Course Syllabi. Bargaining Unit Faculty Members shall provide a course outline for students in each course taught. The outline shall include a clear explanation of the course requirements, policies on grading and expectations for class attendance. It is only necessary to state an attendance policy in a syllabus if attendance is factored into the calculation of the student’s grade.
7.3.1 Members will make a good faith effort to make their syllabi available to students and to the Department Chair one week prior to the beginning of the course, unless there is a clear pedagogical reason to delay or the Member was assigned to teach the course less than four weeks before the first class meeting. In any event, the Member will make syllabi available as soon as possible, and no later than the end of the first week of class.
7.3.2 Members shall make good faith efforts to make the content of the course, as reflected in the syllabus and as actually taught, consistent with the curriculum.
Course Syllabi. Faculty will maintain current, relevant course syllabi and make them available to part-time faculty and other affected departments for review and comment.
Course Syllabi. Do you have a course syllabi which includes your classroom policies, grading procedures, and course content timeline? Type in Yes or No . If yes, please upload a copy using the "Attach a file" button and then click "Add this answer." COVID Modified Peer/Xxxx Evaluation - Probationary Instructor Indicate which semester this probationary evaluation is for. This question should be answered by the Xxxx or Director only. All others should mark "N/A." 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th N/A Semes… Semes… Semes… Semes… Semes… Semes… Semes… Satisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Needs Improvement This question should be answered by the Xxxx or Director only. All others should mark "N/A." Satisfactory Needs Improvement This question should be answered by the Xxxx or Director only. All others should mark "N/A." Satisfactory Needs Improvement This question should be answered by the Xxxx or Director only. All others should mark "N/A." Satisfactory Needs Improvement This question should be answered by the Xxxx or Director only. All others should mark "N/A." Satisfactory Needs Improvement This question should be answered by the Xxxx or Director only. All others should mark "N/A." Satisfactory Needs Improvement COVID Modified Evaluation Conference Report
Course Syllabi. All courses taught by Association Members must have syllabi that are prepared and updated by the Association Member, approved by the Department/Program Chair, and filed with the supervising Xxxx.
Course Syllabi.
7.9.1 Members shall provide a course outline for students in each course taught. The outline shall include a clear explanation of the course requirements, learning objectives and outcomes, a class calendar, and policies on grading and expectations for class attendance. It is only necessary to state an attendance policy in a syllabus if attendance is factored into the calculation of the student’s grade. During the semester that a course is being taught, Members shall provide timely notice and explanation to students for routine changes to course syllabi. When substantive changes to the course syllabus are made, Members shall also provide timely notice and explanation to the Member’s Chair.
7.9.2 Members shall make their syllabi available to students on the University learning management system and to the Department Chair one (1) week prior to the beginning of the course, unless (a.) the Member has submitted a written request to the Chair or designee, and it has been approved in advance, demonstrating that there is a clear and substantive pedagogical reason to delay or (b.) the Member was assigned to teach the course less than four (4) weeks before the first class meeting. In any event, the Member will make syllabi available as soon as possible, and no later than the end of the first week of class. The syllabi should remain available to students on the University learning management system until the end of the last day of the finals week
7.9.3 Members shall make the content of the course, as reflected in the syllabus and as actually taught, consistent with the curriculum.
Course Syllabi. 6.1 In the classroom, a Part-time Faculty Member’s pedagogy shall be guided by the course description and syllabus, requirements of effective teaching, adherence to academic and professional standards, and encouragement of the spirit of inquiry among students.
6.2 To the extent a department has particular written expectations on course syllabi, teaching and grading responsibilities, student assignments or other expectations, such written expectations will be made available to the Part-time Faculty Member at the time that the course is assigned.
6.3 If there is no course syllabus, or if the Part-time Faculty Member believes that the course syllabus should be substantially modified, then the Part-time Faculty Member may develop and modify the syllabus. The Part-time Faculty Member shall provide a copy of the syllabus to be used to the Department Chair or Program Director. Under ordinary circumstances, the Part-time Faculty Member shall provide a copy of the revised syllabus to the Department Chair or Program Director at least one-week prior to the start of the semester. If the Department Chair or Program Director has a reasonable concern that the syllabus is not consistent with the criteria in Section 1 above, they will schedule a meeting with the Part-time Faculty Member to discuss such concerns. In any event, revising a course syllabus is considered a regular part of teaching for which there will be no additional compensation (unless no syllabus exists and needs to be created).
Course Syllabi. Course syllabi are the intellectual property of the faculty author. Faculty will provide the Office of Academic Affairs with an electronic copy of the course syllabus for each course taught in a given semester for the following purposes:
A. Providing syllabi to students for individual course articulation when the faculty member is unavailable.
B. Providing syllabi as evidence for accreditation reports or in response to other federal, state, or local regulations or investigations.
Course Syllabi. 6.1. In the classroom, a Part-time Faculty Member’s pedagogy shall be guided by the course description and syllabus, requirements of effective teaching, adherence to academic and professional standards, and encouragement of the spirit of inquiry among students.
6.2. To the extent a department has particular written expectations on course syllabi, teaching and grading responsibilities, student assignments or other expectations, such written expectations will be made available to the Part-time Faculty Member at the time that the course is assigned.
6.3. If there is no course syllabus, or if the Part-time Faculty Member believes that the course syllabus should be substantially modified, then the Part-time Faculty Member may develop and modify the syllabus. The Part-time Faculty Member shall provide a copy of the syllabus to be used to the Department Chair or Program Director. Under ordinary circumstances, the Part-time Faculty Member shall provide a copy of the revised syllabus to the Department Chair or Program Director at least one-week prior to the start of the semester. If the Department Chair or Program Director has a reasonable concern that the syllabus is not
Course Syllabi. Bargaining Unit Faculty Members shall provide a course outline for students in each course taught. The outline shall include a clear explanation of the course requirements, policies on grading and expectations for class attendance. It is only necessary to state an attendance policy in a syllabus if attendance is factored into the calculation of the student’s grade.
7.3.1. Members will make a good faith effort to make their outlines available to students and to the Department Chair at the beginning of the course, unless there is a clear pedagogical reason to delay, and no later than the end of the first week of class.
7.3.2. Members shall make good faith efforts to make the content of the course, as reflected in the syllabus and as actually taught, consistent with the curriculum.
Course Syllabi. University policy requires faculty members to provide a course syllabus to all enrolled students. Current faculty policy on syllabi is provided in the University Catalog.