Preventive Maintenance Services Sample Clauses

Preventive Maintenance Services. The Supplier will: (a) On receipt of a UoA Purchase Order requesting the service, perform the manufacturer’s recommended preventative maintenance as detailed in the manufacturer’s service documentation, remedy any non-compliance with performance specifications and report on Services and findings as indicated in Schedule [C, clause 6]; (b) Ensure that the Product is maintained in a proper functional order and meets all the requirements of electrical, mechanical safety, all applicable laws and meets UoA’s performance requirements for the Product; (c) Perform the Preventive Maintenance Services where the Product is located at UoA’s premises unless otherwise agreed by UoA, such Services being at a time(s) reasonably convenient to UoA; (d) Use its best endeavours to ensure that the Product when subject to Preventive Maintenance Services is not unavailable for UoA’s use for more than one Business Day. (e) Provide the Preventive Maintenance Services and work in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended preventive maintenance requirements detailed in the manufacturer’s service documentation; including but not limited to one planned preventive maintenance service visits per annum including quality assurance and quality control performance tests, electrical safety tests and system operational tests. (f) Provide all necessary tools, documentation, diagnostic aids and test equipment (inclusive of software supplied for the purpose of equipment control and fault diagnosis) to ensure proper performance and maintenance of the Product. Such items at all times remain the property of the Supplier. (g) Be responsible for handing over the Product following any Services (e.g. repairs) in a safe condition and ready for use. The Supplier will inform UoA’s designated representative if any Services (e.g. repairs) are incomplete and supply all necessary details in respect to the further action required to satisfactory complete the Services; (h) The Preventive Maintenance Services will include all travel, transportation and labour in relation to such Services. (i) After the warranty period has expired charge for the Preventive Maintenance Service in accordance with the labour cost shown in this Schedule [C], clause [3.1] and the material costs shown in Schedule [B], clause [6.3].
Preventive Maintenance Services. Services of the Contractor
Preventive Maintenance Services. Payment for this activity shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, expendable supplies, equipment, tools, refrigerant recovery, transporting, maintenance of traffic, lock-out−tag-out, instruments, dump fees, reports and other items required to perform preventive maintenance services on all HVAC systems located within the Contract limits as specified in Exhibit “A”, Section 4.1.
Preventive Maintenance Services. The execution of maintenance services necessary to produce a report.
Preventive Maintenance Services. It includes the periodic services as per the schedule stipulated in the vehicle owner’s manual supplied by its manufacturer. Such services that fall within the term opted for are included and its costs are covered within the contract including replacement of parts if specified in the Manufacturers Preventive Maintenance Schedule as may be applicable with its related labor.
Preventive Maintenance Services. MorphoTrust’s Preventive Maintenance Services are as follows:  Preventive maintenance service calls consist of System cleaning, verification of calibration, and verification of proper System configuration and operation in accordance with MorphoTrust’s specifications for such System. MorphoTrust and Customer will seek to agree upon the scheduling of the preventive maintenance service call promptly after commencement of the term of this Agreement and the commencement of any renewal term.  Preventive maintenance service calls are only available in connection with MorphoTrust’s 24/7 Maintenance Services and MorphoTrust’s 9/5 Maintenance Services offerings. Preventive maintenance service calls are priced on a per call basis in accordance with MorphoTrust’s then current published prices for such Services. Preventive Maintenance Services may not be available for certain System components.
Preventive Maintenance Services. Contractor shall furnish all labor and material necessary to provide routine inspection and maintenance of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) for each location. Sites to be serviced with preventive maintenance are listed below. The HVAC Preventive Maintenance Services shall be provided for at each location with the scope described as per exhibit A.
Preventive Maintenance Services. The FMS Vendor shall provide preventive maintenance services for all the equipment’s (IT as well as non-IT) supplied/in FMS at least once in a quarter. The preventive maintenance shall include - a. Cleaning and removal of dust and dirt from the interior and exterior of the equipment. b. Conduct inspection (check for loose contacts in the cable and connections etc.), testing, satisfactory execution of diagnostics and necessary repairing of equipment. c. FMS Vendor shall intimate and take approval from purchaser before carrying out preventive maintenance activity. d. FMS Vendor shall maintain item-wise register of preventive maintenance done. Rate Contract for Supply, Installation, commissioning and FMS of Edge equipment’s under Surveillance and Incident Response Project in the State of Rajasthan (After Pre-bid)
Preventive Maintenance Services. All services shall be provided in strict compliance with equipment manufacturer specifications using the most appropriate industry standards and equipment. The Vendor shall furnish all labor, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, safety equipment, transportation and other incidentals necessary to perform all required services to ensure for the safe and efficient operation of the HVAC/R equipment units/systems. The Vendor shall complete each of the preventive maintenance services listed hereunder within the scheduled time approved by the Contract Manager. This completion time shall not be affected by the Vendor’s response to repair, or other service requests. Where the preventive and annual maintenance service indicates cleaning, it shall be done with coil cleaning solution (non toxic) (hypo-allergenic for evaporator coil – neutral ph on condenser followed by clear water rinse) to remove rust, dirt and debris, as necessary. Special care shall be taken to ensure against water intrusion into toll plaza buildings or toll booths.
Preventive Maintenance Services. In general, all equipment shown in the Invitation to Bid Pricing Pages must be serviced with preventive maintenance services on a semi-annual basis, or two services a year. The items to be serviced and checked during the preventive maintenance are mentioned in the list below. In addition to these, there are also some other items of service that must be completed once a year, or on an annual basis, on all equipment. A separate list of such items is also listed below. Contractor is responsible to provide all equipment, materials, and consumables needed to carry out services described below at no additional cost to the City.