Identification and communication Sample Clauses

Identification and communication a) All communication is addressed to the Employer’s Agent. All communication is in accordance with the contract requirements and the procedure agreed with the Employer’s Agent. All communication makes reference to: • The contract number that is issued by the Employer i.e. 46000…….; • The title of the contract; • The specific PSC clause under which the communication is issued; and • A unique letter reference number. b) The unique reference numbers to be used for written correspondence between the Employer’s Agent and Consultant and vice versa is as follows: • From the Employer’s Agent to the Consultant: 46000….. E/C 0xxx; and • From the Consultant to the Employer’s Agent: 46000…. C/E 0xxxwith 46000….. referring to the contract number and the next sequential letter (channel) number. • All documents transmitted to the Employer’s Agent for review / acceptance / record / information are transmitted under cover of a document transmittal note with a completed and signed transmittal cover sheet. • The title of each letter clearly summarise the purpose of the letter. c) All documents transmitted to the Employer’s Agent for review/acceptance/record/information are transmitted under cover of a document transmittal note with a completed and signed transmittal cover sheet as prescribed by the procedure agreed with the Employer’s Agent, to facilitate the capture of relevant document attributes within the Employer's documentation management system. d) The title of each letter clearly summarise the purpose of the letter. In accordance with PSC Core Clause 13.7, each notification deals with only one specific issue at a time and where letters are submitted electronically, the title of the letter is reflected in the subject line and only one letter is submitted per e-mail. e) The Employer and the Consultant keep a Document Control Ledger (DCL) of all transmittals between the two, whilst the Consultant keeps a DCL for each Sub-consultant. f) All formal contractual communications shall be on a letterhead and bear as a minimum the date, subject, reference number, identities of sender and receiver and signature of sender and shall be delivered as attachments in the case of emails and not as a message in the email itself. g) Correspondence on a day to day basis may be directed to other parties within the Employer’s organisation but care must be taken not to violate contract conditions and other provisions in terms of the contract. The Employer’s Agent as well as the Consultant’s ...
Identification and communication.  All documentation will be done bearing the Eskom logo and comply with documentation format as requested by the Employer’s Agent or any of his delegates for the duration of the Contract.  Communication method to all the clients of the Employer will be dictated by the Employer or the Employer’s Agent or any of his delegates as he deems fit.  The clients that need to be communicated to will also be determined by the Employer or the Employer’s Agent or any of his delegates as he deems fit.  The Consultant implements a document management system for control of all documents he produces under this contract.  Upon completion of the Contract, the Consultant must submit all information contained in his document management system to Eskom Xxxxx Power Station.  Information contained in the Consultant's document management system may not be divulged to any third party, without authorisation from the Employer's Agent to do so at Eskom Xxxxx Power Station.  Formal Communication to the Employer or the Employer’s Agent must be done by means of formal letter heads accepted and approved by his company stating all required information. Facsimiles and other means of communication will not be accepted other than a Original document.
Identification and communication. All communication references will be in the following format: K07161 CE 007. The K will reflect that the work is performed under a capital project, the followed by the project code number. The CE will indicate from Consultant to Eskom and EC will indicate Eskom to Consultant, followed by the number indicating the position of the series of communication that exist between Consultant and Eskom. This is a proposal, which will be finalised when the Task Order is issued.
Identification and communication. The documentation requirements cover the engineering design phase of the project. The Consultant is responsible for the compilation and the supply of the documentation during the engineering design stage and to provide the documentation programme to link with the milestone dates. Documentation and drawings are programmed for delivery to meet the milestone dates and in accordance with the agreed VDSS supplied by the Employer. . Further Employer’s documentation requirements shall be specified in the Contract.
Identification and communication. All reports and documents supplied to Employer shall be in a hard copy and electronic format and is on Microsoft format (i.e. Word, Excel, and the likes) must be forwarded to the Employer’s Agent. All documentation will be done bearing the Employer’s logo and comply with documentation format as requested by the Employer or the Employer’s Agent or any of his delegates for the duration of the Contract. Every documents must have a title, reference number, date and revision number. The Consultant handles all formal communication between the Consultant and the Employer through the Employer’s Agent or other person delegated in writing by the Employer. The Consultant conducts informal day-to-day oral communications with others as necessary for the purpose of Providing the Services. Communication method to the Employer will be dictated by the Employer or the Employer’s Agent or any of his delegates as he deems fit. The Consultant must implement a document management system for control of all documents he produces under this contract. Upon completion of the Contract, the Consultant must submit all information contained in his document management system to Employer. Information contained in the Consultant's document management system may not be divulged to any third party, without authorisation from the Employer or the Employer's Agent to do so. Formal Communication to the Employer or the Employer’s Agent must be done by means of formal letter heads accepted and approved by his company stating all required information. Formal communication must in the form of properly compiled letters or forms and they may attached to emails and not as a message in the email itself.
Identification and communication. At each Power Station, daily electronic reports to be submitted and final presentation to be done on an approved software (Microsoft Power point) and shared with Eskom leadership.
Identification and communication. All data and documents generated for the purposes of the service requested by Eskom will be deemed to be the property of Eskom. All data and documents will be delivered to Eskom in an electronic format, on a suitable device or accessible electronic platform. Further Employer’s documentation requirements shall be specified in the Task order.
Identification and communication. All communication is addressed to the Service Manager. All communication makes reference to:  The contract number that is issued by the Employer i.e. 46000…….;  The title of the contract;  The specific TSC clause under which the communication is issued; and  A unique letter reference number. The unique reference numbers to be used for written correspondence between the Service Manager and Contractor and vice versa is as follows:  From the Service Manager to the Contractor: 46000….. E/C 0xxx; and  From the Contractor to the Service Manager: 46000…. C/E 0xxxwith 46000….. referring to the contract  number and the next sequential letter (channel) number.  All documents transmitted to the Service Manager for review / acceptance / record / information are transmitted under cover of a document transmittal note with a completed and signed transmittal cover sheet.  The title of each letter clearly summarise the purpose of the letter. In accordance with TSC Core Clause 13.1, each notification deals with only one specific issue at a time. All formal contractual communications shall be on a letterhead and bear as a minimum the date, subject, reference number, identities of sender and receiver and signature of sender and shall be delivered as attachments in the case of emails and not as a message in the email itself. All formal communications to the Employer shall be addressed to the Service Manager. Correspondence on a day to day basis may be directed to other parties within the Employer’s organisation but care must be taken not to violate contract conditions and other provisions in terms of the contract. Contractual communications such as notification of Compensation Events or instructions to deliver services which are not directed at/received from the Service Manager shall not be acknowledged by the Employer and decisions or actions taken or omitted as a result thereof shall be at the Contractor’s own risk.

Related to Identification and communication

  • Agreement Administration and Communications A. Under this Agreement, either of the representatives of the Judicial Council identified below will monitor the Work and act as the Judicial Council’s liaisons with the Contractor: i. The Meeting Planner will be MPname. B. The Judicial Council may reallocate funds between the estimated amounts set forth in Exhibit G, without an Amendment to this Agreement, as long as the total amount to be paid under this Agreement does not exceed the Contract Amount. C. All requests and communications about the Work to be performed under this Agreement, including signing of any BEO’s, shall be made through the Meeting Planner or his or her designee or successor. D. Any Notice from the Contractor to the Judicial Council shall be delivered to the following address: MP name, Meeting Planner Judicial Council of California 000 Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000 E. Notice to the Contractor shall be directed to the Contractor’s liaison, Attn, or his or her designee or successor, at the following address: Attn: Ktr DifferentAddress1 DifferentAddress2