Maximum Class Sizes Sample Clauses

Maximum Class Sizes a. Individual class sizes shall not exceed safety guidelines established by the fire department and the District’s insurance providers. b. Class sizes at Xxxxxxxx Middle School shall not exceed 37 students per class, with the exception of music and physical education classes which shall not exceed 45 students per class. c. During the first two (2) weeks of instruction of each trimester/semester, student contacts and/or class sizes may exceed these maximums in order to balance and finalize the master schedule. After the first two (2) weeks, an exception to the maximums may continue if the requirements of CBA sections through and including met.
Maximum Class Sizes. When class sizes exceed the following maximum, they will be considered to be in overload. All secondary totals are based on a 1.0 FTE teaching schedule. Kindergarten 22 students Grades 2 25 Students Grade 3 26 students Grade 4 27 students Grade 5 27 Students *Split classes shall have 1 students less than the maximum for the highest grade K-4 Music and PE same as K-4 class limits 5 Music and PE 30 students Grades 6 28 Students per class Grades 7-8 30 students per class Grades 9-12 30 students per class 6-12 Performance Classes (drama, dance and music): 60 students per class or daily load of 279 students Secondary PE 32 students per teacher The District is aware that classrooms occasionally become overcrowded and that this overcrowding is a factor in the quality of education and working conditions for employees. Employees with concerns shall first meet with the appropriate principal.
Maximum Class Sizes. Individual class sizes shall not exceed safety guidelines established by the fire department and the District’s insurance providers.
Maximum Class Sizes. An Elementary School Member will have the right to refuse to accept more than 32 students in the Member’s class, unless all Members at the grade level at a school site refuse to accept more than 32 students, in which case the Principal will consult with the grade level Members (an Association representative may attend at the Association’s option) as to where to place the additional students who would raise class size to over 32 students per class. In Elementary Schools, there will be a hard cap of 34 students per class. In Elementary School combo classes, there will be 28 students per class.
Maximum Class Sizes. For the duration of the term of this Agreement, the parties agree to the following class size numbers, which are intended to allow classroom assignments in each building which comply with state funded levels for classroom staffing based on actual enrollment. When classes exceed the following maximum, they will be considered to be overloaded: Grades K-2 – 21 students Grade 3 – 23 students Grades 4-5- 27 students Grade 6 – 27/155 students* Grades 7-8 – 29/155 students* Grades 9-12 - 32/155 students* K-6 Music - 45 students 7-12 Music - 60 students 6-12 P.E. - 39 students ALE - 28 students (FTE’s) assigned for conferencing * second number represents total students enrolled in classes assigned to the teacher If the building staff and the building administrator prefer alternative classroom staffing models that result in class sizes that exceed the individual class size numbers or maximum number of students per day specified in this agreement, the parties may agree to alternative individual class size/daily max limits, notwithstanding the numbers in this agreement as long as a majority of staff and the building administrator agree in writing. If the majority of staff and the building administrator cannot agree on an alternative staffing model that avoids overload remedies, the district reserves the right to make final assignments that avoid overload remedies as much as possible. Letters of Agreement confirming changes to individual class sizes in a particular building shall be signed within 5 days of the agreement.
Maximum Class Sizes. For the duration of the term of this Agreement, the parties agree to the following class size numbers, which are intended to allow classroom assignments in each building which comply with state funded levels for classroom staffing based on actual enrollment. When classes exceed the following maximum, they will be considered to be overloaded: Grades K-2 – 21 students Grade 3 – 23 students Grades 9-12 - 32/155 students* K-6 Music - 45 students 7-12 Music - 60 students 6-12 P.E. - 39 students * second number represents total students enrolled in classes assigned to the teacher If the building staff and the building administrator prefer alternative classroom staffing models that result in class sizes that exceed the individual class size numbers or maximum number of students per day specified in this agreement, the parties may agree to alternative individual class size/daily max limits, notwithstanding the numbers in this agreement as long as a majority of staff and the building administrator agree in writing. If the majority of staff and the building administrator cannot agree on an alternative staffing model that avoids overload remedies, the district reserves the right to make final assignments that avoid overload remedies as much as possible. Letters of Agreement confirming changes to individual class sizes in a particular building shall be signed within 5 days of the agreement.
Maximum Class Sizes for the Deer Park School District shall be as follows (2006): 1. Kindergarten shall be no more than twenty-three (23) students. (2008) 2. Grade 1 shall be no more than twenty-four (24) students. (2008) 3. Grades 2-3 shall be no more than twenty-five (25) students. (2008) 4. Grades 4 –5 shall be no more than twenty-six (26) students. 5. Grade 6th grade shall be no more than twenty-eight (28) students in the general program, twenty-six (26) if self-contained, and thirty (30) in the elective program except as listed in Section 11.4. 6. Grades 7-8 will be no more than thirty (30) students. 7. Grades 9-12 will be no more than thirty-one (31) students. 8. Combination classes will be three (3) students below maximum class size for the lowest grade level.
Maximum Class Sizes. 2 A Member teaching a K-6 class will have the right to 3 refuse to accept more than 32 students in the Member’s class, 4 unless all Members at the grade level at a school site refuse to 5 accept more than 32 students, in which case the Principal will 6 consult with the grade level Members (an Association 7 representative may attend at the Association’s option) as to where 8 to place the additional students who would raise class size to over 9 32 students per class. 10 In grades K-6, there will be a hard cap of 34 students per 11 class. 12 In grades K-6 combo classes, there will be a hard cap of 13 28 students per class.
Maximum Class Sizes. An Elementary School Member will have the right to refuse to accept more than 32 students in the Member’s class, unless all Members at the grade level at a school site refuse to accept more than 32 students, in which case the Principal will consult with the grade level Members (an Association representative may attend at the Association’s option) as to where to place the additional students who would raise class size to over 32 students per class. In Elementary Schools, there will be a hard cap of 34 students per class. In Elementary School combo classes, there will be 28 students per class. Based on 2016-2017 Negotiations, the goal of the District is to maintain a maximum class size of 24 students in grades TK-3. The annual average class size for TK-3 shall not exceed 26 students for each school site. This is with the knowledge that the grade span adjustment of the Local Control Funding is an average of 24 to 1 with full implementation. TK-3 classes that exceed 24 is an exception and requires a specific explanation by the District to be provided to the Association President twice a year, by November 1 and March 1. This collectively bargained alternative shall expire on June 30, 2018, and the sections of this Article relative to TK-3 grade span adjustment shall be null and void. The parties hereby agree that section of the Agreement constitutes a collectively bargained alternative annual average class enrollment for each school site in grades TK through 3 in accordance with Section 42238.02(d)(3)(B) of California’s Education Code. This collectively bargained alternative shall expire on June 30, 2018, and the sections of this Article relative to TK-3 grade span adjustment shall be null and void. 7.2 All Elementary School classes and Special Ed. Caseloads shall be balanced within fifteen (15) working days from the start of the school year. This date shall be defined as “the balancing date”. 7.3 The district shall provide the Association with member service provider caseloads on October 15, January 15 and March 15 for elementary sites and October 15 and March 15 for secondary sites. 7.4 One (1) week prior to each overage date, the District shall provide the Association President with a complete list of individual class sizes.
Maximum Class Sizes. An Elementary School Member will have the right to refuse to accept more than 32 students in the Member’s class, unless all Members at the grade level at a school site refuse to accept more than 32 students, in which case the Principal will consult with the grade level Members (an Association representative may attend at the Association’s option) as to where to place the additional students who would raise class size to over 32 students per class. In Elementary Schools, there will be a hard cap of 34 students per class. In Elementary School combo classes, there will be 28 students per class. 7.2 All Elementary School classes and Special Ed. Caseloads shall be balanced within fifteen (15) working days from the start of the school year. This date shall be defined as “the balancing date”. 7.3 The district shall provide the Association with member service provider caseloads on October 15, January 15 and March 15 for elementary sites and October 15 and March 15 for secondary sites. 7.4 One (1) week prior to each overage date, the District shall provide the Association President with a complete list of individual class sizes.