Juneteenth Holiday. Article 25, Section 25.01 shall be amended to add the following language after “Last Monday in May Memorial Day” and before “July 4th Independence Day”: June 19 Juneteenth
Juneteenth Holiday. An employee may elect to use one (1) of the floating holidays in section 1 for Juneteenth. This day off shall be scheduled so as to allow operation of all County offices and departments.
Juneteenth Holiday. 12.4.1 Employees who work the full month of June shall receive Juneteenth, designated as June 19th, as a paid holiday.
Juneteenth Holiday. (June 19)
22 10.2 Employees whose work year is less than twelve (12) months shall be allowed the 23 holidays listed above falling within their work period, provided that they were in 24 paid status on the working day of their normal assignment immediately preceding 25 or succeeding the holiday period.
26 10.3 When a holiday herein listed falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be 27 deemed to be that holiday. When a holiday herein listed falls on a Saturday, the 28 proceeding Friday shall be deemed to be the holiday.
1 10.4 In addition to those days listed herein, any day declared a holiday for state school 2 employees by the President or California Governor shall be a paid holiday for 3 employees in the bargaining unit.
4 10.5 While on leave of absence with pay (vacation, illness, etc.), employees shall be 5 compensated for holidays that occur during their leave. Payment for such holiday 6 time shall not be charged against vacation or sick leave benefits. 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Juneteenth Holiday. Article 19, Section 1 shall be amended to strike “June 19 (Juneteenth)” and replace it with the following language: Third Monday in June (Juneteenth)
Juneteenth Holiday. Employees assigned to work the business day immediately before and the business day immediately following the Juneteenth Holiday shall be paid for the Juneteenth Holiday. This provision does not apply to substitutes. Independence Day (4th of July) Holiday: Employees assigned to the Summer Program who work the business day immediately before and the business day immediately following the Independence Day Holiday shall be paid for the Independence Day Holiday. This provision does not apply to substitutes.
Juneteenth Holiday. In recognition of the passage of AB 1655 which adds Juneteenth (June 19th) to the list of state holidays in Education Code, June 19, 2023, shall be added to the list of holidays recognized by NCOE. SEIU and NCOE further intend to add Juneteenth to the list of holidays in the SEIU contract as part of negotiations for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
Juneteenth Holiday. In the event the County adopts and provides changes to County Holidays that includes the Juneteenth Holiday as part of an agreement with any County employee organization during the term of this October 2, 2022 to February 1, 2025 MOU, all employees in classifications represented by the Union shall be granted the same holidays provisions effective on the same date as the other employee organization.
Juneteenth Holiday. Juneteenth be observed on June 19th of each year.
Juneteenth Holiday. SECTION 1. All regular full-time employees shall receive Juneteenth as a holiday, consistent with the Cuyahoga County Department of Human