Hours of Work Requirements Sample Clauses

Hours of Work Requirements a) The employer shall document the hours of work requirements for each position for which an employee, other than a casual employee, has been engaged or is for the time being fulfilling. The written hours of work requirements shall be provided to the employee. b) Hours of work requirements shall comply with all of the provisions of clause 2.1.3 of this Agreement. c) Hours of work requirements shall reflect actual hours of work and shall be specified in terms of: (i) The times of the day for which an employee is required to be available for the ordinary duty hours of work and (ii) The days of the week for which an employee is required to be available for the ordinary weekly hours of work, and (iii) Any overtime or on-call requirements or opportunities.
Hours of Work Requirements. 6.3.1 The employer shall document the hours of work requirements for each position for which an employee, other than a casual employee, has been engaged or is for the time being fulfilling. The written hours of work requirements shall be provided to the employee. 6.3.2 Hours of work requirements shall comply with all of the provisions of clause 6.3 of this Agreement. 6.3.3 Hours of work requirements shall reflect actual hours of work and shall be specified in terms of:
Hours of Work Requirements. 4.1 The employer shall document the hours of work requirements for each position for which an employee, other than a casual employee, has been engaged or is for the time being fulfilling and these written hours of work requirements shall be provided to the employee. 4.2 Hours of work requirements shall reflect actual hours of work deemed by the employer to be necessary to deliver the service and shall be specified in terms of: a) the times of the day for which an employee is required to be available for the ordinary hours of work, and b) the days of the week for which an employee is required to be available for the ordinary hours of work, and
Hours of Work Requirements. ‌ a) Lakes DHB will document the hours of work requirements for each position for which an employee, other than a casual employee, has been engaged or is for the time being fulfilling. The written hours of work requirements will be provided to the employee. b) Hours of work requirements will comply with all of the provisions of this Agreement. c) Hours of work requirements will reflect actual hours of work and will be specified in terms of: (i) The times of the day for which an employee is required to be available for the ordinary duty hours of work, and (ii) The days of the week for which an employee is required to be available for the ordinary weekly hours of work, and (iii) Any overtime or on-call requirements or opportunities.
Hours of Work Requirements. B8 The employer shall document the hours of work requirements for each position for which an employee, other than a casual employee has been engaged or is for the time being fulfilling. The written hours of work requirements shall be provided to the employee. As a general principle, when additional shifts are required, preference will be given in the first instance to part-time and permanent employees. Employees shall be advised in writing of their hours of work, including any stipulated minimum hours, on appointment. Any changes to hours of work shall be by mutual agreement between the employer and the employee. In the event that an acute staffing shortage cannot be alleviated, patient care, and the volume and range of services may be reduced in accordance with direction by the appropriate manager and employer policies. In addition the following escalation process shall apply: When a nurse considers they have reached the limits of safe practice they will be supported to resolve the situation as follows: • The nurse manager or duty manager will be immediately informed of the situation by the nurse. • The nurse will not be required to take additional workload until strategies have been implemented to address the immediate workload issues (e.g. the redeployment of staff or patients), notwithstanding any immediate duty-of-care requirements. If the process outlined above does not resolve the situation, steps will be taken immediately to elevate the issue to that level of nursing management authorised to resolve the immediate problem and take steps to reduce the likelihood or a recurrence of similar problems. • The most senior nurse or midwife in GBCH, at the time of the event, will report the event to the most senior manager in GBCH as soon as is reasonably possible. • Direct assistance will then be given from this level in the organisation, and the event reported to the Chief Executive or their delegate as soon as is reasonably possible. All incidents shall be reported and investigated and a union delegate will be involved in investigations and corrective measures. The parties agree that with respect to rosters and hours of work, initiatives for innovation and flexibility may be trialled within a GBCH for a defined period. The conditions of such trial shall be mutually agreed between the directly affected parties prior to commencement. At the end of the trial an evaluation based on agreed criteria must be completed within a set timeframe. The results of the t...

Related to Hours of Work Requirements

  • HOURS OF WORK i) Where employees are now working a longer daily tour, the provisions set out in this Article governing the regular hours of work on a daily tour shall be adjusted accordingly. ii) The normal daily extended tour shall be 11.25 consecutive hours in any 24-hour period, exclusive of a total of forty-five (45) minutes of unpaid meal time. For hybrid schedules, there will be scheduled normal daily tours of seven and one-half (7½) hours and 11.25 consecutive hours per day. iii) Employees working an extended tour shall be entitled, subject to the exigencies of resident care, to paid relief periods during the tour of a total of forty-five (45) minutes. For hybrid schedules, there will also be shifts that provide for relief periods in accordance with Article 15.02. iv) Scheduling issues will be resolved at the local level. v) Where the union and the employer have agreed to or agree to an extended daily tour or hybrid schedule that differs from the normal daily extended tour, the proportion of unpaid time to hours of work shall maintain the same ratio as set out in paragraph ii) and iii) of this Article.

  • Ordinary Hours of Work The ordinary hours of work will be worked any time between 6.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Ordinary hours of work may be varied by agreement between the Employer and the majority of the employees concerned and the ETU State Secretary (via the relevant full time ETU Official) to accommodate the hours or work required for the most efficient and safe operation of the Employer and the requirements of its client. Where agreement is reached to work alternate hours, occupational health and safety principles will prevail. Proper health monitoring procedures will be introduced and suitable rosters clearly agreed prior to commencing work. Adequate supervision must always be provided. Matters on which agreement may be reached include: a) How the hours are to be averaged in a work cycle b) The duration of the work cycle

  • HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 6.1 It is understood and agreed that for some employees, there may be from time-to-time an irregular distribution of hours of work in a week necessitated by the nature of their work and VICE’s business operations. The regular work week will be understood as forty (40) hours of work per week exclusive of lunch periods. 6.2 If VICE requires that an employee’s regularly scheduled work hours be changed, it will provide the employee with forty-eight (48) hours’ notice of such change except when there are unforeseen or emergency circumstances. Employees who will be newly scheduled to work outside the hours of 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday, will be provided with a schedule at least one week in advance of the change except in unforeseen circumstances. For clarity, employees who are regularly scheduled to work outside of these hours are exempt from this clause unless their schedule is changed. Employees will be given two (2) consecutive days off in the week. Where possible, these days will be Saturday and Sunday. 6.3 If an employee is required to work on a day off, they will be paid at a rate of time-and-a-half their regular rate for a minimum of 4 (four) hours and no less than all of the hours worked on that day. It is understood that if there is not 4 (four) hours work available management can assign duties to complete the 4 (four) hour minimum. An employee may choose to take time off in lieu of pay. 6.4 If an employee is required to work more than forty (40) hours per week, the employee will receive time off in lieu of overtime payment at a rate of 1.5 times the excess number of hours worked beyond forty (40) hours. Hours worked include any time the employee is required to work remotely, including such hours worked before or after their regular work day. VICE will endeavour to limit the requirement for employees to work outside of their regular work day to exceptional circumstances. 6.5 For employees in the positions listed in Appendix B the hours worked will be calculated based on the average number of hours worked by the employee over a two week period. The parties agree that this is to reflect the fact that employees in these positions have regularly scheduled work hours that vary in number from time to time due to the nature of VICE’s business. 6.6 Lieu time earned under Article 6.2, Article 6.3 or Article