Non-Competitive Sample Clauses
Non-Competitive. To learn A, B, and C gymnastics elements that can be incorporated into routines.
Non-Competitive. Bid: The bid submitted on auction day till 10:30 to purchase the auctioned security from the average price of the auction or the price determined at the auction.
Non-Competitive. At no time during the term of this Agreement shall User provide food service or sell food items in Veteran’s Park through any vehicles or mode of operation other than this Agreement for the operation of the Veteran’s Park Concession Stand.
Non-Competitive. Non-competitive employees in job titles to which there is a direct line of promotion who are displaced, may displace employees in the same or next lower occupied title in the same line of promotion who have the least seniority, but only if the displacing employees have greater seniority. Where displacement involves more than one position in a title, the order of displacement will be in the inverse of the original displacement. That is, the most senior employee shall be the first to displace, etc. If an employee refuses to displace the junior employee, they must be laid off. When the next lower title has been occupied by means of displacement, regardless of when displacement into the title occurred, the position is considered occupied for further displacement purposes by another displaced employee with requisite seniority. Where no lower occupied position in direct line of promotion is available, a non-competitive employee may retreat back to the last permanently held civil service title and displace the most junior employee, if the employee who is retreating has greater seniority. If an employee refuses to displace a junior employee, they must be laid off. If no position by bumping or retreat is available, an employee may be assigned any available position, which the Chief Business and Financial Officer deems the employee able to perform. When an employee is required to move to another job title in a lower pay grade, in accordance with the procedures herein set forth, credit shall be given for the years of service in the grade from which they are being relocated and their former grades, to ascertain their appropriate compensation on the compensation grade scale. In no case, however, shall the rate of pay be greater than that being paid in the displaced grade. Non-Competitive employees shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority and placed on a preferred recall list, such list to remain in effect for four years. Employees will be recalled in order of their seniority to the position formerly held, or to another position for which they may be qualified if the position held at the time of layoff is not available. Once an employee is placed on the recall list, during the month of June each year, they shall notify the Chief Business and Financial Officer in writing of their intention to remain on said list and current mailing address. If the employee fails to so notify the Chief Business and Financial Officer, their name shall be deleted from the r...
Non-Competitive. The Parties agree not to engage in business which are in direct competition with the other Party. Many companies decide that partners and employees sign free trade agreements and do not compete separately.
Non-Competitive. The Concessionaire agrees that the Department has the right to license, or issue permits for external concessions. Except as provided above, the Department agrees that it shall not knowingly permit any new concessions, either for-profit or non-profit, to directly compete with the Concessionaire within the Park.
Non-Competitive. The parties agree not to participate in business activities directly competing with one another.
Non-Competitive. The Concessionaire agrees that the Village has the right to license or issue permits for external concessions. The Village agrees that it shall not knowingly permit any new concessions, either for-profit or non-profit, to directly compete with the Concessionaire within Beach Park.
Non-Competitive. The agent will not sell a competing product to any competitor in the sales area during the duration of this agreement or for a period of years after the termination of this agreement. 8- Confidentiality. During this agreement, principal may be necessary to share ownership information, including trade secrets, industrial knowledge, and other confidential information, to the agent in order for the agent to successfully sell the product. Agent Will Share any of this proprietary information at any time. The agent will not use any of this information at any time. This section remains in full effect and effect even after the agreement has been terminated by its natural termination or early termination by either party. 9- Termination. This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party on the basis of written notice to the other party. The capital is responsible for paying all commissions obtained up to the termination date. Upon termination, the contractor returns all the client's contents, materials and all work products to the customer as soon as possible, but in any case 30 (30) days after the termination date.10 Representations and guarantees. The parties mean that they are fully entitled to conclude this agreement. The performance and obligations of any of the parties will not violate or violate the rights of any third party or any other agreement between the parties, individually, any other person, organization, trading company or any law or government regulation. Escapeability. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed null or void, in whole or in part, that part will be separated from the rest of the Convention and all other provisions must continue to be fully and enforceable as valid and enforceable. 12.
Non-Competitive. Seniority in job classification for each employee in the non- competitive class shall be determined by the initial date of hire by XXXXX.