lakh Sample Clauses
lakh. (Usually not less than two times the estimated annual payment under the contract)
lakh. The bid security shall be valid for a period of 210 days from date of opening of bids. This bid security is to be furnished in the form of Call/NSC/FDR from Nationalized Bank of India in favour of the Addl. Chief Engineer, PHE., Zone-I, Meghalaya, Shillong.
lakh. The work orders and work completion certificates issued by the client institutions may be submitted in this respect.
5. The tenderers should have applicable Tax registrations (GST, PAN).
6. Tenderers should have a current / savings bank account with a scheduled commercial bank.
7. NABARD reserves the right to verify any or all the documents furnished by the Tenderers with any authorities. NABARD also reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
8. Intending applicants are required to furnish details about their firm/organization, experience, competence etc as per the Performa listed below. Failing which shall lead to cancellation of application of Tenderer.
9. While deciding upon the selection of Tenderers, emphasis will be given on the ability and competence to do good quality work in accordance with the specifications and within the time schedule.
10. The application form should be signed by a person on behalf of the Firm/Organization, who is duly authorized to do so.
11. If the space in the application form is insufficient for furnishing full details, such information may be supplemented on a separate sheet of paper duly signed.
12. Applications containing false or inadequate information are liable for rejection and Bank reserves the right to blacklist those agencies. Any agency blacklisted /debarred by NABARD will be ineligible to participate in the tendering process. BASIC INFORMATION Sl. Particulars Information
lakh. LIC offers a wide range of products to fulfill the needs of different segments of the society. As at the end of the year 2013-14, LIC had 12 Individual Products and 7 Group Products for sale. One of the main objectives of LIC is to reach all insurable persons in the country and to provide them with adequate financial cover. During the year 2013-14, LIC completed 344.80 lakh policies out of which 291.77 lakh policies for Sum Assured of ` 4,87,076.75 crore were under first insurance category. The ratio of first insurance to the total business completed for the year comes to 84.62% and 86.67% in respect of number of policies and Sum Assured respectively. Companies and Wholly Owned Subsidiary. LIC has Branch Offices in U.K., Mauritius and Fiji. It has Joint Venture Companies in Bahrain (operating in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman & U.A.E. (Dubai and Abu Dhabi)), Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Nepal and Sri Lanka and a Wholly Owned Subsidiary in Singapore. LIC has decided to enter Bangladesh through JV route for which necessary application has been filed. The Total New Business First Premium Income of LIC’s foreign units during the period from 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 was INR 888.05 crore under 1,22,316 policies. The Life Fund as at 31.03.2014 stood at ` 16,07,024.98 crore. The Corporation made payments of ` 10,289.25 crore under Death Claim cases, ` 81,112.89 crore under Maturity Claims and ` 8,465.18 crore under annuities. In addition to above, performance in other significant parameters in the Financial Year 2013-14 are given below:- 1 Individual Policies Sold (Nos. in crore) 3.67 3.45 2 Market Share in terms of number of Policy 83.24% 84.44% 3 Total Premium Income(` in crore) 208589.72 236798.07 4 Total Income(` in crore) 326341.87 380042.44 6 Total No. of Maturity Claims settled(in Lacs) 173.85 248.87
lakh. The work was to be carried out by the contractor as per the technical/expert advice and guidance of NPCIL officers and was to be completed by June 2011. The proposal for inspection by engaging Indian contractor was stated to be based on the previous experience of NPCIL in earlier Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors and was an attempt to reduce the cost. However, NPCIL could not guide and extend professional advice/expertise to the contractor for discharging its work due to its complexity and the work was short closed on 28 June 2011; ` 8.76 lakh was paid to the contractor for the part of work executed. Later the work was awarded to M/s HRID on 29 July 2011, a Croatian firm at a cost of Euro 0.79 million (` 5.01 crore37). The work was completed by M/s HRID on 31 July 2012. Xxxxx observed that NPCIL’s initial decision to execute the Pre Service Inspection work through local Indian contractor and later awarding the work to a foreign firm owing to its lack of expertise in guiding the contractors in carrying out the work indicated deficient planning towards carrying out the pre-service inspection. Moreover, ASE had sourced the Reactor Pressure Vessel from M/s HRID, hence, NPCIL should have considered the pre-service inspection by an independent third party to ensure independent and objective evaluation. 37 Based on exchange rate of ` 63.10 per Euro on the date of contract. The reply of the Management is not satisfactory as the reactor vessel which houses the reactor core is of immense safety significance. Hence, the pre-service inspection of pressure vessel by an independent third party, other than the reactor pressure vessel manufacturer (M/s HRID) would have been appropriate.
lakh. For example ending 31st March of 2023 i.e. average turnover of F.Y. 2020-2021, F.Y. 2021-2022 & F.Y. 2022- 2023.
lakh. Similar work means works involving mainly Assistance in Lubrication of Machinery, Safety & Pollution Control measures, handling of petrochemical, chemicals and other misc. activities like up-keeping of plant premises & machineries etc. in any fertilizer plant, refinery, petrochemical and other chemical industries. The bidders must submit their experience certificates, proofs for evaluation.
lakh. The matter was reported to the Ministry in November 2006; reply was awaited (January 2007).
lakh. Satisfactorily completed (not less than 50% of contract value), as a prime contractor (or as sub contractor duly certified by the employer/main contractor), at least one similar work of value not less than Rs. 47.16.00 Lakh. (usually not less than 50% of estimated value of contract) (c) Deleted (@) at 2013-14 price level. Financial turnover and cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 5% per year based on rupee value to bring them to 2013-14 price level.
lakh. The project aimed at developing a simulation package that helps in optimizing the ferroalloy production processes through reduction in specific power and raw material consumption. The process simulator was to be installed at the Angul Ferroalloy plant (Orissa) of Xxxx Xxxxxx Ventures Limited (NBVL). Globalisation has brought about joining of hands to establish alliances that would help create a universal knowledge pool. Realising the need and mutual benefit of international S&T co-operation, NML signed bilateral programmes with several countries through DST, DSIR and DBT. Under the International Collaborative Programme, several projects with South Korea, the E uropean Commission, Russia, US and Bulgaria are going on. The collaborative R&D areas include: Process flow-sheet development for recovery of heavy minerals; Removal of hazardous metal elements from xxxxx liquour of electronic scrap; Low cost technology development for in-situ ground water treatment; Nanowire technology; Dense ceramic composites; Fatigue damage and deformation evaluation; Paints and coating on HSLA steel and so on. A large number of equipment have been purchased and installed during the period to facilitate the ongoing R& D activities of the laboratory. Some of the major ones are: Portable XRF, Carbon Coater with accessories, Low Pressure Autoclave, Table-top Microscope, UHV Analysis System, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectro- meter, Computer Controlled Emission Analyser, Universal Hardness Tester, Ultrasonic Immersion Scanning System, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer, Tension-Torsion Testing System with internal pressurisation, Creep Testing Machines, Air-jet Hot Erosion Tester etc. Recovered biomimetic payload Biomimetic scaffold synthesised under microgravity Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (2nm-5nm) synthesised under microgravity T and tremendous societal impact. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) are vital to enhance quality of chemical measurements in the country. In the absence of MiC and related CRMs, Indian stakeholders, laboratories and industries in various areas of MiC will have to get this service done outside India which will not only be costlier but also extremely inconvenient and time consuming. In addition, if the country has to face technical barriers to trade, the loss to the country will go up manifold. It is planned to introduce MiC in India in a network mode with partner laboratories for areas such as organic/inorganic/gas/ electrochemical/surface and bioanalys...