Involuntary Demotion An employee assigned to a lower rated position shall continue to be paid at the employee's current rate of pay until the rate of pay in the new position equals or exceeds it.
Involuntary Withdrawal Involuntary withdrawal of a Partner shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Involuntary Reassignment In the absence of volunteers to fill a vacancy internally, the college may administratively reassign from any overstaffed area that qualified faculty member with the lowest seniority.
Involuntary In certain cases, THE CARRIER is responsible for the interruption of the Passenger’s trip due to some irregularity. THE CARRIER may reimburse the total or partial amount of the ticket, as follows:
Voluntary Demotion An employee requesting a voluntary demotion from a higher-rated position and who is subsequently demoted to the lower-rated position, shall be paid on the increment step appropriate to the employee’s continuous service with the Employer. A voluntary demotion shall not change an employee’s anniversary date.
Voluntary Layoff Appointing authorities will allow an employee in the same job classification and department where layoffs will occur to volunteer to be laid off provided that the employee is in a position requiring the same skills and abilities, as a position subject to layoff. Any volunteer for layoff shall have no formal layoff option. If the appointing authority accepts the employee’s voluntary request for layoff, the employee will submit a non-revocable letter stating they are accepting a voluntary layoff from the University. The employee will be placed on all applicable rehire lists.
Involuntary Transfer An involuntary transfer is a transfer initiated by the district due to staff reduction, building closings, changing building enrollments, unsatisfactory work on the part of the teacher or programmatic needs on the part of the district.