JOINT TRADE BOARD. 1. A Joint Trade Board consisting of a minimum of four (4) and no more than five (5) members designated by the District Council and a minimum of four (4) and no more than five (5) members designated by the Employers is hereby established. It is agreed to add equal portions along with any other Employer the Union may in the future recognize, all decisions shall be decided by a majority vote of all present, of which shall be final and binding to all parties to this Agreement. 2. The members shall designate one to act as Chairman and one as Secretary, provided that every twelve (12) months the Chairman and Secretary shall be alternated between the Contractor and Union members of the Board. Both parties shall designate alternates to attend Board meetings in the place of regular members who may be absent or against whom charges may be filed. Not less than two (2) members (or their alternates) from each group must be present to constitute a quorum. Each member (or alternate) present shall be entitled to one vote, but in no event shall the members from one group cast more votes than those from the other. Members of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the party making the designation. It shall be the duty of the parties to fill vacancies within five (5) days after they occur. 3. The Board shall meet on the second Thursday every month or any other times as designated by the Chairman and Secretary. The Board shall hold special meetings at the request of any member, within seven (7) working days of written notification. 4. The duties of the Board shall include the processing, investigation and determination of grievances, disputes and alleged violations of the Agreement. 5. The Joint Trade Board is empowered to hear and decide all grievances and disputes which arise between the parties as to the interpretation or application of this Agreement; to award or assess remedies, damages and penalties for violations of this Agreement; to issue interpretative rulings or other rules and regulations as it deems necessary to give force and effect to the purpose and intent of this Agreement; to investigate all grievances and disputes submitted to it, including the conducting of audits of Employer records; to recommend amendments to or changes in this Agreement, but only upon request of both parties; to appoint such persons or committees as may be necessary to aid the Board in the performance of its duties; and to demand of Employers who repeatedly violate this Agreement the ...
JOINT TRADE BOARD. The Board shall participate in the activities of the Industry Trade Boards established under the provisions of the Alberta Provincial Painting and Allied Trades Agreements in matters pertaining to apprenticeship, trade promotion, qualification and upgrading, designation of the trade under the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act, ethics, study of modern trends in the industry, and other matters of mutual interest concerning the Trades but not including any activities related to grievance processing or the administration or application of this Agreement.
JOINT TRADE BOARDSection 15.1 The Parties to this Agreement agree that in order to maintain equality and fairness within the unionized finishing trades industries, violations of this Agreement must be adjudicated in a manner consistent with maintaining the integrity of the unionized finishing trades. As such, the Parties hereby agree and grant the Painters and Allied Trades District Council No. 30 Joint Trade Board (“Joint Trade Board”) exclusive and absolute authority to adjudicate and/or adjust any dispute or grievance under this Agreement in accordance with this Article. Section 15.2 The Joint Trade Board shall consist of eight (8) members with four
JOINT TRADE BOARDThe parties hereto agree that during the term of this Agreement there shall be established a standing Joint Trade Board Committee which is to act in an advisory capacityto the Painting and Decorating Industry and deal with problems which arise form time to time. This Committee shall be composed of two representatives appointed by the Association and two representatives appointed by District Council (Local 1). One of the members so appointed shall be elected Chairman of the Committee and one person shall be elected Secretary of the Committee, provided that the Chairman is from among the Association nominees, the Secretaryshall be from the Union nominees, and vice versa. The Chairman and Secretary shall rotate annually. Each representative on the Committee shall have one vote. The Committee is to deal with grievances and/or problems in the industry. When dealing with grievances an unanimous decision of the Committee shall be binding on the parties to the grievance. Notices of such meetings shall be sent to all interested parties including the at least days before the scheduled meeting. Such notices shall be by fax or registered mail. To meet monthly if required. Regular meetings shall be scheduled monthly and the calendar thereof distributed to the parties. If in a grievancematter no unanimous decision is reached, then any of the parties may pursue any other available remedy. The Business Representative and International Representative shall have access to all jobs during working hours but at no time shall interfere with thejob progress. Securityregulations on ajob must be adhered to.
JOINT TRADE BOARDViolations of this Agreement shall be referred to the Joint Trade Board for final disposition.
JOINT TRADE BOARDThe Union will provide to NOPTCA a list of all Project Labor Agreements within the jurisdiction of the Cleveland Building and Construction Trades Council. A copy of the PLA will be attached to the list.
JOINT TRADE BOARDSection 1. The Association and the Union shall establish a Joint Trade Board consisting of four (4) members appointed by the Association and four (4) members appointed by the Union. A chairperson will be elected by the Board from Board members. Section 2. The purpose of the Joint Trade Board is to investigate and resolve any disputes between the Union, Employers and/or the Association arising out of the operation of this Agreement that have not been able to have been informally resolved between the Business Manager and any Employer(s). (a) The Trade Board will hold regular meetings in January, April, July and October of each year. (b) Special meetings to deal with matters of an urgent nature that cannot wait for the next regularly scheduled meeting shall be called by the chairperson on the written request of the Union, an Employer or the Association. The party requesting the special meeting must state in writing the purpose and justification for the special meeting in its request, and the meeting agenda for the special meeting will be limited to the matter brought for resolution. A copy of the request shall be given to the other party at the same time it is submitted to the chairperson. (c) Three (3) members from each party shall constitute a quorum. (d) The Trade Board is empowered to summon, question and examine any party, its representatives, or its agents, or to examine documents or physical evidence within the possession of the Union, the Employer or the Association. In the event either party to the matter before the Trade Board shall fail to appear, the Trade Board shall proceed to hear the matter as presented by the party present and rule on the basis of such material. (e) Decisions of the Trade Board require a majority vote. Neither party’s representatives at a meeting may cast more ballots than the others. (f) Any member of the Trade Board may request a secret ballot on any vote. Section 4. The Trade Board shall have the power to make such orders as are necessary to resolve disputes submitted to it. It is empowered to compensate or make whole a complaining Employee for work days lost. Similarly, the Trade Board shall have the power to order the Union or an Employer to make whole or compensate the Union or an Employer, as the case may be, for failure to comply with the terms of this contract. Section 5. In the event the Trade Board shall deadlock with respect to any dispute presented to it, any party to such dispute shall have the right to submit s...
JOINT TRADE BOARDSection 1 - Administration. The administration of this Agreement shall be by the Painters Joint Trade Board. This Board is authorized and given jurisdiction to act as a fact finding Tribunal and as an Arbitration Board with respect to any complaints or disputes arising under this Agreement, and also regarding any questions of interpretations of any provisions of the Agreement. Section 2 - Membership of Board. The Joint Trade Board shall be composed of an equal number of representatives of the NOPTCA and District Council No.6. Total membership of the Board shall not exceed eight (8) voting members, four (4) representing the Employers and four (4) representing the Employees. Each organization shall choose its own representatives. Business Representatives shall not be members of the Board, but may attend meetings as advisors to the regular members representing the Employees.
JOINT TRADE BOARDSection 1 - Administration. The administration of this Agreement shall be by the Interior Systems Joint Trade Board. The Board is authorized and given jurisdiction to act as a fact finding Tribunal and as an Arbitration Board with respect to any complaints or disputes arising under this Agreement, and also regarding any questions of interpretations of any Section 2 - Membership of Board. The Joint Trade Board shall be composed of an equal number of representatives of the Interior Systems Contractors’ Association and District Council No.
JOINT TRADE BOARD l The composition of the Joint Trade Board shall be the Business Manager/Secretary Treasurer ofthe Union or his/her designee and the President of the Association or his/her designee.