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 78 Setting and Participants............................................................................................. 81
Historical Perspective. 86 Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx. “
Historical Perspective. A study50 undertaken for the Belgian government in 1996 identified an increase in financial exclusion, and in particular the difficulty experienced by some consumers in opening bank accounts. In response to that initiative, in 1997 the Belgian Banking Association introduced a Banking Service Charter. The Charter remained in place for some 5 years, but problems of financial exclusion remained. In particular, it was suggested that banks were continuing to consider consumer’s employment status and income before opening an account. The ongoing problems resulted in the introduction of draft legislation in 2001, with legislation coming into force in 2003 requiring banks to provide a basic account. The legislation seeks to provide both electronic and manual banking services at an affordable price. It was recognised that certain excluded groups, such as the elderly, may not be able to use electronic banking.
Historical Perspective. Access to a Basic Bank Account is still not considered an issue by policy makers and stakeholders, with no major debate taking place on the matter.53 Banking representatives emphasise that, with the exception of the anti-money laundering directive54, no significant barriers exist to the accessing of a bank account. They point to the fact that according to a recent Commission study55, account charges in Bulgaria are among the lowest in Europe. There is no official data regarding people wishing to open a bank account who have been refused.56 Many people do not hold bank accounts because they do not consider them necessary for proper functioning in the society in which they live. For “unbanked” citizens the option exists to receive social security and other types of payments in cash through “pay rooms” in the municipalities, or by post57.
Historical Perspective. According to a Southern Regional Education Board (SERB) report, “districts are failing to create the conditions that make it possible for principals to lead school improvement effectively” (Bottoms & Xxxxxxx-Xxxxx, 2010). As Bottoms and Xxx (2009) pointed out, some principals report that they spend energy and time finding ways to circumvent the district office on their attempts to impact student learning. Xxxxxxxxx (2016) called for action, and added: “Education leaders need to wake up and figure out how to make the principal job not only doable, but doable in a way that positively impacts student learning" (p. 1). Xxxx (2017) identified three challenges impeding the ability of principals to serve as learning leaders. First, he shared that most districts have not yet developed a common understanding of the daily work that principals should be doing to improve teaching and learning. Second, he shared that many districts are not providing the ongoing and strategic professional development that principals need to ensure their skills. This is cause for grave concern, as 4,000 educational leaders have taken the University of Washington Center for Educational Leadership (UWCEL) assessment to measure their knowledge on instruction with results showing that the majority fall between ‘novice’ and ‘emerging’ (Xxxx, 2017). In essence, “too few leaders charged with leading the improvement of instruction have developed sufficient expertise to identify high-quality teaching and explicate what makes teaching ‘high quality’” (Xxxx, 2017, p. 1). And finally, he shared that often districts do not provide principals with the resources, time, or support they need to be able to focus on the teaching and learning at their schools.
Historical Perspective. According to representatives from the Lithuanian banking industry, the number of “unbanked” individuals has not changed significantly over the past decade. Financial exclusion is a relatively new concept for Lithuanian banks and public authorities to grasp, both in terms of the public policy dimension and the possible need for any direct policy action. During the decade of transition from command economy to a functioning market economy the central government and banking industry had to overcome the challenges presented by the banking approach of the old Soviet state banking system, which did not recognise the concept of financial inclusion. In addition, regulatory reform has not yet materialised to the extent required to promote financial inclusion throughout Lithuanian society. However, the government and the financial sector have in recent years raised the issue of promoting access to basic banking facilities as a matter of growing concern. Lithuanian banks only began competing internationally relatively recently due to the combination of hyperinflation and the removal of lender of last resort status from the national bank. Crises became an endemic feature of the Lithuanian banking sector during the 1990’s as commercial functions were transferred from the Lithuanian National Bank to the State Commercial Bank. In the early pre-crisis period the activities of commercial banks were greatly impacted by shortcomings in the legal regulation of banking activities. Even after adoption of the main legislative acts, the legal framework for commercial banking failed to properly crystallise. This situation resulted from the adoption of national laws on commercial banking in 1992 and 1994, which affected the quality of bank activities. In 1994 Lithuania launched a reform program that included a review of the bank licensing system, privatization of the three state banks (Savings Bank, Agricultural Bank, and State Commercial Bank), a review of capital requirements to ensure compliance with international standards, and the introduction of new plans for accounts at the Bank of Lithuania and for commercial banks. The program also called on the government to pass stronger bankruptcy legislation and to ensure its enforcement.80 Various small credit companies were established in the mid 77 Flash Eurobarometer 282. “Consumers’ Views on Switching Providers (European Commission: Brussels forthcoming) 78 DG Employment Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. “Financial Services P...