Unit Seniority Sample Clauses
Unit Seniority. Unit Seniority shall mean seniority in a classification within the unit and shall be used for preference of vacations, bonus vacations, holidays, assignment of work and placement on the overtime rotating list in accordance with Divisional Agreements.
Unit Seniority. If an employee is qualified for a job opening under the first two factors enumerated above, then seniority shall govern. progression to another shall begin in the line of progression to which transferred as of the date of transfer, and shall continue to accumulate in the line of progression from which transferred for a period of thirty (30) calendar days from date of transfer, after which the employee shall have line of progression seniority only in the line of progression to which he was transferred. If, during the thirty (30) calendar day period, the employee returns at his own request or is returned by the Company to his former job classification, his line of progression seniority shall cease in the line of progression he leaves, and his line of progression seniority in the line of progression to which he returns shall be as if he had never left.
(c) In the event a vacancy is to be filled in a classification covered by this Agreement, except under Section 2.3 (b) of this Article II, in order that employees may know about jobs available, a notice shall be posted on appropriate bulletin boards indicating that such jobs are open for bid. These notices shall remain on the bulletin boards for ten (10) calendar days, not counting the day of posting. Employees, or another employee on his behalf if the employee is absent due to vacation, may submit bids for these jobs to his supervisor or the Human Resources Manager during the period specified. Within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of posting of a notice of a job vacancy, the Company will fill such vacancy provided a qualified employee has made application therefor and provided the need to fill the vacancy still exists. When a vacancy is filled by a junior employee, the Company’s reasons shall, upon request, be given to the Union and/or senior employees who bid. An employee who is classified as a Line Mechanic D and who is not qualified for promotion within his line of progression shall not be permitted to transfer. No posting of job classification vacancies shall be required with respect to a job classification to which an employee is entitled upon returning from:
Unit Seniority. Unit Seniority shall mean seniority in a classification within the unit and shall be used for:
(a) Preference of vacations, bonus vacations, holidays;
(b) Assignment of work, except where management determines that an employee has the individual ability, knowledge, skill, or expertise to perform a particular job so as to enhance operational efficiency.
(c) Use of compensatory time and placement on the overtime rotating list.
(d) As one factor for purposes of alternate and provisional appointments as provided in Sections 2117.50, “Alternates,” and 2117.45, “Promotions,” paragraph (c).
Unit Seniority. Employees at the Norcross facility and Sturbridge facility shall have no right to “bump” or displace employees at the other facility and shall follow their own Movement of Personnel (MOP).
Unit Seniority. Shall be defined as the total length of time an employee is a member of the Unit.
Unit Seniority. Unit seniority shall be measured by the length of continuous service within the bargaining unit.
Unit Seniority. Unit Seniority shall be defined as continuous employment on a unit/cost center in a bargaining unit position. For the purposes of determining Unit Seniority, the seniority will pertain to each Cost Center, as listed in Appendix 1 of this agreement.
Unit Seniority. “Unit seniority” shall be defined as length of continuous service in the bargaining unit, including periods while on an unpaid leave of absence, commencing with the first day of work as a member of the bargaining unit. Unit seniority shall not be interrupted by a layoff but shall not accumulate during the period(s) of layoff.
Unit Seniority. Bargaining unit seniority shall be defined as the length of service with the Auditor’s Office. All employees on the seniority list at the time of ratification will maintain all wages, bonuses, incentives and other benefits/or letters of agreements in place as of the date of ratification for the life of this agreement.
Unit Seniority. Unit seniority shall correspond to the length of continuous service within the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement or in one of the former union groups combined to create this unit. It shall apply only to promotions and calculation of remuneration.