INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCEWhen an employee is required by the Chief or his Deputy to instruct beyond the requirements in the employee’s job description or beyond what is the employee’s normal job functions (i.e. specialty instruction), that employee shall be paid, in addition to regular pay, one (1) hour’s pay for each full or partial shift during which the employee is required to instruct. It is understood that the one (1) hour’s pay applies in addition to straight time pay during normal working hours and if overtime is worked then overtime rates apply. The employee must be certified as an instructor in that discipline and the training must be authorized in advance by the Chief or designate.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCEWhen an employee is required to instruct beyond the requirement in the employee's job description or beyond what is part of the employee's normal job functions, that employee shall be paid one hour's pay for each shift or part shift that the employee is so required to instruct.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCEWhen an employee is a certified instructor and is required to instruct, examine or maintain skills training within the First Responder Program; High Angle Rescue; Water Rescue; Driver Training Program (i.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCE. An instructor will be paid the training allowance set out in Appendix A which will be treated as part of his or her wage for all purposes of this Agreement except incentive payments.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCE. 19.1 An employee required by the Director or delegate to provide instruction or develop and/or deliver training packages in line with Registered Training Organisation guidelines, will be paid an allowance as set out in Schedule 3. The allowance rates in Schedule 3 are determined by the following: (a) Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (formerly the Certificate IV Workplace Trainer and Assessor) or an equivalent competency and: (i) up to one year of continuous service as an instructor with the NTFRS Training and Development Division; (ii) from one to two years of continuous service as an instructor with the NTFRS Training and Development Division; or (iii) over two years of continuous service as an instructor with the NTFRS Training and Development Division. (b) Non-Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or an equivalent. (c) An employee employed as an instructor on a temporary basis will be paid an allowance on a per hour basis. (d) Allowances provided for in clauses 19.1(a) and 19.1(b) are regarded as salary for all purposes. The hourly rate paid to temporary instructors provided for in clause 19.1(c) is not regarded as salary for any purpose. 19.2 An employee holding Certificate IV in Training and Assessment or an equivalent competency and employed as a full-time instructor at the NTFRS Training and Development Division, will have previous years of continuous service as an instructor recognised for the purposes of this allowance. 19.3 An employee employed as an instructor on a temporary basis who is receiving an overtime payment while providing instruction or developing and/or delivering training packages is not entitled to this allowance. 19.4 Allowances will be adjusted in accordance with NTFRS wage increases and are contained in Schedule 3, Salaries and Allowances
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCEWhen an employee is required by the Chief or designate to instruct beyond the requirements in the employee’s job description or beyond what is the employee’s normal job functions (i.e. specialty instruction), that employee shall be paid, in addition to regular pay, as per the following: (a) Employees will receive one (1) hour’s pay for instructing up to and including five (5) hours during the employee’s regularly scheduled shift; or (b) Employees will receive two (2) hour’s pay for instructing greater than five (5) hours during the employee's regularly scheduled shift. It is understood that the Instructor’s Allowance applies in addition to straight time pay during normal working hours and if overtime is worked then overtime rates apply. The employee must be recognized as an instructor in that discipline and the training must be authorized in advance by the Chief or designate.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCE. Effective 1998 October 26, when an employee is a certified instructor and is required to instruct courses in the First Responder Program; High Angle Rescue; Water Rescue; and/or the Driver Training Program, that employee shall be paid one hour's pay for each shift or part shift that the employee so instructs. It is understood that the Department may designate additional training programs to qualify pursuant to this provision.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCEEmployees who are required to instruct courses in Auto Extrication, Driver Training Program, First Responder Program, Technical Rope Rescue Program, and/or in Water Rescue, shall be paid one hour's pay at their regular rate of pay for each shift or part shift such employee so instructs. It is understood that the Department may designate additional training programs to qualify pursuant to this provision and it is understood that the Firefighter First-Aid Instructor shall not be eligible for the premium when instructing the First Responder Program.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCE. A worker who is required in writing to train other workers and/or apprentices shall be paid an allowance for so doing at the rate of $29.00 per week.
INSTRUCTOR’S ALLOWANCEWhen an employee is a certified instructor and is required to instruct courses in the First Responder Program, High Angle Rescue, Water Rescue, Fire Boat Operation, Auto Extrication and/or the A.E.D. Program, that employee shall be paid one hour’s pay for each shift or part shift that the employee so instructs. The Department may designate additional training programs to qualify pursuant to this provision.