Mandated Training Sample Clauses
Mandated Training. 1. Employees shall be given reasonable notice of applicable development and training programs available. Such notice shall include an explanation of the procedure for applying for the program. Participation in any training inside or outside of work hours which is required by the School as a condition of fulfilling the requirements of the employee’s job, or any in-service School training which is conducted or undertaken during normally scheduled work hours will be considered as time worked.
2. The School shall pay tuition, course-related fees, other approved course required costs and for necessary travel and lodging for courses required by the Board or Executive Director.
Mandated Training. Training which is required by the County will be provided by the County. The exception is for continuing education units which are required to maintain a current license for FLSA professional classifications, certification training, or continuing education.
Mandated Training. The District is willing to discuss implications of any federal or state mandated training for employees when the mandate is made. This topic is appropriate for periodic meetings held between the District and the Union.
Mandated Training. Unit members shall complete all annual mandated training as required by law. Mandated training classes may be provided or assigned by the District to unit members. Unit members shall be required to attend or complete such training and will be compensated for participation. In the case that a required training falls outside of the unit members' normally assigned work schedule, those unit members shall be notified at least ten (10) work days in advance of the time and date of the required training(s). A unit member's absence from such training must be communicated with the unit member's administrator or department lead in advance, and written verification may be required. An alternate method of completing the annual mandated training will be provided to the unit member who is unable to attend the required training.
Mandated Training. Mandated Training includes Basic Training and courses required by the City to maintain employment and certification, including EMT-P continuing education. Time spent attending mandated training while off duty is compensable.
Mandated Training. At least one hour of state and federally mandated employee training may be completed by employees during the employee workday at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year.
Mandated Training. Depending on level of training, training pathway, and training provider, the allocation of time dedicated to these hours will vary.
Mandated Training. The District shall provide at least one (1) hour yearly during the contractual workday, which may include the employee workday at the beginning of the school year, for completion of state and federally mandated employee training.
Mandated Training. Training as directed by the Fire Chief and when not staying overnight.
Mandated Training. Each unit member is required to participate in Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse Training annually within the first six weeks of the school year in accordance with AB 1432. The District will offer multiple training opportunities within the unit member’s contracted work day. Should a unit member not attend a training, the unit member will be required to complete the online training module on a date and/or time that does not interfere with the student instructional day.