Medical Assessment Sample Clauses
Medical Assessment. Where the Employer specifies on reasonable grounds that, it is of the opinion the employee may be medically unfit to work on a regular basis, or may jeopardize the safety of others, the Employer may require the employee to provide at the Employer’s expense, provided the Health Care Plan does not cover the cost, a Certificate of a licensed physician attesting to his / her fitness for work.
Medical Assessment. In addition to the requirements of any Insurance Company and the Workers Compensation Board, and following consultation with the Union, the Company may send an employee to a medical specialist and/or an assessment facility of it’s choice when it determines the employee is not responding to and/or receiving the appropriate medical attention in a timely fashion.
Medical Assessment. Parent agrees to provide to Center's Director, within thirty (30) calendar days after the Admission Date, a written medical assessment, including a TB test of Child on a form approved by Center, performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician. Prior to the Admission Date to the Center, Parent agrees to provide Child’s Immunization record, acknowledging that Child shall be immunized against diseases as required by the California code of Regulations, Title 17. Medical Assessments and immunizations are not required for the School-Age Care program except for children who have never been enrolled in a public/private elementary school or a licensed childcare center.
Medical Assessment. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, an employee may be sent to an independent medical specialist and/or an assessment facility, chosen by the parties, if the reasonable cause to do so has been established. The Company will pay the costs of the medical assessment and will keep the employee whole for any scheduled work time missed by the employee to attend the assessment. Required travel outside of the Lethbridge Region will be compensated at the applicable Company mileage rate for the use of a personal automobile. Other legitimate travel expenses will be paid by the Company subject to advance approval by the Human Resources Manager.
Medical Assessment. Where the City specifies on reasonable grounds that, it is of the opinion the employee may be medically unfit to work on a regular basis, or may jeopardize the safety of others, the City may require the employee to provide at the City’s expense, provided the Health Care Plan does not cover the cost, a Certificate of a licensed physician attesting to his / her fitness for work.
Medical Assessment.
15.1 The University may require a medical examination by a practitioner nominated by the University where:
15.1.1 The Employee has been absent from work due to a condition, illness or injury, for the purpose of considering whether the Employee is medically fit to return to work or able to properly perform the role; or
15.1.2 At any other time the University has good reason to believe the Employees physical and/or mental condition may prevent the Employee from safely or properly performing the role.
15.2 The Employee agrees that the nominated practitioner responsible for the examination is authorised by the Employee to provide the results in full to the University of any such medical examination.
15.3 The University shall meet the costs of the medical examination.
15.4 In the event of a refusal to attend an examination, the University will be entitled to make a decision which could, amongst other things, include withdrawing sick leave, preventing return to work and/or terminating for incapacity based on the information the University has.
Medical Assessment. Successful candidates who passed the interview process must be deemed fit to perform the trade in question as certified by the appropriate medical practitioner.
Medical Assessment. 15.1. In addition to the obligations under the relevant workers compensation legislation, the Employee agrees to attend a medical examination or assessment at the request of the Employer as may be required by the Employer from time to time.
Medical Assessment. If the Employer requires an employee to undergo a medical assessment, then the cost of such examination shall be paid by the Employer.
Medical Assessment. 10.2.1 The primary purpose for medical assessments, examinations and reports (Medical Assessments) conducted at AIMS is to either establish or confirm that an individual is Fit for Work and to ensure the health and safety of Staff. To these ends AIMS may require a Staff Member to have a Medical Assessment upon giving reasonable notice.
10.2.2 Any Medical Assessment must take into consideration the work environment, work factors, tasks to be performed by the Staff Member and access to primary medical care.
10.2.3 Medical assessments may be required in the following circumstances:
i. Fitness for Work Medical Assessments including pre-employment and clearance to return to work;
ii. Additional Medical Assessments specific to the nature of work intended (e.g. dive medical, offshore / remote area work);
iii. Effective Return to Work / Alternative Duties Medical Assessment to ensure that any injury, illness or medical condition has been duly assessed in consideration of available alternative duties or a graduated return to work program; or
iv. Oral testing for alcohol and/or drugs in accordance with Australian Standards. An Employee Assistance Program is provided to ensure access to counsellors as identified in clause 60 to discuss related matters.