Certification Training Sample Clauses
Certification Training. The Employer will provide Certification Training for the current Union members of the PHSC. Members of the PHSC will not be recognized as “workplace designated certified members” as per the OHSA, as they do not represent a specific workplace by serving as a member of the PHSC. In the event there is a change in the composition of the Union representatives on the PHSC, the Employer agrees to provide Certification Training for new Union representatives, provided that the total number of Union representatives that are provided Certification Training does not exceed three (3) in any given calendar year.
Certification Training. Certified Instructor Lead Training is offered online, onsite at Hyland or at a customer’s location. Classes offered at Hyland are generally 5 days with a cost of $2,539.04 per student. Customers are responsible for any travel expenses incurred. Many of these same classes are offered online for a cost of $2,720.40 per student. Customer location classes are priced depending on length and topic. Quotes are available upon request. • Hyland Live Training Classes • Hyland Web Based Training (WBT) • Xxxxxx OnBase Premium Subscription – Annual Fee of $7,200.00
Certification Training a. The District will establish certification training programs, which provide the opportunity for District employees to become qualified for the following positions: Mechanic A, Mechanic A (Body/Fender), Painter, Facilities Maintenance Mechanic, Facilities Electronic Technician, Electronic Mechanic, Mechanic A (Gas/Propane), Light Rail Vehicle Technician, Journey Lineworker, and Rail Maintenance Worker.
b. The District and Union will jointly establish Bus and Rail training committees to oversee the certification training programs. These committees shall consist of equal representation by both the District and the Union and are authorized to evaluate and establish the training needs, performance, and pay levels of new and current employees working their way through the established training program.
c. The District and Union will jointly establish a steering committee of six members, which will meet as needed to oversee the progress of the training committees. The steering committee shall consist of equal representation by both the District and the Union.
d. The District will endeavor to provide annual funding for certification training. The training committees will provide general direction concerning the expenditure of these funds.
e. An employee actively enrolled in a certification program who has completed the “take- home” portion of a module will be given preferential consideration for assignment to “hands-on” training work over an employee who may be otherwise eligible for the work but is not actively involved in the certification program. Incorporated into this Agreement as Attachment 2, are the agreed upon procedures and a flow chart, which details the filling of journey-level classification vacancies.
f. After an employee has been signed off as having completed a “hands-on” section of his or her training program, should he or she subsequently be used to perform such work, he or she shall be upgraded and paid the applicable rate of pay pursuant to Article 10, Section 10.3.
Certification Training. Primus shall provide such product certification training (covering client services and technical support skills for the Software) as Primus reasonably determines necessary, after consultation with Distributor.
Certification Training. Normally within the first year of joining the Committee, Members shall complete a two-part Certification program. Members certified after June 30, 2017, must complete Refresher Certification Training every three (3) years in order to maintain their certification. Members certified prior to 1996 are not required to refresh their Certification Training.
Certification Training. The FinanceWorks Service carries a certification training requirement (“Certification Training”) as more fully described in the attached Training Options Service Documentation. Client shall schedule the Certification Training within [**CONFIDENTIAL**] of contracting for the FinanceWorks Service. At least two (2) Client employees shall successfully complete the Certification Training prior to implementation of the FinanceWorks Service. Additionally, Client may be subject to time and materials fees at FIS’s then-current standard rates for Client service calls until such time as the requisite number of Client personnel has successfully completed the Certification Training.
Certification Training. What types of research will be accomplished during the project period? Consider training on lab safety, responsible conduct of research, human subjects protections, HIPAA certification. Discuss and provide information to rules and procedures of the lab/research environment. This might include information on data integrity, data storage, who owns data, lab safety procedures, and when mistakes/errors occur, how to proceed. What are the expectations of lab members to create a productive/welcoming/collegial environment for all? For example: being at work during certain hours, sharing information and where it is shared, and the culture of the research environment.
Certification Training. Course Overview Description Scope Over the course of the program, students will learn the skills needed to safely perform Hazardous Material Technician level response in accordance with OSHA CFR29 1910.120 and NFPA 472 & 1072. The objectives of the course are to teach participants: ▪ to classify, identify, and verify known and unknown material by using field survey instruments and equipment; ▪ to select and use the proper chemical protective clothing provided to the hazardous materials Technician; ▪ to understand hazard and risk assessment techniques for Hazmat and CBRNE environments; ▪ to be able to perform advanced control, containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment available; ▪ to develop incident action plans within the parameters of the incident command system. Course Length 5 Weeks, 200 Hours - M-F 0800-1700 Prerequisite Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations Testing/Certification Students will be evaluated and tested on their knowledge, skills and abilities throughout the course. Skill and performance evaluations are included in the daily breakdown within the course pertaining to the skills being learned. Students must complete a written examination at the conclusion of the following module with a passing score of 75%: ▪ Chemistry At the conclusion of the entire Hazardous Materials Technician program, students must complete a written examination covering all course objectives in accordance with IFSAC accreditation standards. A passing grade of 75%, as well as successful completion of all skill check-offs is required by each student in order to complete the course. Cost $4500 per student Course Overview Description Scope Throughout the course of the Paramedic training program, the student will learn the knowledge and skills needed to safely and proficiently provide basic and advanced emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. Paramedics function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. Paramedics can perform interventions with the basic and advanced equipment with in their system. The paramedic is a link from the scene into the health care system. Course Length 10 Months, 1282 hours. Class meets Tuesday, Wednesday &Thursday 0900-1800 Testing/Certification Students will demonstrate competence in the following skills during testing: patient assessment/management of a traum...
Certification Training. Course Overview Description Scope Students will study a curriculum required pursuant to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 139.319. Students will learn skills needed to safely perform at Sky Harbor International Airport to include but not limited to: Airport Familiarization, Aircraft Familiarization, Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighter (ARFF) Safety, Emergency Communications, Apparatus, Agents, Aircraft Evacuation, Tactics and Strategy, Adaptive Structure, Cargo – Hazards, Emergency Plan, Airport Movement Area, Drivers Training, Annual Live Burn, Annual Escort Badging. This training will utilize the Incident Management/Unified Command structure and provide structure for working with our Aviation Partners. Course Length 2 Classroom Weeks, 80 Hours – M – F 0800 – 1700 2 additional driver training days – 0800 – 1700 Optional Live Burn Day (1 day per student) – 0800-1700 Testing/Certification Students will be evaluated and tested on their knowledge, skills and abilities throughout the course. Skill and performance evaluations are completed during the Live Burn Exercise and Drivers Training portion of the class. Students must complete a written examination at the end of the 80-hour course with a passing score of 75%. Engineers will be required to complete additional Drivers Training with the Drivers Training Captain at the end of the 80- hour course. Students will be required to complete a Live Burn Exercise at the end of the 80-hour course to become ARFF Certified. Students must attend 100% of the class, Live Burn and Drivers Training to be certified. Cost Base cost - $1,340.00 Base cost with optional live burn - $1,840.00 Overview This is a recertification course designed to meet State requirements for recertification of EMT's and Paramedic's. The EMCT is an individual who has been certified in Arizona as an Emergency Medical Technician and/or a Paramedic. The EMCT is an allied health professional whose primary focus is to provide basic and advanced emergency medical care for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system. These individuals possess the complex knowledge and skills necessary to provide patient care and transportation. The Core program meets and exceeds the requirements set forth for recertification by national, state, local organizations for these individuals to provide the highest level of care to our community. The Core recertification program recertifies individuals through the American Heart Association, in Basic Li...