Assignment Criteria. Subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth, the Employer shall have the discretion to determine the assignment of an employee, and the Employer agrees to consider the following items in rank order.
a. The requirements of any applicable federal, state, and/or local laws.
b. Qualifications and skills required for the position as defined in the job posting, job description or like document.
c. Where applicable, the certification, applicable academic preparation (including majors and minors), teaching or work experience.
d. The length of service of the employee with the Employer.
e. Employee personnel file.
f. The preference of the employee for the assignment.
g. The preference of the constituent district, in the case of a constituent district assignment.
Assignment Criteria. For the purposes of this Article, a vacant position is defined as an authorized regular position for which funds have been appropriated and which may be: (1) an unoccupied position due to attrition; (2) a position from which the incumbent is on extended leave of absence; or (3) a new position authorized by the Board of Supervisors. The Appointing Authority certifies that the employee is assigned and held responsible to fully perform all of the higher-level duties without limitation as to difficulty or complexity of assignments or consequence of action. This provision shall not be used to circumvent the merit system of promotion and approval of such a request shall initiate the appropriate recruitment/selection process where applicable.
Assignment Criteria. For purposes of this Article, a vacant position is defined as an authorized regular position for which funds have been appropriated and which may be:
Assignment Criteria. (1) For purposes of this Article, a vacant position is defined as an authorized regular position for which funds have been appropriated and which may be:
(i) An unoccupied position due to attrition;
(ii) A position from which the incumbent is on extended leave of absence. An incumbent on vacation or holiday leave will not be considered to be on an extended leave of absence unless vacation or holiday leave are being used in lieu of sick leave, or as part of a Special Leave as defined in Section (7) of the Article on “Leave Provisions.”
(iii) A new position authorized by the Board of Directors.
(2) The CONFIRE Director, or designee, shall certify in writing to the Human Resources Director or designee, at the time of appointment that the employee meets minimum qualifications and is assigned and held responsible to fully perform all of the duties normally associated with the higher level position without limitation as to difficulty or complexity of assignments or consequence of action and that the employee shall be required to meet standards for satisfactory performance normally required at the higher level position. This provision shall not be used to circumvent the merit system of promotion.
(3) It shall be the responsibility of the CONFIRE Director, or designee, to initiate a request for an Assignment to Vacant Higher Level Position, and to provide a copy of such request to the employee. Written requests may also be made by the employee or ESDSBC via the CONFIRE Director, or designee. Requests for an Assignment to Vacant Higher Level Position should be initiated during the first thirty (30) calendar days of such assignment. Requests for retroactive payment of an Assignment to Vacant Higher Level Position must be filed with Human Resources as soon as possible, but not later than one (1) calendar year after assignment of the higher level duties and must be approved by the Human Resources Director or designee. Failure to meet this time limitation shall waive any and all rights to retroactive pay.
(4) Compensation related to project assignments requires the temporary assignment of more difficult duties involving a greater level of skills. Such assignment may be made to allow for employee rotation, enhance upward mobility or to determine the impact of potential operational/organizational changes. The specific, temporary duties must be identified in writing.
Assignment Criteria. Teacher assignment to subject areas and/or grade levels for which the teacher is not adequately prepared and in which he/she does not have primary interest shall be made only when such assignment is to best utilize available staff. When openings do occur, an effort will be made to reassign teachers to areas of primary teaching interest.
Assignment Criteria. Teachers shall normally be certificated for classes they are assigned to teach, and at the grade level which they are assigned to teach.
Assignment Criteria. Compensation related to project assignments requires the temporary assignment of more difficult duties involving a greater level of skills. Such assignment may be made to allow for employee rotation, enhance upward mobility or to determine the impact of potential operational/organizational changes. The specific, temporary duties must be identified in writing.
Assignment Criteria. In order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their areas of competence, contracted teachers shall only be assigned to teach in areas for which they hold a standard teaching certificate issued by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners.
Assignment Criteria. 12 In assigning unit members to a work schedule, the District shall follow and apply any or 13 all of the criteria listed below:
14 a. legal requirements of the District;
15 b. years of service within the bargaining unit;
16 c. individual training, experience, credentials;
17 d. educational needs of the school or department to which the unit member is 18 assigned; and
19 e. preference of unit member.
Assignment Criteria. The professional assignment of an ancillary staff shall be made by the Employer on the basis of the following criteria, namely:
a. The contribution that the ancillary staff could make to students in the position.
b. The preference of the ancillary staff for the assignment.
c. The certification, applicable academic preparation (including majors and minors), teaching experience, and performance evaluation records of the ancillary staff compared to the certification, applicable academic preparation (including majors and minors), teaching experience, and performance evaluation records of outside candidates, both for the position to be vacated and the position to be filled.
d. The opportunity for professional growth of the ancillary staff member.
e. The benefits to be derived by the Employer in making the assignment.
f. The length of service of the ancillary staff in the District.