Personnel arrangements. 1. The United Nations and the Court agree to consult and cooperate as far as practicable regarding personnel standards, methods and arrangements.
2. The United Nations and the Court agree to:
(a) Periodically consult on matters of mutual interest relating to the employment of their officers and staff, including conditions of service, the duration of appointments, classification, salary scale and allowances, retirement and pension rights and staff regulations and rules;
(b) Cooperate in the temporary interchange of personnel, where appropriate, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights;
(c) Strive for maximum cooperation in order to achieve the most efficient use of specialized personnel, systems and services.
Personnel arrangements. Pursuant to Article 44(4) of the Statute, the EU and the Court agree to determine, on a case by case basis, under which exceptional circumstances the Court may employ the expertise of gratis personnel offered by the EU, to assist with the work of any of the organs of the Court.
Personnel arrangements. 1. The Commission and the Organization agree to consult whenever necessary concerning matters of common interest relating to the terms and conditions of employment of staff.
2. The Commission and the Organization agree to cooperate regarding the exchange of personnel and to determine conditions of such cooperation in supplementary arrangements to be concluded for that purpose in accordance with Article X of this Agreement.
Personnel arrangements. 1. The United Nations and the World Health Organization recognize that the eventual development of a single unified international civil service is desirable from the standpoint of effective administrative co-ordination, and with this end in view agree to develop as far as practicable common person- nel standards, methods and arrangements designed to avoid serious discrep- ancies in terms and conditions of employment, to avoid competition in recruitment of personnel and to facilitate interchange of personnel in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services.
2. The United Nations and the World Health Organization agree to co- operate to the fullest extent possible in achieving these ends, and in particu- lar they agree to:
(a) Consult together concerning the establishment of an international civil service commission to advise on the means by which common stand- ards of recruitment in the secretariats of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies may be ensured;
(b) Consult together concerning other matters relating to the employment of their officers and staff, including conditions of service, duration of appointments, classification, salary scales and allowances, retirement and pension rights, and staff regulations and rules, with a view to secur- ing as much uniformity in these matters as shall be found practicable;
(c) Co-operate in the interchange of personnel, when desirable, on a tem- porary or permanent basis, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights;
(d) Co-operate in the establishment and operation of suitable machinery for the settlement of disputes arising in connexion with the employment of personnel and related matters.
Personnel arrangements. The International Labour Organisation and the World Health Organiza- tion agree that the measures to be taken by them, within the framework of the general arrangements for co-operation in regard to staff personnel to be made by the United Nations, will include:
(a) Measures to avoid competition in the recruitment of their personnel; and
(b) Measures to facilitate interchange of personnel on a temporary or per- manent basis, in appropriate cases, in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights.
Personnel arrangements. 6.1. The Parties have jointly developed the HR Protocol which is designed to support the Arrangements but is not intended to be (and unless the Parties expressly agree otherwise in writing, will not have the effect of being), a substitute for either Parties existing HR Policies and Procedures.
6.2. The Parties agree to be bound by the terms of the HR Protocol and to fulfil their respective obligations in that respect. The HR Protocol may be varied in accordance with clause 24.
6.3. During the term of the s.113 Agreement the recruitment, assignment to and management of the Shared Posts will be in accordance with this Agreement and the HR Protocol.
Personnel arrangements. 1. The United Nations and the World Tourism Organization agree to develop, in the interests of uniform standards of international employment and to the extent feasible, common personnel standards, methods and arrangements designed to avoid unjustified differences in terms and conditions of employment, to avoid competition in recruitment of personnel and to facilitate any mutually desirable and beneficial interchange of personnel. For this purpose the World Tourism Organization agrees to accept the Statute of the International Civil Service Commission and participate in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in accordance with the Regulations of the Fund and accept the jurisdiction of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal in matters involving applications alleging non-observance of those Regulations.
2. The United Nations and the World Tourism Organization agree to cooperate to the fullest extent possible in achieving these ends, and in particular they agree:
(a) To consult together from time to time concerning matters of mutual interest relating to the terms and conditions of employment of the officers and staff, with a view to securing as much uniformity in these matters as may be feasible;
(b) To cooperate in the interchange of personnel when desirable, on a temporary or a permanent basis, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights;
(c) To cooperate with the agencies of the United Nations system in the establishment and operation of suitable machinery for the settlement of disputes arising in connection with the employment of personnel and related matters.
3. The terms and conditions under which any facilities or services of the United Nations or the World Tourism Organization in connection with the matters referred to in the present article are to be extended to the other shall, where necessary, be the subject of supplementary arrangements concluded for this purpose pursuant to article 20 of the present Agreement.
Personnel arrangements. 1.1 The Health Services Manager must arrange for, and incur the cost of obtaining, the required permits of all its Personnel to work on Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
1.2 Unless otherwise specified, all Health Services Manager Personnel, (including expatriate Australian, locally engaged and citizens of other countries) staff, will work 54 hours per week while based on Xxxxx Island and Nauru. The psychiatrist, dentist and dental assistant will work 40 hours per week and the Logistics Officer on Port Moresby will work 38 hours per week.
1.3 Unless the Department approves otherwise, Health Services Manager Personnel will be required to work for at least four (4) consecutive weeks and then undertake a period of four
Personnel arrangements. 1. The United Nations and the Authority agree to apply, in the interests of uniform standards of international employment and to the extent feasible, common personnel standards, methods and arrangements designed to avoid unjustified differences in terms and conditions of employment and to facilitate interchange of personnel in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services.
2. To this end, the United Nations and the Authority agree:
(a) To consult together from time to time concerning matters of common interest relating to the terms and conditions of employment of the officers and staff, with a view to securing as much uniformity in these matters as may be feasible;
(b) To cooperate in the interchange of personnel when desirable, on a temporary or a permanent basis, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights;
(c) To cooperate in the establishment and operation of suitable machinery for the settlement of disputes arising in connection with the employment of personnel and related matters.
3. Pursuant to decision ISBA/A/15 of 15 August 1996 of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority, and upon the approval of the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Authority shall participate in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in accordance with the Regulations of the Fund and shall accept the jurisdiction of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal in matters involving applications alleging non-observance of those Regulations.
4. The terms and conditions on which any facilities or services of the Authority or the United Nations in connection with the matters referred to in this article are to be extended to the other shall, where necessary, be the subject of supplementary arrangements concluded for this purpose.
Personnel arrangements. 1. The United Nations and the Agency agree to develop, in the interest of uniform standards of international employment and to the extent feasible, common personnel standards, methods and arrangements designed to avoid unjustified difference in terms and conditions of employment, to avoid competition in recruitment of personnel, and to facilitate interchange of personnel in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services.
2. The United Nations and the Agency agree:
(a) To consult together from time to time concerning matters of common interest relating to the terms and conditions of employment of the officers and staff with a view to securing as much uniformity in these matters as may be feasible;
(b) To co-operate in the interchange of personnel, when desirable, on a temporary or a permanent basis, making due provision for the retention of seniority and pension rights;
(c) To co-operate, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed, in the operation of a common pension fund;
(d) To co-operate in the establishment and operation of suitable machinery for the settlement of disputes arising in connexion with the employment of personnel and related matters.
3. The terms and conditions on which any facilities or services of the Agency or the United Nations in connexion with the matters referred to in this Article are to be extended to the other shall, where necessary, be the subject of subsidiary agreements concluded for this purpose after the entry into force of this Agreement.