Information Release Sample Clauses
Information Release a. Grantee shall keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform Grantee’s responsibilities hereunder. Grantee shall, upon request from DEO’s custodian of public records, provide DEO with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time per the cost structure provided in chapter 119, F.S., and in accordance with all other requirements of chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, Grantee shall transfer, at no cost, to DEO all public records in possession of Grantee or keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform the service. If the Grantee keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the Agreement, the Grantee shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to DEO, upon request from the DEO’s custodian of records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of DEO.
b. If DEO does not possess a record requested through a public records request, DEO shall notify the Grantee of the request as soon as practicable, and Grantee must provide the records to DEO or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. If Grantee does not comply with DEO’s request for records, DEO shall enforce the provisions set forth in this Agreement. A Grantee who fails to provide public records to DEO within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under section 119.10, F.S.
x. XXX does not endorse any Grantee, commodity, or service. No public disclosure or news release pertaining to this Agreement shall be made without the prior written approval of DEO. Grantee is prohibited from using Agreement information, sales values/volumes and/or DEO customers in sales brochures or other promotions, including press releases, unless prior written approval is obtained from DEO.
d. Xxxxxxx acknowledges that DEO is subject to the provisions of chapter 119, F.S., relating to public records and that reports, invoices, and other documents Grantee submits to DEO under this Agreement may constitute public records under Florida Statutes. Grantee shall cooperate with DEO regarding DEO’s efforts to comply with the requirements of chapter 119, F.S.
e. If Grantee submits records to DEO that are confidential and exempt from public disclosure as trade secrets or proprietary confidential business information, such records should be identif...
Information Release. (1) Contractor shall keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform Contractor’s responsibilities hereunder. Contractor shall, upon request from DEO’s custodian of public records, provide DEO with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time per the cost structure provided in chapter 119, F.S., and in accordance with all other requirements of chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law. Upon expiration or termination of this Contract, Contractor shall transfer, at no cost, to DEO all public records in possession of Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by DEO to perform the service. If the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon
(2) If DEO does not possess a record requested through a public records request, DEO shall notify the Contractor of the request as soon as practicable, and Contractor must provide the records to DEO or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time. If Contractor does not comply with DEO’s request for records, DEO shall enforce the provisions set forth in this Contract. A Contractor who fails to provide public records to DEO within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under section 119.10, F.S.
(3) DEO does not endorse any contractor, commodity or service. No public disclosure or news release pertaining to this Contract shall be made without the prior written approval of DEO. Contractor is prohibited from using contract information, sales values/volumes and/or DEO customers in sales brochures or other promotions, including press releases, unless prior written approval is obtained from DEO.
(4) Contractor acknowledges that DEO is subject to the provisions of chapter 119, F.S., relating to public records and that reports, invoices, and other documents Contractor submits to DEO under this Contract may constitute public records under Florida Statutes. Contractor shall cooperate with DEO regarding DEO’s efforts to comply with the requirements of chapter 119, F.S.
(5) If Contractor submits records to DEO that are confidential and exempt from public disclosure as trade secrets or proprietary confidential business information, such records should be identified as such by Contractor prior to submittal to DEO. Failure to identify the legal basis for each exemption from the requirements of chapter 119, F.S., prior to submittal of the record to DEO serves as Contractor waiver of a claim of exemption. Contra...
Information Release. 1.6.1 The College shall not release information contained within individual personnel or evaluation files without the written authority of the individual employee. In the case of information, the release of which is necessary to obtain bank loans and mortgages, the employee may provide the College with prior written authorization for such release.
1.6.2 Nothing in the above provision shall restrict the College in furtherance of the proper administration of this Agreement or in the reasonable and proper conduct of the College’s affairs, and shall include, but not be limited to, from the supply of statistical data to the Ministry of Education or other government bodies to which it is accountable, and the supply of information to other educational institutions.
Information Release. Seller shall not publish or disclose outside of Seller’s organization any information developed under this purchase order without prior written approval of the Buyer.
Information Release. In the instance of divorce, legal documentation or copy of the divorce decree stating that a parent does not have access to the child or his/her records must be received by the school or the school is obligated to treat both parents as a legal parent with access to the child and the child’s records. Each records custodian in the school district shall maintain a record of each request for access to and each disclosure of personally identifiable information from the educational records of a student in accordance with regulations governing the Act. It is the policy of the Xxxxxx County Board of Education that the School District (“District”) shall comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Student Data Privacy, Accessibility, and Transparency Act, which are designed to ensure that education records and student data are kept confidential and secure from unauthorized access and disclosure. For the purposes of this policy, a “parent” is defined as a natural parent, a guardian, or an individual acting as a parent in the absence of a parent or guardian. An “eligible student” is defined as a student who has reached 18 years of age or is attending an institution of postsecondary education. Any parent or eligible student (“Complainant”) may file a complaint with the District if that individual believes or alleges that a possible violation of rights under the above laws has occurred not more than one (1) year prior to the date the complaint is received by the District. Complaints shall be handled in accordance with the following procedures.
Information Release. Applicant acknowledges BSF may use information about Applicant and/or its affiliates for publicity purposes, i.e., news articles, pictures, etc. BSF will not disclose information regarding the financial condition of Applicant or its affiliates. Applicant understands they are receiving funding from the Small Business Administration through a public/private entity (Big Sky EDC). Therefore, as a requirement of loan approval, borrower’s name, amount requested from SBA (including percent of total SBA project financing), and name of business entity may be released to the public as part of a Big Sky EDC Board of Directors meeting. It is applicant’s responsibility to inform seller or any other party to the transaction of any other non- disclosure or confidentiality issues that may arise as the result of Big Sky EDC’s open meeting policy.
Information Release. The Parent/Legal Guardian consents and authorizes FBISD, its legal representatives, the United States government, and/or law enforcement authorities to release to Host School and their representatives, any adult Host Family member, and the Host Country and/or law enforcement authorities (required for visitors) any records or information necessary to provide the Student with appropriate supervision and guidance.
Information Release. 1.1 That the Co-op office will access my academic records for the purposes of the Co-op Program.
1.2 To permit UBC to release information about me including my résumé, cover letter, transcripts, contact information, citizenship status, and other relevant information to prospective employers to secure employment for co-op work terms while I am in the Co-op Program.
1.3 To keep the co-op job posting information, employer lists, contacts, passwords to the Arts Co-op Program database (“Symplicity”) confidential.
Information Release. Without the prior written consent of the parties, the parties shall not release any information on this Agreement and any Capital Increase Transaction Document and this Capital Increase through press conferences, conferences, advertisements, announcements, professional or industry publications, marketing materials or otherwise.
Information Release. The Partner Agency agrees not to release client identifiable information to any other organization without proper client consent except as provided by federal and California State law. See attached Consumer Informed Consent & Release of Information Authorization and Regulations below.