PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. We hereby commit to work together to establish a vibrant and successful learning community that actively involves students, staff and community. We strive for a relationship that promotes success for our students, our schools and our community by: • Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; • Nurturing a culture of collaboration; • Respecting the finite resource of teacher time; • Recognizing limited financial resources; • Recognizing individual talents and strengths; • Increasing staff diversity; • Encouraging innovations and risk-taking with a focus on improvement; • Learning from failure; • Building upon our successes; • Providing opportunities for individual growth; • Openly sharing information, knowledge and experience; and • Providing a caring, safe learning and working environment that is clean, healthy, functional, non-violent, and free of discrimination, intimidation, and harassment.
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. 12 13 This Agreement is founded on the belief that all people take pride in their work, want to be involved 14 in decisions that affect them, and share in the success of their efforts. 16 We hereby commit to work together to establish a vibrant and successful learning community that 17 actively involves students, staff, and community. We will enjoy a relationship which promotes 18 success for our students, our schools, and our community by: 00  creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; 21  nurturing a culture of collaboration; 22  recognizing individual talents and strengths; 23  respecting staff diversity; 24  encouraging innovation and risk-taking with a focus on improvement of student learning; 25  learning from failure; 26  building upon our successes; 27  providing opportunities for individual growth; 28  openly sharing information, knowledge and experience; and providing a caring, safe 29 learning and working environment that is clean, healthy, functional, non-violent, and free 30 of discrimination, intimidation, and harassment. 5 Section 1: Recognition
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. This Agreement is founded on the belief that all people take pride in their work, want to be involved in decisions that affect them, and share in the success of their efforts. We hereby commit to work together to establish a vibrant and successful learning community that actively involves students, staff and community. We will enjoy a relationship which promotes success for our students, our schools and our community by: • creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; • nurturing a culture of collaboration; • recognizing individual talents and strengths; • increasing staff diversity; • encouraging innovation and risk-taking with a focus on improvement; • learning from failure; • building upon our successes; • providing opportunities for individual growth; • openly sharing information, knowledge and experience; and • providing a caring, safe learning and working environment that is clean, healthy, functional, non-violent, and free of discrimination, intimidation, and harassment.
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. The District and NASA commit to work together to establish a vibrant and successful learning community that actively involves students, staff, and community. They recognize that the best decision making occurs in a positive climate and an inclusive organization using effective processes that focus on student learning through improvement of programs, services and products within the District mission. As professional colleagues, we will align our efforts with the District’s strategic plan to promote success for our students, our schools, and our community by: • Nurturing a culture of collaboration, professionalism, and communication; • Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust, practicing shared decision-making, accountability, respect, and support; • Modeling collaborative, interest-based problem-solving processes; • Providing a caring, safe learning and work environment. The District supports this commitment by providing the opportunity for principals to participate as partners in areas where their professional expertise and opinions will help shape decisions and outcomes that affect their work as instructional leaders in the District, such as: • On District negotiation teams • On District labor-management teams • On Expanded Cabinet • In the allocation of resources to schools • In other venues at the senior leadership level to provide feedback and input into the leadership and management of the school district. The District and NASA understand that limited time and resources necessitates effective, two- way communication and a joint commitment to focus resources on initiatives that have the greatest impact on instructional quality and improved outcomes for students. They will support the success of these initiatives through positive communication to their joint constituencies and the broader Northshore community. The District and NASA also recognize the importance of work-life balance and maintaining the health and well-being of employees, and commit to continually working together: • To manage demanding workloads; • To find efficiencies while not compromising instructional leadership (in areas such as evaluation, attendance at off-site meetings, etc.); • To enable administrators to use leave while effectively balancing work expectations.
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. The District and NASA commit to work together to establish a vibrant and successful learning community that actively involves students, staff, and community. They recognize that the best decision making occurs in a positive climate and an inclusive organization using effective processes that focus on student learning through improvement of programs, services and products within the District mission. As professional colleagues, we will align our efforts with the District’s strategic plan to promote success for our students, our schools, and our community by: • Nurturing a culture of collaboration, professionalism, and communication; • Creating an atmosphere of mutual trust, practicing shared decision-making, accountability, respect, and support; • Modeling collaborative, interest-based problem-solving processes; • Providing a caring, safe learning and work environment. The District supports this commitment by providing the opportunity for principals to participate as partners in areas where their professional expertise and opinions will help shape decisions and outcomes that affect their work as instructional leaders in the District, such as: • On District negotiation teams • On District labor-management teams • Representation on district committees • In the allocation of resources to schools • In other venues at the senior leadership level to provide feedback and input into the leadership and management of the school district. NASA leadership and representation assigned by the Superintendent will meet by January 31 of each year to review and agree to the Building Administrator Hiring Plan. The District and NASA understand that limited time and resources necessitates effective, two- way communication and a joint commitment to focus resources on initiatives that have the greatest impact on instructional quality and improved outcomes for students. They will support the success of these initiatives through positive communication to their joint constituencies and the broader Northshore community. The District and NASA also recognize the importance of work-life balance and maintaining the health and well-being of employees. NASA and representation assigned by the Superintendent will meet prior to the end of the school year to discuss workload impacts for the upcoming school year. This discussion is intended: • To manage demanding workloads; • To find efficiencies while not compromising instructional leadership (in areas such as evaluation, attendance at off-site...
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. 12 13 This Agreement is founded on the belief that all people take pride in their work, want to be involved 14 in decisions that affect them, and share in the success of their efforts. 16 We hereby commit to work together to establish a vibrant and successful learning community that 17 actively involves students, staff, and community. We will enjoy a relationship which promotes 18 success for our students, our schools, and our community by: 20 • creating an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect; 21 • nurturing a culture of collaboration; 22 • recognizing individual talents and strengths; 24 • encouraging innovation and risk-taking with a focus on improvement of student learning; 25 • learning from failure; 26 • building upon our successes; 27 • providing opportunities for individual growth; 28 • openly sharing information, knowledge and experience; and providing a caring, safe 29 learning and working environment that is clean, healthy, functional, non-violent, and free 30 of discrimination, intimidation, and harassment. 5 Section 1: Recognition
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. 2.1 The Parties shall work together in delivering the Project and in particular shall perform their respective obligations to the timetables set out in the schedule. 2.2 The Partner warrants and agrees that in providing any services or in fulfilling any obligation or dealing with and administering funds under this Agreement it will ensure it is fully compliant with EU and public sector procurement regulations and incorporate best practice principles. 2.3 The Parties will be responsible for providing the personnel, accommodation, equipment and services needed to deliver their obligations to the Project. These include – line management of staff provided, training of those staff and volunteers, equipment, employer health and safety obligations, paying staff salaries, on costs, expenses, sick pay, pension, maternity, redundancy or other payments to which the staff and volunteers may be entitled. 2.4 None of the Parties shall be entitled to impose any duties or responsibilities on other Parties beyond the terms and conditions of this Memorandum.
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. 2.1 This Memorandum shall be effective from the commencement date and shall continue until 31 March 2023 subject to (a) available funding from Partners, and (b) earlier termination in accordance with paragraph 14. 2.2 The Partners shall work together to support the Board and in particular shall perform their respective obligations set out in the Schedule. 2.3 On the date of its first meeting, the Board inherited a sum of £55,300 from the former Buckinghamshire and Xxxxxx Keynes Biodiversity Partnership. The Partners also provided funding under the first Memorandum, which continued until 31 March 2017 and the second Memorandum, which continued until 31 March 2020. The Partners shall provide the following funding amounts to the Board in accordance with the payment dates identified in the Schedule: Buckinghamshire Council £52,000 £53,040 £54,100 Xxxxxx Keynes Council £14,000 £14,280 £14,566 Totals £66,000 £67,320 £68,666 The amounts set out in paragraph 2.3 shall be inclusive of all taxes which may be payable from time to time. 2.4 The principles of the relationship between the Parties are also set out in the Schedule. The Parties shall endeavour to apply these principles to their relationship throughout the term of this Memorandum.
PRINCIPLES OF THE RELATIONSHIP. Our relationship is governed by the following principles:-