Instructional Units. Instructional units shall be computed as follows: One credit hour shall equal 1.00 instructional unit; provided, that one contact hour of laboratory instruction per week shall equal 0.75 instructional unit; When rules and regulations of state and other agencies dictate basic teaching loads, instructional faculty teaching loads will be assigned accordingly.
Instructional Units. A. A list of instructional units shall be created during the normally-scheduled bargaining session specified in Article 1200 of this agreement. A list of instructional units shall be contained in Appendix C of this Agreement.
B. The agreed-upon instructional units shall remain in effect for the duration of the Agreement, with the following exceptions:
1. In the event that a new program of study is established that the District believes warrants a new instructional unit, the Contract Maintenance Team shall meet to consider the new unit and, if mutually agreeable, modify Appendix C.
2. In the event that the District closes a program, the instructional unit shall be removed from Appendix C, and any faculty who were approved for that unit as a second unit shall be given 15 contract days from the time of notification of removal to submit a written request for an additional unit.
C. The vice president of instruction shall assign full-time probationary and tenured faculty members to the appropriate instructional unit based on criteria outlined in WAC 000-00-000 through WAC 000-00-000. This assignment shall be their primary assignment.
D. For reduction-in-force purposes, the College shall provide the opportunity for each full time probationary or tenured faculty member to claim rights to one additional instructional unit as follows:
1. The criteria for assignment to a second unit is as follows:
a. The faculty member meets or exceeds the degree requirement for teaching in the discipline, consistent with WAC 000-00-000 through WAC 131-16- 091, or
b. The faculty member has significant prior teaching experience in one or more fields taught within the instructional unit and has taught representative courses in the additional unit within the last three (3) academic years, or
c. The faculty member has sufficient relevant work experience in the unit to qualify for vocational certification as outlined in WAC 13116-091.
2. Review, second unit requests, and change requests will take place as follows:
a. When contract negotiations for this agreement conclude and the contract is approved by both parties, the list of instructional units, unit assignments, and assignment criteria will be distributed to faculty no later than 15 contract days after approval by both parties.
b. Newly hired probationary faculty will be notified of their unit assignment and assignment criteria for requesting a second unit within 15 contract days from the probationary start date. Probationary faculty ...
Instructional Units. For the purpose of this Article, "instructional unit" shall mean an organizational unit of each College for instructional and other educational purposes. If any College changes its instructional units, it shall provide the President of the Federation with at least fifteen (15) days notice of any such intended change.
Instructional Units i. Teaching units involve direct faculty to student instruction for which students earn credit. Instructional units include course instruction, Ph.D. student advising (four students equal one instructional unit), thesis advising, and fieldwork supervision. Instructional units do not include independent study supervision. Unit Core Faculty are expected to clearly notify students of their availability to meet or correspond in person, by phone or video conference, or by email, and will promptly and reasonably respond to all student inquiries and correspondence.
ii. A three-credit, semester-long course equals one workload unit (excluding LUCAD studio courses, independent studies and excluding individual field placement and practicum supervision assignments). Therefore, a one-credit course equals one-third (.
Instructional Units. A. A list of Instructional Units shall be created during the normally-scheduled bargaining session specified in Article 1200 of this agreement. A list of Instructional Units shall be contained in Appendix C of this agreement.
B. The agreed-upon Instructional Units shall remain in effect for the duration of the agreement, with the following exceptions:
Instructional Units. A. A list of instructional units shall be created during the normally-scheduled bargaining session specified in Article 1200 of this agreement. A list of instructional units shall be contained in Appendix C of this Agreement.
B. The agreed-upon instructional units shall remain in effect for the duration of the Agreement, with the following exceptions:
1. In the event that a new program of study is established that the District believes warrants a new instructional unit, the Contract Maintenance Team shall meet to consider the new unit and, if mutually agreeable, modify Appendix C.
2. In the event that the District closes a program, the instructional unit shall be removed from Appendix C, and any faculty who were approved for that unit as a second unit shall be given 15 contract days from the time of notification of removal to submit a written request for an additional unit.
C. The vice president of instruction shall assign full time probationary and tenured faculty members to the appropriate instructional unit based on criteria outlined in WAC 000-00-000 through WAC 000-00-000. This assignment shall be their primary assignment.