PHYSIOTHERAPY. Charges for the services of a licensed or registered physiotherapist who does not have an agreement with the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for payment of his/her services up to an annual maximum of $1,500. These services must be authorized in writing by the attending physician with diagnosis. Initial assessments are not covered.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. Charges for the services of a licensed or registered physiotherapist who does not have an agreement with the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) for payment of his/her services.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost of physiotherapy for employees who meet the following conditions: The employee must be actively at work or, if absent due to medical reasons, have a return to work plan that has been approved by the Employer. The employee must be assessed through a physiotherapy center authorized by the Employer. The employee must sign a release providing the necessary medical information to the Human Resources Co-ordinator. The final decision to pay for physiotherapy is at the sole discretion of the Employer. This letter will remain in effect for the duration of the Collective Agreement, and thereafter shall remain in effect unless either party gives thirty (30) days’ notice to terminate same.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. The Physiotherapist / Massage Practitioners’ limit will be five hundred and fifty dollars ($550) per member or dependent per calendar year. The Chiropractors / Naturopathic Physicians’ limit will be six hundred dollars ($600) per member or dependent per calendar year. The Orthopedic Shoes limit will be five hundred dollars ($500) [adults], and three hundred dollars ($300) [child] per calendar year.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost of physiotherapy for employees who meet the following conditions: The employee must be actively at work or, if absent due to medical reasons, have a return to work plan that has been approved by the Employer. The employee must be assessed through a physiotherapy center authorized by the Employer. The employee must sign a release providing the necessary medical information to the Human Resources Co-ordinator. The final decision to pay for physiotherapy is at the sole discretion of the Employer. This letter will remain in effect for the duration of the Collective Agreement, and thereafter shall remain in effect unless either party gives thirty (30) days’ notice to terminate same. REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE FORM GREATER SUDBURY UTILITIES Please provide an approximate cost for the following: Employee’s Signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date Vice President’s Signature Date
PHYSIOTHERAPY. Expenses charged for the services of a duly licensed or duly registered physiotherapist for physiotherapy treatment ordered or prescribed by a Physician, provided such physiotherapist does not ordinarily reside in the Insured Person's Residence and is not an Immediate Family Member, subject to the maximum stated in the Schedule, per Accident or Illness.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the premium cost of physiotherapy for employees who meet the following conditions: The employee must be actively at work or, if absent due to medical reasons, have a return to work plan that has been approved by the Employer. The employee must be assessed through a physiotherapy center authorized by the Employer. The employee must sign a release providing the necessary medical information to the Human Resources Co-ordinator. The final decision to pay for physiotherapy is at the sole discretion of the Employer. This letter will remain in effect for the duration of the Collective Agreement and thereafter shall remain in effect unless either party gives thirty (30) days’ notice to terminate same. REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE FORM GREATER SUDBURY UTILITIES Please provide an approximate cost for the following: Employee’s Signature Date Supervisor’s Signature Date Vice President’s Signature Date Employees will only be sent for a third party medical assessment when the Employer has reasonable and probable grounds for requiring such assessment. In this regard the Employer agrees to meet with the Union and the employee in question to review and discuss the reasons and the grounds for requiring the assessment prior to making any appointment. The Employer agrees to provide the employee with a list of at least three Specialists/Medical Practitioners/Physiotherapists to which the employee can select from. The Employer agrees to pay the full cost of any such assessment. The Employer will be responsible for arranging the appointment with the Specialists/Medical Practitioners/Physiotherapists.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. Up to 6 sessions undertaken within 3 months of the date of a medical referral letter. If your condition becomes a chronic condition and ongoing physiotherapy is aimed at maintaining, rather than curing it, no further payments will be made. Cover subject to 20% co-insurance Cover up to 6 sessions, subject to 20% co-insurance per period of cover Important notes: - • You must obtain pre-authorisation for all benefits in this section. Preventive health services as stipulated by the DHA, for all adults including eligible dependants under your plan. Essential vaccines and inoculations as stipulated in the DHA Immunization Guidelines for newborn babies and children who are insured as dependants under your plan. Preventive health services stipulated by the DHA only Essential vaccines and inoculations stipulated by the DHA only Only the following services are covered under this benefit: - • Full blood count and platelets, mid-stream urine test and analysis, blood group, Rhesus status and antibodies, VDRL, Rubella serology, HIV, Hepatitis C (for high risk patients only), glucose tolerance (for high risk patients only), full blood sugar, 3 prenatal ultrasound scans, 8 visits to a Primary Healthcare Centre in the Restricted Network 3 network. • Pre-natal tests and examinations, as per DHA policies • Post-natal treatments and examinations, as per DHA policies Full cover Cover subject to 10% co-insurance Emergency xxxx treatment Cover up to AED7,000, subject to 10% co-insurance Planned caesarean section Cover up to AED10,000, subject to 10% co-insurance Medically necessary termination of pregnancy Cover up to AED10,000, subject to 10% co-insurance During your child’s first 30 days of life, we will pay for BCG vaccine, hepatitis B and neonatal screening tests (PKU), sickle cell screening, congenital hypothyroidism and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Full cover Diagnostic and treatment services required for dental and gum treatment in a medical emergency. Cover subject to 20% co-insurance Hearing, vision aids and surgical/laser vision correction required in a medical emergency. Cover subject to 20% co-insurance
PHYSIOTHERAPY. Treatment of a disability by physical methods such as manipulation and mobilisation, Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery. Treatment must be performed by a physiotherapist, other than someone related to you by blood, marriage or adoption, acting within the scope and training of the physiotherapy discipline and who, if required or permitted to be licensed or registered by the laws of the place where service took place, is licensed or registered in that place.
PHYSIOTHERAPY. Services of a licensed or registered physiotherapist who is not normally a resident in your home.