Overtime Rates on Weekdays. All time worked beyond the normal work day shall be deemed to be overtime. Overtime shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half for the first two (2) hours and double time after two (2) hours in any one day or shift, Monday to Friday.
Overtime Rates on Weekdays. All time worked beyond the normal work day shall be deemed to be overtime. Overtime shall be paid for at rate of time and one-half. All time worked on Saturdays shall be paid for at one and one-half times standard rate of pay for all time worked and all time worked on Sundays shall be paid for at two times the standardrate of pay for all time worked. Any in Article of this Agreement, shall be paid at the rate of in addition shall be granted off in lieu at his convenience unless the Commissioners agree that it be taken as part of annual vacation, or, at the employee’s option, he shall receive the equivalent in pay rather than a day off in lieu. Employees shall be entitled to lieu time for overtime accumulated, to a maximum of five days per calendaryear, shift], by such employees instead of overtime pay at times mutually agreeable to the Commissioners and such employees on the following conditions: Employees desiring to have overtime worked credited towards lieu time repayment shall notify their their time sheets being submitted to the time office; otherwise such overtime will be repaid in money. Only two hours or more of overtime per day shall be eligible for lieu time. earned on a daily basis must be taken as either all p a i d time or all lieu time. There will be no “splitting” between paid or lieu time on a daily basis. forovertime repayment in time rather thanmoney submitted in writing on theappropriate form before such lieu time shall be granted. On or about November 1 of each year, every employee who has accumulated lieu time will be provided with a statement indicating the number of hours he has five days, he will not be able to accumulate any further days in that year.)
Overtime Rates on Weekdays. All time worked beyond the regular workday or beyond the regular work week shall be deemed to be overtime until a break of seven (7) hours occurs. Overtime at one and one-half (l-l/2) time will be paid for the first two (2) hours immediately following the termination of the regular work day. Double time (2T) shall be paid for any time worked after the first two (2) hours following termination of the regular work day. Providing the employee has been advised overtime work is required prior to the end of his regular work day, the return to work immediately after a granted meal break does not constitute a call out and the meal break shall not be considered as working time.