Research and Creative Activity Sample Clauses
Research and Creative Activity a. An original article in the faculty member’s present job description or field of teaching that is published in a professional journal may earn 0.5 to 1.5 units, depending upon the scope. The journal must have an editorial board that reviews and selects articles for publications.
b. An original published document or major revision of an original published document (e.g., textbook, workbook, or manual) for classroom use may earn one (1) to five (5) units, depending upon scope. This option does not apply to regular classroom materials such as course syllabi, outlines, and handouts.
c. A book or text in the faculty member’s present field may earn one (1) to five (5) units depending upon scope. Self-published books shall not be considered except where they have been in evident use and benefit to the students in the classroom.
d. An original score and/or published lyrics may earn 0.5 to three (3) units depending upon scope. Such music should be of evident use in the classroom and must be copyrighted.
e. Other products of research or creative activity which show evidence of professional growth on the part of the faculty member may earn from 0.5 to three (3) units depending upon scope.
Research and Creative Activity. As both units are committed to the professional success of the administrative faculty appointee, the appointee is encouraged and allowed to pursue the scholarship necessary for tenure and/or promotion, as detailed in the university, college, and department guidelines of the Academic Home.
Research and Creative Activity a. An original article in the unit member’s present job description or field of teaching that is published in a professional journal may earn 0.5 to
Research and Creative Activity. <##>%
Research and Creative Activity. (a) Efforts shall be made to evaluate the quality and originality of both published and unpublished scholarly work; “publication” in this context shall be interpreted to include exhibitions and performances, as appropriate.
(b) Research/creative work shall be evaluated which
(i) concerns topics, ideas, theories, or methods used in the teaching program of the Member's Department, or, where there is no department, comparable administrative unit;
(ii) directly relates matters arising from
Article 12.01. 2(b)(i) above to topics, ideas, theories, or methods of other areas in interdisciplinary fashion;
(iii) concerns topics, ideas, theories, or methods in the teaching programs of other areas; or
(iv) beyond Articles 12.01.2(b)(i), 12.01.2(b)(ii), and 12.01.2(b)(iii), the onus shall lie with the Member to demonstrate that his/her work should be evaluated.
(v) factors that may be considered in the evaluation of research and creative activity include, but are not limited to, grant application writing; the publication of books, monographs and contributions to edited books; papers in both refereed and non-refereed journals; the academic planning of, or papers delivered at, professional meetings; consulting work and other professional activities involving research competence; participation in panels; unpublished research including current work in progress; editorial duties; refereeing; creative works and performances; and scholarship as evidenced by the Member's depth and breadth of knowledge and general contributions to the research life of the University.
Research and Creative Activity. (a) Efforts shall be made to evaluate the quality and originality of both published and unpublished scholarly work; “publication” in this context shall be interpreted to include exhibitions and performances, as appropriate.
(b) Research/creative work shall be evaluated which
(i) concerns topics, ideas, theories, or methods used in the teaching program of the Member's Department, or, where there is no department, comparable administrative unit;
(ii) directly relates matters arising from
Research and Creative Activity. All faculty members are expected to maintain a career-long commitment to professional development associated with their scholarly or artistic expertise and complementary to their teaching. Within this overall commitment to professional development, faculty members are expected to maintain an active program of research or creative activity (as broadly defined in §3.9.
Research and Creative Activity. <##>% <Enter details of research/creative activity workload here.> <Enter eligibility criteria and expectations here.> <Enter office location and allotted resources here.> <Enter any evaluation modifications here.> <Enter revenue management mechanisms here.> Administrative appointments are at the pleasure of the administrative supervisor. Any modification of the administrative faculty appointment agreement must be approved by Director of the Administrative Unit and Chair of the Academic Home in consultation with the faculty member and approved by the Xxxx and the Xxxxxxx. Faculty Member Date __________________________ __________________ Executive Director (Administrative Home) Date __________________________ __________________ Department Chair (Academic Home) Date __________________________ __________________ Xxxx Date __________________________ __________________ Xxxxxxx Date
Research and Creative Activity. 1. Original research, academic, or professional article published in a peer reviewed journal or reputable professional journal with an editorial board that reviews and selects articles for publication and be listed in a reputable publication's directory, e.g., Magazines for Libraries, Xxxx and Xxxx. Units awarded: 0.5 – 5 Limit: 6 units career maximum.
2. An original, peer-reviewed textbook, workbook, or manual for classroom use, depending upon scope, including validated zero-cost text development. Units awarded: 0.5 – 5 Limit: 6 units career maximum
3. An original creative work published in a discipline-appropriate publication or publicly presented as a performance, showing, commissioned or juried display of art, film, musical composition, audio or video work. Self-published books shall not be considered. Units awarded: 0.5 – 5 Limit: 6 units career maximum The total career maximum for units from Research and Creative Activities shall be 6 units.
Research and Creative Activity. An original article in the faculty member's present teaching field that is published in a professional journal is given .5 to 1.5 units, depending upon scope. The journal must have an editorial board that reviews and selects articles for publication and be listed in a reputable publication's directory, e.g., Magazines for Libraries, Xxxx and Xxxx. Limit: 6 units career maximum.