Inception Phase Sample Clauses

Inception Phase. Establishes the scope of the Release development as defined by the roadmap with input from; stakeholders. Stakeholder input is addressed and documented in the Motricity Core Product Requirements Document (PRD) and AT&T Custom Requirements Document (ORD). A JAD session will be held during the Inception Phase to prioritize the PRD and ORD proposed requirements. Inception Phase is; closed when the Release Requirements Documents (PRD and OM and the Release LOI document (if required) are approved and signed by AT&T.
Inception Phase. The 6 month Inception Phase will be used to develop a detailed work plan and budget covering programme outputs agreed with DFID and key partners.. One of the key deliverables of the inception phase is the development and agreement with stakeholders (including the DFID appointed evaluator) of a project results framework. The results framework will clearly outline the theory of change and logic flow demonstrating how inputs and outputs will lead to outcomes that will contribute to an overall impact of enhanced government responsiveness and improved statistics in the health sector. Baseline data and indicators to measure the theory of change over the time period of the project must be agreed as part of this process in consultation with the DFID appointed evaluator. The programme of work may need to adapt regularly in line with on-going health reforms and broader contextual changes in Zimbabwe. But it must as much as possible inform the development of a more detailed programme of work. The plan will include milestones and detail implementation and costs for the duration of the programme. Based on their ground work and analysis, the SP would be required to identify the 65% of the 62 health districts by looking at what is already established, where there are gaps and where these initiatives would be most successfully implemented. Other deliverables of the Inception Phase will include:
Inception Phase. The SP will be required to complete a four month Inception Phase for the programme. Tasks to be completed within this time include but may not be limited to  Prepare work plan and budget for months 5-12  Prepare outline workplan and budget for months 13-24.  Mobilisation and programme launch  Conduct and complete initial analyses and stakeholder surveys  Review and confirm logical framework  Design monitoring and reporting strategy  Start design of surveys  Explore potential sub-contractors for surveys and other work  Prepare communications plan and design of knowledge management  Confirm programme management and oversight arrangements
Inception PhaseContract Signing Project Planning Product Installation Requirements (Rqts) Validation Analysis Design Data Mapping Interface Analysis Configuration and Software Development Testing Integration Data Conversion Training T3 User Acceptance Training (UAT) / Training End Users Go-Live
Inception Phase. Detailed Value Chain Mapping and identification of Covid-19- grant recipients
Inception Phase. During the inception phase the Supplier will: Implementation phase
Inception Phase. Non applicable.
Inception Phase. Detailed Value Chain Mapping and identification of Covid- 19-grant recipients 28 4.2.2 Pharmaceutical and medical value chains Intervention Approach 30 ARV Value Chain 30 Covid-19-relevant Medical and Pharmaceutical Value Chains 31
Inception Phase. Inception phase is up to 4 months. It is recommended for the approved projects to start the collaboration with an intensive inception phase to review the results objectives and agree on the work plan. One person should be assigned to coordinate the monitoring activities in each participating HEI. The detailed roles and responsibilities related to the decision-making, financial management and implementation are clarified. Supportive internal documents and rules are agreed. During the inception phase, the monitoring arrangements and data collection procedures are defined and the indicators in the results framework will be updated accordingly. The purpose of the inception phase is to increase trust between the partners and nurture and develop local ownership within the southern partners.
Inception Phase. Gap identification and current status assessment of RGA information system, and support to set up of new directions