Initiation of Layoff. A. Prior to May 15th, the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, shall determine whether the financial resources of the District will be adequate to permit the District to maintain its educational programs and services substantially at the same level for the following school year. If it is determined that such financial resources are not reasonably assured for the following school year, the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, shall adopt a modified educational program and identify those employees who will be retained to implement such a modified program and those employees, if any, who must be non-renewed and be placed in any employment pool. All such non-renewals shall be in accordance with RCW 28A.405.210.
Initiation of Layoff. A reduction in staff (RIF) may be necessary due to any of the following reasons:
Initiation of Layoff. By September 30th each year the district will provide an updated seniority list to the association for verification purposes. This will ensure accurate and complete tracking of seniority as defined in Article V Section 3. Prior to May 1 the Board will determine the necessity for, and the extent of, staff reduction upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. Recommendation will be based on the financial resources of the District being adequate to permit the District to maintain its educational programs and services substantially at the same level for the next school year. Prior to May 15th, the administration shall notify the Association that a reduction in force will occur.
Initiation of Layoff. 16 Prior to June 15, the Board shall determine whether enrollment decline or lack of financial resources of 17 the District will be adequate to permit the District to maintain its services substantially at the same 18 level for the following school year.
Initiation of Layoff. A reduction in staff may be necessary for any of the following reasons:
Initiation of Layoff. If it becomes necessary to reduce educational programs due to the lack of financial support, which must be documented by the administration, the following criteria shall be applied by the District in determining the employees to be laid off. The program to which these criteria shall apply will be determined at the earliest possible date by the administration, and a committee of five (5) employees to be comprised of the Association President or designated representative and four (4) other members of the Association. The application of the criteria will be a cooperative process by the Association and the District.
Initiation of Layoff. Prior to May 1 the Board will determine if the financial resources of the District will be adequate to permit the District to maintain its educational programs and services substantially at the same level for the next school year.
Initiation of Layoff. Prior to April 15, the Board shall determine whether enrollment decline or lack of financial resources of the District will be adequate to permit the District to maintain its educational programs and services substantially at the same level for the following school year. In the event of a levy failure the April 15 date may be extended to no later than May 15 to allow the District to rerun the levy. If it is determined that such financial resources are not reasonably assured for the following school year, the Board shall adopt a modified educational program and identify those employee positions, if any, which will not be continued. All such non-renewals of contract shall be in accordance with RCW 28A.405.210.
Initiation of Layoff. The layoff (RIF) process will be initiated by the District.
Initiation of Layoff. Prior to April 15, the Board upon recommendation of the Superintendent, shall determine whether the financial resources of the District will be adequate to permit the District to maintain its educational programs and services substantially at the same level for the following school year.