Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Sample Clauses
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty instructional needs where the scope and duration of those needs are uncertain or are known to be of limited duration; or to fulfill highly specialized and occasional instructional needs. Associate Lecturers/Clinical Associate Lecturers may be appointed from outside the bargaining unit within the limitations placed by the provisions of 21.3 concerning “Additional Work for Part-Time NTT Faculty.”
ii. Associate Lecturers/Clinical Associate Lecturers may be appointed at greater than 50% time to meet departmental instructional needs, whether upon original hire or upon reappointment, within the limitations placed by the provisions of 21.3 concerning “Additional Work for Part-Time NTT Faculty.” Temporary increases in FTE of this type will not result in a change in title or rate of pay.
iii. In such case as an Associate Lecturer/Clinical Associate Lecturer has served at 50% FTE or higher for four consecutive semesters, their title shall be converted to Lecturer, and effective as of the start of the semester following that conversion they shall receive a salary increase to the applicable salary floor for Lecturers (unless their salary already exceeds that floor). The four semesters of continuous service at 50% or greater in the title of Associate Lecturer/Clinical Associate Lecturer that led to this conversion shall be counted toward the faculty member’s eligibility for continuing appointment. All service in the title of Associate Lecturer/Clinical Associate Lecturer shall be counted toward the converted faculty member’s eligibility for promotion to Senior Lecturer/Clinical Senior Lecturer, with the stipulation that an Associate Lecturer/Clinical Associate Lecturer converted to Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer shall not be eligible for the title of Senior Lecturer/Clinical Senior Lecturer without at least three years of full-time-equivalent service in the rank of Lecturer/Clinical Lecturer.
21.11.2 Associate Lecturers/Clinical Associate Lecturers shall be hired on single- semester contracts.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty same as Senior Lecturers/Clinical Senior Lecturers, will be eligible for consideration for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer II/Clinical Senior Lecturer II.
21.12.1. c All Senior Lecturers II/Clinical Senior Lecturers II with at least six years of full- time-equivalent service as a Senior Lecturer II/Clinical Senior Lecturer II, or in a position, excluding student employment, with duties and responsibilities substantially the same as Senior Lecturers II/Clinical Senior Lecturers II, will be eligible for consideration for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer III/Clinical Senior Lecturer III.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. 8.1 Teaching Faculty
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. 4.4.1. The request for a new full time, non-tenure-track faculty position may be initiated by a recommendation of the majority of the faculty from one (or several, in the case of joint or dual appointments) academic unit(s) (department/school or instructional support unit), in consultation with the Chair/Director. The recommendation is then forwarded to the appropriate Xxxx for consideration and if approved, forwarded to the Xxxxxxx for final authorization.
4.4.2. The recruitment, screening, and/or interview of candidates shall be the responsibility of the appropriate academic unit(s). The credentials of candidates shall be secured by the academic unit(s) and shall be readily available for review by all of the faculty and the Chair/Director of that unit(s).
4.4.3. The full-time faculty shall meet and by majority vote establish the preferred candidate or the ranking of candidates. Comments from students, staff, and alumni may be used to augment faculty determinations, however only the faculty may vote. The faculty recommendation shall be conveyed to the Xxxx accompanied by an independent recommendation from the Chair/Director. If the Chair/Director disagrees with the recommendation of the unit faculty, then he/she shall state the reasons in writing for his/her disagreement; a copy of the Chair’s/Director’s letter must be provided to the unit faculty.
4.4.4. After consultation with the academic unit(s) and Chair/Director, the Xxxx, as contracting officer, or his or her faculty administrator designee, shall conduct the final negotiations with candidates for appointment, consistent with the terms and conditions of employment established in this Agreement.
4.4.5. The faculty of the academic unit(s) may establish expedited procedures for handling the selection process in unusual or emergency situations, such as the possible need to make hiring decisions during summer session when many of the faculty are not available.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. The maximum teaching load for non-tenure track faculty is 18 credit hours or equivalent contact hours as defined by the college workload committee. Teaching faculty assigned to teach college writing and introductory language courses may be assigned four courses (12 credit hours) per semester with only one preparation per semester, a maximum of 19 students per section, and courses and related activities scheduled not more than four days per week, in accordance with Article II.A.1.(b). All provisions of this Article not consistent with the above terms shall be considered null and void.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. Non-tenure-track faculty are not eligible for tenure. Contracts offered to all non- tenure-track faculty shall be presented in a Letter of Appointment that states the effective dates of the appointment, the salary, the workload units of teaching (or other assigned responsibilities as outlined in ARTICLE 12 – PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES), a description of the anticipated course assignment(s) or other work (including the campus and mode of delivery for anticipated instruction), and any agreed special stipulations. In the event that course offerings are changed in a way that would: (a) eliminate a course anticipated in a faculty member’s Letter of Appointment; (b) require the faculty member to teach at a different campus; (c) require the faculty member to teach through a different mode of delivery; or (d) require alteration of a special stipulation contained in the Letter of Appointment, the department chair will discuss with the affected faculty member whether there are unassigned courses available that the faculty member is qualified to teach which can be substituted for the course(s) anticipated in the Letter of Appointment. In the event of a change impacting non-teaching duties, where possible, those duties shall be replaced by other similar responsibilities. The Letter of Appointment will be revised, with approval of the xxxx, to reflect any mutually agreed upon substitutions, or to reduce the agreed workload units if no such alternative is found.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. Terms of Employment The Faculty Handbook shall contain a complete copy of the policy governing the terms of employment for individuals holding primary appointments as full-time, continuing non-tenure track faculty. Any change to the policy governing conditions of employment for Continuing Non-Tenure Track Faculty that are approved by the Xxxxxxx during the term of this contract must also be approved by the AAUP.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty same as Senior Lecturers/Clinical Senior Lecturers, will be eligible for consideration for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer II/Clinical Senior Lecturer II.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. A non-tenure track full-time (NTT) faculty member is an individual who is hired to teach or provide other services with an equivalent workload assigned and determined by Management to be twenty-four (24) credits in an academic year. In exceptional circumstances a NTT faculty member may be assigned an equivalent workload of fewer than twenty-four (24) credits in an academic year. A NTT faculty member is employed for one (1) academic year term, which may be renewed for a second and third academic year upon recommendation of the employee’s Center Director and the Xxxxxxx. A NTT faculty member will be notified of reappointment or non-reappointment on or before May 15.
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty. (NTTF) REVIEW AND
Section 1. Reviews for Career NTTF faculty will include: (1) regular reviews associated with 8 contract renewal; and (2) performance and promotion reviews. If a bargaining unit faculty 9 member seeks promotion in a year when a contract performance review is due, only a single 10 review must be completed is required. The decision on whether to promote and the decision 11 on whether to renew, however, must be made independently.