Positive Tests a. A positive test for alcohol must be a confirmation test by an evidential breath testing device capable of printout and sequential numbering and must show an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath or greater. Such a test is positive even if that concentration is caused by prescribed medication.
b. A positive test for controlled substances must be confirmation test by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques and must show one of the following (subject to current federal guidelines):
Positive Tests a. A positive test for alcohol must be either (1) a confirmation test by an evidential breath testing device capable of printout and sequential numbering and must show an alcohol concentration of 0.01 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath or greater; or (2) any other test authorized by Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Such a test is positive even if that concentration is caused by prescribed medication.
b. The medical review officer will determine if a confirmation test for controlled substance is positive in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 40, by using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique.
Positive Tests a. A positive test for alcohol must be confirmation test by an evidential breath testing device capable of printout and sequential numbering and must show an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams of alcohol per 210 Liters of breath or greater. Such a test is positive even if that concentration is caused by prescribed medication.
b. A positive test for controlled substances must be a confirmation test by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques and must show one of the following:
(1) 15 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) of marijuana metabolite;
(2) 150 ng/ml of cocaine metabolite;
(3) 300 ng/ml of either morphine or codeine;
(4) 25 ng/ml of phencyclidine; or
(5) 500 ng/ml of amphetamine or methamphetamine; (Note: Adjustments to these amounts shall occur if necessary to remain in compliance with Federal Regulations. The District shall notify the Association of any changes in these amounts prior to implementation. and, the medical review officer must conclude that there is no legitimate explanation, such as prescribed medication, for the result.
c. No positive test for controlled substances shall be reported to the District until after:
(1) The medical review officer has contacted the bargaining unit member directly, on a confidential basis, and given the bargaining unit member an opportunity to discuss the test results and the bargaining unit member’s medical history, including medication, in confidence;
(2) Within 72 hours of the bargaining unit member’s notification that the test was positive, the bargaining unit member may request that the split sample be tested by a different forensic laboratory, certified by the Department of Health and Human Services; and
(3) The remainder of the split sample has been tested and found to be positive, or no timely request for such a test is made by the bargaining unit member.
(4) If the medical review officer concludes that there is a legitimate explanation for the positive test, such as prescription or over-the-counter medication or a negative result in the test of the remainder of the split sample, the medical review officer must report the test to the District as a negative test.
(5) The medical review officer shall be a licensed physician with special training in substance abuse disorders, the medical use of prescription drugs and the pharmacology and toxicology of alcohol and controlled substances. The medical review officer shall not be an employee of the District.
(6) The cut-off levels in this section are th...
Positive Tests. The District will refer covered workers who violate District prohibitions related to drugs and alcohol to a Drug/Alcohol Program. The District shall provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals and counseling and treatment programs available to evaluate and resolve drug and alcohol-related problems. The worker shall be evaluated by a substance abuse professional who shall determine what help, if any the covered worker needs in resolving the problems. Workers participating in a rehabilitation program will be on an approved leave. Sick leave, vacation, and compensatory time may be used to cover the absence while in rehabilitation. Workers who seek voluntary assistance for substance abuse prior to testing positive may not be disciplined for seeking such assistance. Requests from workers for such assistance shall remain confidential and shall not be revealed to other workers or management personnel without the worker's consent. Workers enrolled in substance abuse programs shall be subject to all District rules, regulations, and job performance standards with the understanding that a worker enrolled in such a program is receiving treatment for an illness.
Positive Tests a. A positive test for alcohol must be either (1) a confirmation test by an evidential breath testing device capable of printout and sequential numbering and must show an alcohol concentration of 0.01 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath or greater; or (2) any other test authorized by Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Such a test is positive even if that concentration is caused by prescribed medication.
b. The medical review officer will determine if a confirmation test for controlled substance is positive in accordance with Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 40, by using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technique.
c. No positive test for controlled substances or alcohol, conducted pursuant to this agreement, shall be reported to the employer until after:
d. For alcohol and controlled substances: The medical review officer has made all reasonable efforts to contact the driver (and documented them) on a confidential basis, and attempted to give the driver an opportunity to discuss the test results and the driver’s medical history, including medication, in confidence.
e. For controlled substances:
(1) The medical review officer has given the driver, within 72 hours of the driver’s notification that the test was positive, an opportunity to request that the remainder of the split sample be tested by a different laboratory, certified by the Department of Health and Human Services;
(2) The remainder of the split sample has been tested and found to be positive, or no timely request for such a test is made by the driver.
f. If the medical review officer concludes that there is a legitimate medical explanation for the positive test, such as prescription or over-the-counter medication, or a negative result in the test of the remainder of the split sample, the medical review officer must report the test to the employer as a negative test.
g. The medical review officer shall be a licensed physician with (1) special knowledge of substance abuse disorders, (2) appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual’s confirmed positive test and (3) knowledge of the medical use of prescription drugs and the pharmacology and toxicology of alcohol and controlled substances. The medical review officer shall not be an employee of the driver’s employer. Note: The District will select the Medical Review Officer. The District will formulate a procedure to address any complaints which surface regarding the Medical Review Officer....
Positive Tests. A positive test for alcohol must be a confirmation test by an evidential breath testing device capable of printout and sequential numbering and must show an alcohol concentration of 0.06 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath or greater. Such a test is positive even if that concentration is caused by prescribed medication. A positive test for controlled substances must be a confirmation test by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques and must show one of the following
(1) 15 ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) of marijuana metabolite;
(2) 150 ng/ml of cocaine metabolite;
(3) 300 ng/ml of either morphine or codeine;
(4) 25 ng/ml of phencyclidine; or
(5) 500 ng/ml of amphetamine or methamphetamine. (Note: Adjustments to these amounts shall occur if necessary to remain in compliance with Federal Regulations. The district shall notify CSEA of any changes in these amounts prior to implementation and the medical review officer must conclude that there is no legitimate explanation, such as prescribed medication, for the result.) No positive test for controlled substances shall be reported to the employer until after: The medical review officer has contacted the employee directly, on a confidential basis, and given the employee an opportunity to discuss the test results and the employee’s medical history, including medication, in confidence; Within 72 hours of the employee’s notification that the test was positive, the employee may request that the split sample be tested by a different forensic laboratory, certified by the Department of Health and Human Services; The remainder of the split sample has been tested and found to be positive; If the medical review officer concludes that there is a legitimate explanation for the positive test, such as prescription or over-the-counter medication or a negative result in the test of the remainder of the split sample, the medical review officer must report the test to the District as a negative test; The medical review officer shall be a licensed physician with special training in substance abuse disorders, the medical use of prescription drugs and the pharmacology and toxicology of alcohol and controlled substances. The medical review officer shall not be an employee of the District; and No results shall be released if it is found that the District did not follow the procedures as outlined herein.
Positive Tests. Any employee diagnosed with COVID-19 shall notify the District immediately. Upon request, the employee shall provide the District with appropriate medical documentation. Any such employee shall not visit the worksite for the amount of time determined and/or ordered by the District, their health care provider or as otherwise recommended by the CDC. The District will follow the Algorithm of Action for COVID- 19 in Schools as set forth in the Reopening Plan or as may be recommended by the Critical Decision Unit (CDU).
Positive Tests. In the case of a positive test result, the employee will be advised by the appropriate representative from the laboratory conducting the test, on a confidential basis, prior to the results being reported to the employer. The employee will have the right to discuss and explain the results, including the right to advise the laboratory representative of any medication prescribed by his/her own physician which may have affected the results of the test. An employee who tests positive will have the right to have the secured portion of his/her urine, blood or hair sample independently retested by a laboratory that meets the standards recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Positive Tests. An acceptable level of alcohol indicated by the Breathalyser is less than 0.02. Illegal Drugs
Positive Tests. A positive test for alcohol must be confirmation test by an 23 evidential breath testing device capable of printout and sequential numbering and must show 24 an alcohol concentration of 0.02 grams of alcohol per 210 Liters of breath or greater. Such 25 a test is positive even if that concentration is caused by prescribed medication. 27 b. A positive test for controlled substances must be a confirmation 28 test by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques and must show one of the 29 following: 32 metabolite; 33 34 35 37 20.5 1 (2) 150 ng/ml of cocaine metabolite; 3 (3) 300 ng/ml of either morphine or codeine; 5 (4) 25 ng/ml of phencyclidine; or 7 (5) 500 ng/ml of amphetamine or methamphetamine;