LENGTH OF TREATMENT. Goals of treatment are arrived at by mutual collaboration through exploring the issues and concerns you feel to be most pressing and important. The length of treatment depends upon the goals we establish together. Treatment typically involves meeting one or two times per week. In some instances, other treatment schedules may be useful . The schedule of sessions will be agreed upon during the first few meetings, and may be modified during the course of treatment. It will be very important for you to keep your scheduled appointments in order to receive maximum benefit from treatment.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. Generally, the course of treatment is based upon your progress in therapy towards goals mutually established with the therapist. It is the responsibility of both you and the therapist to regularly ascertain your progress toward established goals.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. The length of time required for therapy will be determined by your personal situation. I will do my best to fulfill your therapeutic needs and provide you with my best therapeutic care. For your part, you agree to participate in the process to the best of your ability. It is intended that when your needs are met, to the extent they can be, we will terminate our relationship. Although many people report benefits from therapy, there is no guarantee of a cure. Client Termination: You may terminate services at any time. This may be done in several ways. These include, but are not limited to, putting it in writing or informing me verbally. If you choose to terminate therapy with me, it will be my decision as to whether we can re-establish our therapeutic relationship if you request to do so in the future. Therapist Termination: A pattern of frequently canceled or missed appointments will result in termination. In such circumstances, referrals to other therapists or agencies will be provided if requested. Non-payment for services may result in termination. If I feel that the services I can offer are not or will not be appropriate for you, I may, after discussing reasons with you, refer you to another provider or agency. Furthermore, I reserve the right to terminate service if dangerous/risky behaviors are continued or if sessions are attended after consuming drugs or alcohol. Regardless of the reason for ending treatment, I ask that you allow yourself/your child to have 1-3 closure sessions. The information about HIPAA included in this agreement, along with the Texas Notice Form describes your rights with regards to your Clinical Record and disclosures of protected health information. Your signature below serves as an acknowledgement that you have received the HIPAA notice. X Client/Guardian Printed Name X X Client/Guardian Signature Date If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the counseling process, please inform me so we can determine if our work together can be more efficient and effective or whether a referral would be appropriate. If you think I have treated you unfairly or unethically, and we cannot resolve the problem, contact: Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselor Complaint Process Complaints Management and Investigative Section P.O. Box 141369 Austin, Texas 00000-0000 Or call 0-000-000-0000 Sessions and Fees: Schedule of Fees Type of Service Fee Initial Consultation $150.00 45 Minute (Individual) Session $100.00 25 minute (Individ...
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. For many problems, short-term treatment (between one and twelve sessions) is possible. This is particularly the case when one basic problem is identified and is the focus of treatment. When there are several concerns, or when the issues have lasted over a long period of time or over a variety of life areas, a longer-term treatment is likely.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. The number of sessions will depend on the nature of the issue, the progress made, and will be determined by you (or you on behalf of your child)
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. Clients shall receive Program services for a minimum of 12 months.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. The length of treatment depends on several issues, including the severity of the problem, patient’s growth and their level of cooperation. The actual treatment time is usually close to the estimated treatment time, but treatment may be lengthened if, for example, unanticipated growth occurs, if there are habits affecting the dentofacial structures, or if periodontal or other dental problems occur. Therefore, changes in the original treatment plan may become necessary. If treatment time is extended beyond the original estimate, additional fees may be assessed.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. I understand that the Intensive Outpatient level of treatment is designed as an up to 18 week program as follows: The first 10 weeks will consist of 3 (3 hour) groups per week and an individual/family session as needed. The last 8 weeks will consist of 1 or 2 (2 hour) groups per week and/or individual and/or family sessions as needed. I understand that the needs of each individual client may differ. Therefore, the length of treatment and the content of that treatment may vary from client to client.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. Only a few studies examined the total duration of exposure to treatment and the extent of growth impairment in terms of height and weight and only a few studies analysed growth data dividing the sample according to treatment (drug naive vs previously medicated children) finding a positive correlation.
LENGTH OF TREATMENT. The number of necessary sessions will vary on a case by case basis and will be determined by you and your counselor. You acknowledge that each individual has unique strengths and weaknesses, and each problem is different. The goal is that each client will finish counseling in a timely manner, without unnecessary waste of time or money. Xxxxxx Xxxx Counseling and you each have the right to terminate treatment at any time. If you choose to terminate treatment, upon request, your counselor will provide you with the names of other qualified professionals whose services you might prefer. Termination of treatment is subject to the cancellation policy outlined below. Your obligation to pay for services previously provided survives the termination of treatment.