PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. F.7.1 Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. ‌ F.7.1 Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables‌ This Master Contract is a Performance-based Acquisition (PBA), independent from any Task Order PBA requirements. PBA is a results-oriented contracting method that focuses on the outputs, quality, and outcomes for certain deliverables detailed in Sections G.23, H.19 and Attachments in J-5. These measurable performance standards and requirements, Contractor Engagement and Small Business Subcontracting, determine the Contractor’s overall level of success with the GSA GWAC Program. F.7.2 Non-Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables‌ The following table contains deliverables required under the Master Contract. Individual Task Orders may have additional deliverables specified by the issuing agency. The Government does not waive its right to request deliverables under the Master Contract, even if such requirements are not specifically listed in this table. Compliance to the following deliverables may be rated annually in the Master Contract’s CPARS or another contract performance assessment report. F.7.3 Table of Deliveries or Performance‌ 1 C.7.1 Master Contract PWS Quality Control Plan Due within sixty (60) calendar days after date of the government issued QASP.
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. F.7.1 Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables‌ This Master Contract is a Performance-based Acquisition (PBA), independent from any Task Order PBA requirements. PBA is a results-oriented contracting method that focuses on the outputs, quality, and outcomes for certain deliverables detailed in Sections G.23, H.19 and Attachments in J-5. These measurable performance standards and requirements, Contractor Engagement and Small Business Subcontracting, determine the Contractor’s overall level of success with the GSA GWAC Program. F.7.2 Non-Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables‌ The following table contains deliverables required under the Master Contract. Individual Task Orders may have additional deliverables specified by the issuing agency. The Government does not waive its right to request deliverables under the Master Contract, even if such requirements are not specifically listed in this table. Compliance to the following deliverables may be rated annually in the Master Contract’s CPARS. SECTION F.7-TABLE OF DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE‌ 1 C.7.1 Master Contract PWS Quality Control Plan Due within sixty (60) calendar days after date of the government issued QASP. 2 G.8 CONTRACTOR PROGRAM MANAGER AND CONTRACTS MANAGER FOR THE GWAC MASTER CONTRACT Identify the Program/ Contract Managers including replacements Within thirty (30) calendar days after the Notice to Proceed and/or within thirty (30) calendar days of any vacancy. and Government Designated System
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES a. The Contractor agrees to report all occupational illnesses and injuries which are diagnosed during the contract period to the CT DOL, utilizing the form entitled “Physician’s Report of Occupational Disease”. b. The Contractor will be responsible for submitting an Annual Program Report that covers clinic activities and patients seen between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. The report will include the following items: (i) Total number of patient visits (including information as to the nature of the visit, i.e., initial visit, follow-up, etc.). (ii) Total number of injury and illness reports submitted to the Department of Labor during FY 2024. (iii) Any epidemiologic information of note, including the identification of high-risk industries, occupations, or workplaces. (iv) Description of industrial hygiene visits, on-site exposure assessments/workplace evaluations conducted (listing should include type of company or industry – the specific company name does not need to be included). (v) Activities that involved the training of occupational health professionals. (vi) Education related to the use of the surveillance system. (vii) Any special projects undertaken. c. The Annual Program Report must be submitted to the CT DOL on or before August 1st or thirty-one (31) days following the termination of the contract, whichever comes first. d. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with the CT DOL by providing any other performance reports or information requested by the CT DOL for the purpose of evaluating the activities funded by this contract. A time schedule for regular reporting will be determined by the CT DOL. e. The Contractor further agrees to abide by all terms, conditions, and specifications detailed in the CT DOL-approved response to the Request for Proposal for an Auxiliary Occupational Health Clinic.
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. F.7.1 Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables This Master Contract is a Performance-based Acquisition (PBA), independent from any Task Order PBA requirements. PBA is a results-oriented contracting method that focuses on the outputs, quality, and outcomes for certain deliverables detailed in Sections G.23,
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. Collect the metrics enumerated in Section 4.
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. F.7.1 Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables‌ F.7.2 Non-Performance-based Acquisition Deliverables‌ F.7.3 Table of Deliveries or PerformanceTable 5 - Alliant 2 GWAC Deliveries or Performance ID RFP SECTION/ TITLE DELIVERABLE FREQUENCY DELIVER TO
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. Report on and evaluate any and all metrics as required under 4. PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES.
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES. A. Performance Measures 1. SUBRECIPIENT shall provide direct job placement and training services to EPP, WEX and VTR Participants as described in this CONTRACT through June 30, 2018. 2. All staff related to the project will execute project activities in accordance with the CONTRACT. 3. Attendance reports and Participant evaluations must be directly submitted to the WTW staff and/or OCDB Program Manager as applicable by the 10th of each month for the preceding month. 4. All deliverables related to the CONTRACT and Scope of Services will not be deemed “received” until reviewed and approved by OCDB. 5. The following deliverables as noted in the Scope of Services shall be delivered as such: i. Place SSA referrals for EPP, WEX, or VTR within fourteen (14) working days. ii. With OCDB guidance, the SUBRECIPIENT will establish a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), or Cost-Sharing Agreement with the Comprehensive One-Stop Center Operator. iii. SUBRECIPIENT will place a minimum of 190 new SSA EPP referrals in assignment and continue services to carry-in EPP Participants until June 30, 2018. • 73% of the Participants will complete the EPP activity iv. SUBRECIPIENT will place a minimum 70 new SSA WEX referrals in assignment and continue services to carry-in WEX Participants until June 30, 2018. • 73% of the Participants will complete the WEX activity Unsubsidized Employment of SSA WEX Referrals: • 63% of those who complete the WEX activity will be placed in unsubsidized employment within 30 45 calendar days of completing the activity v. SUBRECIPIENT will place a minimum 33 new SSA VTR referrals in training programs and continue services to carry-in VTR Participants until June 30, 2018 • 73% of the Participants will complete the VTR activity Unsubsidized Employment of SSA VTR Referrals: • 63% of those who complete the VTR activity will be placed in unsubsidized employment within 30 45 calendar days of completing the activity 6. SUBRECIPIENT shall complete all forms and documentation as required and provided by OCDB. 7. SUBRECIPIENT shall provide OCDB with a written Program Work Plan describing workflow and all activities/services involved in the delivery of EPP, WEX, and VTR services, within 30 45 days following full execution of the CONTRACT, for OCDB review and approval. 8. Limited funding and limited fund life requires that expenditures and participant information be reported in a timely and accurate manner, so that inefficiencies can be identified and unanticipated ...
PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERABLES eXo agrees to provide the Training Services and Deliverables specified in an Order Form on the terms and conditions of this Appendix and in accordance with the requirements, Deliverables description and delivery dates in such Order Form. eXo and the Customer agree to scope the amount and nature of Training Services needed in accordance with the involved project.