Multi-Center Publications Sample Clauses
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution and Investigator agree that they shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Site’s own activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi-center publication is published. In the event the Sponsor coordinates the multi-center Smlouvy. Publikace nebo prezentace navrhovaná Místem provádění klinického hodnocení musí být v souladu se zásadami pro vědecké práce, tzn. že (i) musejí být dodrženy přísné normy a předpisy platné v oboru, mimo jiné Zásady správné publikační praxe a doporučení pro provádění, vykazování, editaci a publikování odborných prací v lékařských časopisech vydané Mezinárodním výborem šéfredaktorů lékařských časopisů (ICMJE), v platném znění, a údaje z Místa provádění klinického hodnocení mohou být publikovány až po zveřejnění hlavní zdrojové publikace Zadavatelem. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející se nadto zavazují, že navrhovanou publikaci nebo prezentaci předloží vedoucímu oddělení pro globální lékařské publikace Zadavatelovy společnosti, e-mailová adresa: k posouzení nejpozději šedesát (60) dnů před odevzdáním navrhované publikace vydavateli nebo uskutečněním navrhované prezentace. Zadavatel do šedesáti (60) dnů od přijetí upozorní Zdravotnické zařízení nebo případně Zkoušejícího písemně na případné informace považované za Důvěrné informace (kromě Studijních dat) nebo za informace, které by mohly zhoršit možnost získání patentové ochrany pro Vynálezy. Zadavatel bude mít právo požádat Zdravotnické zařízení nebo případně Zkoušejícího o odstranění konkrétně označených Důvěrných informací (s výjimkou Studijních dat) nebo případně o odložení navrhovaného zveřejnění nebo prezentace o dalších šedesát (60) dnů, aby mohl Zadavatel uplatnit patentovou ochranu pro Vynálezy.
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution agrees that it shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi- center publication is published; provided, however, that if a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution shall have the right to publish and present the results of Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Data, solely in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.3 “Confidentiality of Unpublished Data”.
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution and Investigator agree that they shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Institution’s/Investigator’s own activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi-center publication is published. In the event the Sponsor coordinates the multi-center publication, the participation of the Investigator as a named author shall be determined in accordance with Sponsor’s policies, requirements of the publisher and generally accepted standards of authorship. If a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution and Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the Study data following from Institution’s and Investigator’s own activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Results, solely consistent with scientific standards and the submission requirements as outlined in Section 9.1 and in accordance with the provisions of Section 9.3 “Confidentiality of Unpublished Data” .
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center Study, Institution and Principal Investigator agree that they shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, publicly disclose, present or discuss any results of or information pertaining to the activities conducted under this Agreement until such a multi-center publication is released; provided, however, that if a multi-center publication is not released within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study at all research sites, Institution and Principal Investigator shall have the right to publish the results of and information pertaining to the activities conducted under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 8.1.
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution agrees that it shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi-center publication is published; provided, however, that if a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution shall have the right to publish and present the results of Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Data, solely in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.3 “Confidentiality of Unpublished Data”. 5.3 Confidentiality of Unpublished Data Institution acknowledges and agrees that Study Data that is not published, presented or otherwise disclosed in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2 (“Unpublished Data”) remains within the definition of Confidential Information, and Institution shall not, and shall require its personnel not to, disclose Unpublished Data to any third party or disclose any Study Data to any third party in greater detail than the same may be disclosed in any publications, presentations or disclosures made in accordance with Section 5.1 or Section 5.2.
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution and Investigator agree that they shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Site’s own activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi-center publication is published. In the event the Sponsor coordinates the multi-center publication, the participation of the Investigator as a named author shall be determined in accordance with Sponsor’s policies, requirements of the publisher and generally accepted standards of authorship. If a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution and Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the Site Study results following from Site’s own activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Data, solely consistent with scientific standards and the submission requirements as outlined in Section 5.1 and in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.3 “Confidentiality of Unpublished Data” 5.3
Multi-Center Publications. GSK will seek to publish the Study results in searchable, peer reviewed scientific literature. The first publication and all subsequent publications of the Study results from all Study sites (“GSK Publication (s)”) or disclosure(s) of the Study results, shall be coordinated by GSK. Once the Study is 5.2 Multicentrické publikování GSK bude usilovat o zveřejnění výsledků Studie v prohledávatelné recenzované odborné literatuře. První publikace výsledků Studie ze všech center Studie a všechny následné publikace („Publikace GSK“) nebo zpřístupnění výsledků Studie budou koordinovány společností GSK. Poté, co published in a scientific journal, GSK may list the Study on an external website for patient-level data sharing for further research and may also make available the full Study report on the GSK register. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution and Investigator agree that they shall not, without the GSK’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Institution’s and Investigator’s activities conducted under this Agreement until a GSK’s Publication is published; provided, however, that if a GSK’s Publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution and Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the results of Institution’s and Investigator’s activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Data, solely in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.3 “Confidentiality of Unpublished Data”. Study Subjects’ personal information, such as name or initials, shall not be publicly disclosed at any time. bude Studie publikována v odborném časopise, může GSK Studii zařadit na externí webovou stránku ke sdílení údajů na úrovni pacientů pro účely budoucího výzkumu a může také zpřístupnit celou zprávu o Studii na registru GSK. Je-li tato Studie multicentrickou studií, Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející tímto souhlasí, že bez předchozího písemného souhlasu GSK nebudou nezávisle publikovat, prezentovat či jakkoli jinak odhalovat, zveřejňovat, sdělovat či zpřístupňovat jakékoli výsledky nebo informace vztahující se k činnostem Zdravotnického zařízení a Zkoušejícího, jež jsou prováděny na základě této Smlouvy, a to až do doby, než dojde ke zveřejnění publikace GSK; to však za podmínky, že nedojde-li ke zveřejnění Publikace...
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution agrees that it shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi-center publication is published; provided, however, that if a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution shall have the right to publish and present the results of Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Data, solely Zadavateli předloží jakoukoli navrhovanou publikaci a prezentaci pro účely jejich kontroly ve lhůtě alespoň šedesáti (60) dnů před předložením jakékoli takové publikace příslušnému vydavateli či před jejich navrhovanou prezentací. Ve lhůtě šedesáti (60) dnů od jejich přijetí se Zadavatel písemně vyjádří Zdravotnickému zařízení ve vztahu k jakékoli informaci obsažené v takových materiálech, jež představuje Důvěrnou informaci (odlišnou od Studijních dat a údajů) nebo jež může představovat překážku možnosti dosažení patentové ochrany příslušného Objevu. Zadavatel bude oprávněn požadovat vůči Zdravotnickému zařízení odstranění definovaných informací označených jako Důvěrné informace (jež jsou odlišné od Studijních dat a údajů) a/nebo požadovat odložení navrhované publikace či prezentace po dobu dodatečných devadesáti (90) dnů, aby umožnil Zadavateli uplatnění patentové ochrany ve vztahu k takovému Objevu.
Multi-Center Publications. Since the Study is a multi-center study, Institution and Investigator agree that results of or information pertaining to Institution’s and Investigator’s activities conducted under this Agreement will be published by Sponsor as a multi-center publication; provided, however, that if a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, Institution and Investigator shall have the right to publish and present the results of Institution’s and Investigator’s activities conducted under this Agreement, including Study Data, solely in accordance with the provisions of 5.3 “Publication Procedure”. 5.2
Multi-Center Publications. If the Study is a multi-center study, Institution agrees that it shall not, without the Sponsor’s prior written consent, independently publish, present or otherwise disclose any results of or information pertaining to Institution’s activities conducted under this Agreement until a multi- center publication is published; provided, however, that if a multi-center publication is not published within eighteen (18) months after completion of the Study and lock of the database at all research sites or any earlier termination or abandonment of the Study, 4.5 Patentové řízení Zdravotnické zařízení se zavazuje, že bude spolupracovat a poskytne součinnost, a to v návaznosti na výzvu Zadavatele a na jeho náklady a s jeho účastí, v souvislosti s přípravou, podáním, vedením patentového řízení a udržováním veškerých patentových přihlášek a patentů pro veškeré Objevy.