INTEGRITY CLAUSE. The General Sales Agent agrees to uphold and abide, at all times, by the provision of the Integrity Provisions –Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems(CASS) of IATA in the Territory of Appointment, wherever applicable.
INTEGRITY CLAUSE a) With the bid submission and /or the acceptance of the Contract, the Bidder/Contractor 2 declares: • To take note of the commitments made by Enel S.p.A. and by the Companies it controls directly or indirectly (hereinafter “Enel”), in the Code of Ethics, Zero Tolerance of Corruption (ZTC) Plan, Human Rights Policy, to respect equivalent principles in the conduct of its business and in managing relationships with third parties; • 3To be unaware of subjection to criminal proceedings for tax crimes, crimes against the public administration, crimes against patrimony, crimes against personal freedom, public order, environmental crimes; • 4To not be subjected to criminal investigations in respect of any fact, matter, unlawful criminal conduct constituting tax crimes, crimes against public administration, crimes against patrimony, crimes against personal freedom, public order, environmental crimes; • To take note and authorize that - for the purposes of evaluation of the professional conduct of the itself and of the Company concerned, in accordance with the second and the third bullet of the present letter a) - Enel may autonomously acquire more information, in any time, in consideration of the necessary existence of fiduciary duties with the Company involved.
b) The Bidder/Contractor undertakes to promptly inform and provide any relevant documentation to Enel:
1) In the case of acknowledge of subjection to criminal proceedings referred to in the second bullet of the previous letter a);
2) In the case of subjection to criminal investigation referred to in the third bullet of the previous letter a). Enel reserves its right to analyze at its sole discretion the above-mentioned information, for the purposes of assessment of the professional conduct of the Bidder/Contractor itself and of the Company concerned.
1 This “PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT” clause applies only to works, services with operational activities on behalf of ENEL and/or ENEL facilities, to supplies only if they include installation, or the supervision of work, or loading/unloading, and the supply of hazardous substances/chemical reagents. In addition, this clause also applies to services and/or supplies considered by ENEL to involve a High or Medium Environmental Risk. 2 The Legal Representative of the Company on his/her own behalf, on behalf of (a) the holder and the technical director, in the case of an individual company; (b) the associates and the technical director, whether it is a general pa...
INTEGRITY CLAUSE. The Buyer guarantees integrity in its fulfilment of obligations under this Contract and that no prohibited practices occurred in connection with the sales procedure prior to the signing of this Contract (acts of corruption or fraud, offering, giving or promising of undue advantage which may influence the actions of an employee), agrees to the audit of this Contract by an independent expert and accepts liability and sanctions (contractual penalties, unconditional termination of the contract), if contractual and other rules of the profession are violated.
INTEGRITY CLAUSE. 21.1 The Recipient and UNDP undertake to institute any such measures as are required to avoid corruption, ensuring in particular that no such payments or other considerations are offered or accepted. Both Parties acknowledge that a violation of the integrity clause shall, as a rule, result in revocation and early termination of the Agreement.
INTEGRITY CLAUSE. SECTION 1: A “bad-faith Employer”, for purposes of this Agreement, is an Employer that itself, or through a person or persons subject to an owners control, has ownership interests (other than a non-controlling interest in a corporation whose stock is publicly traded) in any business entity that engages in work within the scope of SFUA Article I, herein above, using employees whose wage package, hours, and working conditions are inferior to those prescribed in the agreement of the sister local Union affiliated with SMART Workers’ International Association, AFL-CIO in that area. An Employer is also a “bad-faith employer” when it is owned by another business entity, as its direct subsidiary or as a subsidiary of any other subsidiary within the corporate structure thereof, through a parent-subsidiary within the corporate structure thereof, through a parent-subsidiary and/or holding company relationship, and any other business entity within such corporate structure is engaging in work within the scope of SFUA Article I, herein above, using employees whose wage package, hours, and working conditions are inferior to those prescribed in the agreement of the sister local union affiliated with SMART Workers’ International Association, AFL-CIO in that area.
SECTION 2: Any Employer signing this Agreement or is covered thereby by virtue of being a member of a multi-employer bargaining unit expressly represents to the Union that it is not a “bad-faith Employer" as such term is defined in Section 1 hereinabove and, further, agrees to advise the Union promptly if at any time during the life of this Agreement said Employer changes its mode of operation and becomes a “bad-faith Employer.” Failure to give timely notice of being or becoming a “bad-faith Employer” shall be viewed as fraudulent conduct on the part of such Employer. In the event any Employer signatory to or bound by this Agreement shall be guilty of fraudulent conduct as defined above, such Employer shall be liable to the Union for liquidated damages at the rate of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per calendar day from the date of failure to notify the Union until the date on which the Employer gives notice to the Union. The claim for liquidated damages shall be processed as a grievance in accordance with, and within the time limits prescribed by, the provisions of SFUA Article X.
SECTION 3: Whenever the Union becomes aware that an Employer has been or is a “bad-faith Employer”, it shall be entitled, notwithstandi...
INTEGRITY CLAUSE. Promise on the part of Employer not to seek or accept any benefit, which is not legally available. Employer to treat all the bidders with equity and reason. Promise on the part of bidders not to offer any benefit or understanding with other bidders with respect to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, etc. Bidders not to pass any information provided by Employer as part of business relationship to others and not to commit any offence under PC/ IPC Act. Bidders to disclose the payments to be made by them to agents/brokers or any other intermediary. Bidders to disclose any transgression with any other company that may impinge on the anticorruption principle. Foreign bidders to disclose the name and address of agents and representatives in India and Indian Bidders to disclose their foreign principals or associates.
INTEGRITY CLAUSE a. A “bad-faith employer” for purposes of this Agreement is an Employer that itself, or through a person or persons subject to an owner’s control, has ownership interests (other than a non-controlling interest in a corporation whose stock is publicly traded) in any business entity that engages in work within the scope of SFUA Article I hereinabove using employees whose wage package, hours, and working conditions are inferior to those prescribed in this Agreement, of, if such business entity is located or operating in another area, inferior to those prescribed in the agreement of the sister local union affiliated with Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association, AFL-CIO in that area. An Employer is also a “bad-faith employer” when it is owned by another business entity as its direct subsidiary or as a subsidiary of any other subsidiary within the corporate structure thereof through a parent- subsidiary and/or holding-company relationship, and any other business entity within such corporate structure is engaging in work within the scope of SFUA Article I herinabove using employees whose wage package, hours, and working conditions are inferior to those prescribed in this Agreement or, if such other business entity is located or operating in another area, inferior to those prescribed in the Agreement of the sister local union affiliated with Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association, AFL-CIO in that area.
b. Any Employer that signs this Agreement or is covered thereby by virtue of being a member of a multi-employer bargaining unit expressly represents to the Union that it is not a “bad-faith employer” as such term is defined in Section 1 hereinabove and, further, agrees to advise the Union promptly if at any time during the life of this Agreement said Employer changes its mode of operation and becomes a “bad-faith employer.” Failure to give timely notice of being or becoming a “bad-faith employer” shall be viewed as fraudulent conduct on the part of such Employer. In the event any Employer signatory to or bound by this Agreement shall be guilty of fraudulent conduct as defined above, such Employer shall be liable to the Union for liquidated damages at the rate of five hundred dollars ($500) per calendar day from the date of failure to notify the Union until the date on which the Employer gives notice to the Union. The claim for liquidated damages shall be processed as a grievance in accordance with, and within the time limits prescribed by, the provisi...
INTEGRITY CLAUSE. A “bad-faith Employer” for purposes of this Agreement is an Employer that itself, or through a person or persons subject to an owner’s control, has ownership interests (other than a non- controlling interest in a corporation whose stock is publicly trades) in any business entity that engages in work within the scope of SFUA Article I hereinabove using employees whose wage package, hours and working conditions are inferior to those prescribed in this Agreement or, if such business entity is located or operating in another area, inferior to those prescribed in the Agreement of the sister local union affiliated with Sheet Metal Workers International Association, AFL-CIO in that area.
INTEGRITY CLAUSE a) By submitting the bid and/or accepting the Contract, the Bidder/Supplier [1] ] declares to acknowledge the commitments undertaken by ENEL S.p.A. and the companies directly or indirectly controlled by ENEL (hereinafter “ENEL”), specified in the Code of Ethics, the Zero Tolerance Anti-Bribery Plan (ZTC), the Human Rights Policy, in order to comply with the relevant principles in the performance of its business activities and in the management of the relationships with third parties; [2]] that to best of his/her knowledge, he/she is not subject to any criminal proceeding in relation to tax crimes, crimes against the public administration, crimes against property, crimes against the personal freedom or the public order, environmental crimes; [3] ] that he/she is not subject to any criminal investigation in respect of any matter, fact, or unlawful conduct constituting tax crimes, crimes against the public administration, crimes against property, crimes against the personal freedom or the public order, or environmental crimes to be aware and to authorize- for the purposes of assessing the professional conduct of the declarant and of the relevant Company, according to the second and third paragraph above - that ENEL may independently collect more information, in order to assess the accuracy of the statements reported, considering the necessary existence of duties of loyalty for the Company involved.
b) The Bidder/Supplier undertakes to promptly inform and to provide all the relevant documents to ENEL:
1) If he/she becomes aware of the opening of any criminal proceedings, referred to in the second paragraph of letter a) above;
2) If he/she becomes aware of the opening any criminal investigation, referred to in the third paragraph of letter a) above.
1 That the Legal Representative of the Company in his/her own right , on behalf of (a) the owner and the technical director, in case of individual companies; (b) the partners and the technical director, in case of business partnerships;;
INTEGRITY CLAUSE. The General Sales Agent agrees to uphold and abide, at all times, by the provision of the Integrity Provisions – Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems(CASS) as well as passenger Accounts Settlement Systems (PASS) of IATA in the Territory of Appointment, wherever applicable.
7.1 The payment of airline office fees in the host country is made by the General Sales Representative