Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time Sample Clauses
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. An employee who is regularly employed by the District shall be paid time and a half (1- 1/2) for all hours in excess of eight (8) hours per day or of the normal forty (40) hour week provided that the additional hours have been authorized by the Superintendent/Designee, and are not covered by special rates such as banquet rates, Saturday rates, Sunday rates, holiday rates, etc., or covered by extracurricular/supplemental contracts. Excess hours in a day will take precedence over excess hours in a week. For the purpose of computing overtime, a forty (40) hour week will include any hours where the employee is in active pay status e.g., (holiday, personal leave, vacation days, or sick leave day), but will exclude absence without pay.
1. An employee who is assigned to work in two (2) or more job classifications and works more than eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week in one of his/her job classifications or substitutes in a different job classification in one of his/her classification series, will be paid overtime based on the rate for the job he/she actually performs after the first eight (8) hours per day or the first forty (40) hours per week. Excess hours a day will take precedence over excess hours in a week.
2. Hours worked by an employee who is substituting for another employee outside of the employee’s classification series will not count toward hours worked for purposes of overtime, with some exceptions. (For example, a Bus Driver who substitutes for a Custodian II will not receive overtime for hours worked in excess of eight (8) per day or forty (40) per week resulting from the substitute time and will be paid straight time for the hours worked.) The exceptions are: (1) a Mechanic substituting for a Bus Driver, (2) an Educational Assistant substituting for a Special Education Assistant, (3) a Special Education Assistant substituting for an Educational Assistant, (4) a Bus Driver substituting for a Courier, (5) a Courier substituting for a Bus Driver, and (6) a Maintenance person substituting for a Custodian. In the case of these exceptions, if an employee works more than eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week, he/she shall be paid overtime. Excess hours a day will take precedence over excess hours in a week.
3. An employee will be paid time and one-half (1-1/2) for hours worked on Saturday. An employee will be paid double time for hours worked on Sundays. Hours worked on a holiday will be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2)...
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. Payment shall be made, or compensatory time shall be granted, at the employee's regular rate for hours up to and including forty (40) hours in the work week. Overtime pay or compensatory time at one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee's regular rate will be granted for authorized work time exceeding forty (40) hours in the work week. Compensatory time shall be granted within fifteen (15) calendar days of the time worked.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. Section 1. When an employee is required to work in excess of forty (40) hours during the seven (7) day work period, or in excess of eight (8) hours in any one day, he shall be paid overtime pay for such time worked over forty (40) hours at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his regular hourly rate of pay. Compensation shall not be paid more than once for the same hours under any provision of this Article or Agreement. For purposes of determining an employee's eligibility for overtime, all hours actually worked by the employee will be included. All other hours for which the employee is compensated but does not actually work shall not be included in determining eligibility for overtime, except for the holiday and pre-approved vacation time.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. A. Non-exempt employees shall be compensated for all time worked. Such employees shall be compensated for overtime worked in accordance with applicable State and Federal laws or regulations and provisions of this Article. Employees classified by law as non- exempt are eligible to earn overtime pay. Such employees shall be compensated for overtime in (¼) quarter-hour increments.
B. The designated work period for all sworn police officers (or other identified non-sworn City employees in the Department) is eighty (80) hours in fourteen (14) consecutive days. The designated work period for all other employees of the Department is forty (40) hours in seven (7) consecutive days. Time worked in excess of the defined work period is considered overtime.
C. If a paid holiday or period of paid leave occurs during the designated work period, such time shall be counted as hours worked in determining eligibility for overtime.
D. To the extent that circumstances permit, whenever an employee contemplates working overtime hours within his work shift and/or work period, the employee is responsible for notifying his supervisor as soon as possible of the need. The employee's supervisor has the authority to direct that the extra hours be worked or may direct that the assignment be handled in some other way. In the event prior approval of overtime is not practical, the employee shall notify the supervisor as soon as possible thereafter.
E. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any non-exempt employee who works time in excess of the designated work period shall be compensated for overtime in accordance with the provisions of Section F of this Article and any applicable State and Federal laws or regulations. Overtime pay shall be paid at a rate of time and one-half computed on the employee's "regular rate of hourly pay''. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime.
F. Call-back Overtime: Call-back is additional time worked that requires the employee to return to a work site after the end of, or prior to the beginning of, their scheduled shift; or to return to a work site on a regular scheduled day off.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. Overtime and Compensatory Time off will be calculated on the following basis:
A. Overtime will be reported on a daily basis anytime a member is required to work in excess of their regularly scheduled shift, but will be calculated on the bi-weekly payroll. Members will have the option of choosing payment at one and one-half times their hourly rate of pay or accruing compensatory time off at one and one-half times the hours worked in excess of eighty (80) in a pay period. Members will be permitted to accrue a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) hours of compensatory time off on the books. This time may be held indefinitely on the member's book or may be cashed out twice per year, either with the first paycheck in June and/or with the first paycheck in December, at the member's choice.
B. Any member who is off-duty and is required to report to duty for any reason, including court, shall be compensated at a rate of one and one-half times their hourly base pay or compensatory time off at one and one-half times the hours worked, with a minimum of two hours, regardless of the actual time on duty.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. All overtime must have the prior approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor. If an employee needs to stay beyond his/her regularly scheduled work day, and the employee’s workweek is less than forty (40) hours, he/she shall be compensated at his/her regular rate of pay, or flex or comp time calculated at equal time-off. If an employee’s work week exceeds forty (40) hours, he/she shall be compensated at one and one half (1-1/2) times his/her hourly rate of pay or he/she shall receive flex or comp time at one and one half (1-1/2) times the employee’s hours worked. The employee and the Director of Food & Nutrition Services shall mutually agree to any choice between flex or comp time, and pay at the appropriate rate. For the purposes of calculating overtime, the forty (40) hours worked in a regular workweek shall exclude sick leave, vacation days and personal leave time.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. A. If overtime, including Sunday or holiday work is required, the employee’s Immediate Supervisor will communicate with the appropriate authority of the District to obtain permission from the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and School Services or the Director of Personnel Services.
B. The District shall pay any employee overtime pay according to the following schedule:
1. If an employee works in excess of forty (40) hours in any workweek, he/she shall receive one and one-half (1 ½) times his/her hourly rate for such authorized hours worked. In relation to the minimum forty (40) hours of work in a given workweek, to be eligible for overtime pay, a person who is paid for sick leave or other approved purposes is considered to be constructively present.
2. If an employee works on Sunday, he/she shall receive two times his/her hourly rate for such authorized Sunday hours work, provided that he/she has worked in excess of forty (40) hours in that workweek. Written authorization for said overtime must be secured in advance from the Personnel Department by the Immediate Supervisor.
3. If an employee works on any paid holiday, he/she shall receive two and one-half (2 ½) times his/her hourly rate for such authorized holiday hours worked instead of holiday pay, irrespective of whether he/she has worked forty (40) hours in that workweek. (The above statements provide equity to employees for Sunday and holiday work, and preclude pyramiding of overtime.)
4. The District agrees that no employee shall be mandated to work any overtime as defined in the above sub-sections 1 and 2.
5. Insofar as practical, overtime opportunities will be made available to the senior qualified employee in the job title which is ordinarily and customarily assigned the particular work on a rotation basis by the employer during the period of this Agreement.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. Section 1. All work hours paid over 86 hours in a pay period, are overtime hours to be paid at time and one-half. Compensation time may be accrued instead of overtime, if permitted by the FLSA and approved by the Chief of Police. Management reserves the right to schedule and require the use of accrued compensation time at the sole discretion of the Chief. A full-time covered employee will be allowed to accrue a maximum of 42 hours of Compensation Time. An employee shall be allowed to utilize compensation time if staffing levels allow for adequate shift coverage, said determination to be made by the Chief of Police or the Sergeant in charge of scheduling, in advance of the use of Compensation Time. In no event shall compensation time be used by an employee if it brings about or necessitates the accrual of overtime by another employee. Any unused, accrued, compensation time will be paid out at the end of the fiscal year.
Section 2. Overtime shall be paid to anyone working over 86 hours in any pay period. “Pay Period” is defined as the two-week period during which an employee accrues hours to be paid at the end of said two-week period. Said “hours” shall include hours worked and hours paid/used for holiday, casual, vacation and funeral leave, but shall not include any other paid time off, including but not limited to Sick Leave.
Section 3. Covered Employees who are required to work on a City designated Holiday will be paid at double-time for all hours worked on said holiday.
Section 4. In no event shall an employee be paid additional hours beyond the normal work week or granted compensatory time without prior approval from their immediate Supervisor and City Administrator.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. Overtime pay will be one and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate for all time worked over forty (40) hours in any seven (7) day period. When computing overtime, the bargaining unit member shall have accrued earnings on the scheduled work day preceding and the day following the day in which overtime is worked. If required by the administrator or supervisor to work on a paid holiday, such member shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) his/her regular rate of pay for all hours worked in addition to holiday pay. TO CLARIFY: Custodian A is not scheduled to and does not work on Christmas Day (a paid holiday). In his/her pay check eight (8) hours are paid on the custodian’s appropriate pay schedule for that day. Over the holiday break the water pipes freeze, and the supervisor requests that Custodian A work eight (8) hours on New Year’s Day, a paid holiday. Custodian A agrees to work eight (8) hours on New Year’s Day. In his/her pay, Xxxxxxxxx A receives eight (8) hours of pay for the paid holiday, New Year’s Day, and then receives 1 and ½ times his/her normal rate of pay for actually working on New Year’s Day (8 + 4). So, for working on New Year’s Day, the compensation for Custodian A will reflect twenty (20) hours of pay. Saturday and Sunday shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) for all hours worked over forty (40) hours. All overtime hours worked shall be indicated in a separate area on each paycheck. When an employee is assigned to perform work in a different job classification, such as a custodian working as a head custodian or a cook working as a head cook, the employee will be paid the higher rate of pay for each day working in the higher paying job classification. An employee may request compensatory time off in lieu of overtime pay. The request must be approved by the Superintendent. Such compensatory time shall be granted at the rate that the overtime was computed for all hours worked and may not accumulate to more than eighty (80) hours at one time.
Overtime Pay/Compensatory Time. A. If overtime, including Sunday or holiday work is required, the employee’s Immediate Supervisor will communicate with the appropriate authority of the District to obtain permission from the Chief Human Resources Officer or the Executive Director of Employee Services.
B. The District shall pay any employee overtime pay according to the following schedule:
1. If an employee works in excess of forty (40) hours in any workweek, he/she shall receive one and one-half (1 ½) times his/her hourly rate for such authorized hours worked. In relation to the minimum forty (40) hours of work in a given workweek, to be eligible for overtime pay, a person who is paid for sick leave or other approved purposes is considered to be constructively present.
2. If an employee works on Sunday, he/she shall receive two times his/her hourly rate for such authorized Sunday hours work, provided that he/she has worked in excess of forty