PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. This applies to the procurement of goods and services planned by the recipient (i.e., contracts, purchase orders, etc.) from a supplier of goods or services for the direct use or benefit of the recipient in conducting the program supported by the grant, and not to assistance provided by the recipient (i.e., a subgrant or subagreement) to a subgrantee or subrecipient in support of the subgrantee’s or subrecipient's program. Provision by the recipient of the requested information does not, in and of itself, constitute USAID approval.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. Publications utilized by the United States for the publication of notices of intended procurement and of post-award notices and the publication annually of information on permanent lists of qualified suppliers in the case of selective tendering procedures: Federal Business Opportunities (xxxx:// Laws, regulations, judicial decisions, administrative rulings and procedures regarding government procurement for entities listed in Section A (Central Government Entities) are published on the following websites: US Federal Laws (primarily US Code Titles 10 and 41): xxxx:// Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): xxxx:// Agency Supplemental Regulations: xxxxx:// Federal Register: xxxxx:// Federal Government Procurement Policies: xxxx:// Bid Protest Decisions of Government Accountability Office: xxxx:// US Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Decisions: xxxx:// Judicial Decisions: US Court of Federal Claims (jurisdiction includes claims related to government contracts, including bid protests): xxxx:// US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (jurisdiction includes appeals from the US Civilian Boards of Contract Appeals): xxxx:// Laws, judicial decisions, administrative rulings and procedures regarding government procurement for entities listed in Section B (Other Entities) are available directly from the listed entities.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. This Contract is awarded from the System Agency’s Request for Application, No. HHS0000776, posted on March 11, 2019. Grantee is awarded the following contracts as a result of the RFA: Fiscal Year Program Contract Number FY2020-2021 SA/Prevention HHS000539700184 FY2022-2024 SA/Prevention HHS000539700184
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. Information on government procurement shall be published in the following websites:
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. HHS0000776, posted on March 11, 2019. Grantee is awarded the following contracts as a result of the RFA: Fiscal Year Program Contract Number FY2020-2021 SA/YPS HHS000539700088 FY2022-2024 SA/Prevention HHS000539700232 Grantee TIN: 11338100735 Contract Determination: Subrecipient Payment Method: Cost Reimbursement
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. 1.6.1 The Owner intends to procure the project by contracting with a single general contract based on a single lump sum open bid.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. A Request for Proposal procurement was processed in accordance with City of Phoenix Administrative Regulation 3.10. Two vendors submitted responsive proposals. An evaluation committee of city staff and City of Tempe staff evaluated those offers based on the following criteria: Method of Approach 0-300 Qualifications and Experience of the Firm 0-275 Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel 0-225 Fee Schedule 0-200 After reaching consensus, the evaluation committee recommended award to Casper Airport Solutions, Inc.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. PwC Firm shall give PwCC notice on a quarterly basis of PwC Firm's initiation of the preparation of procurement actions for the purpose of allowing PwCC to make Service termination decisions.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. This Contract HHS0000776, posted on March 11, 2019. Grantee is awarded the following contracts as a result of the RFA: Fiscal Year Program Contract Number FY2020-2021 SA/YPI, SA/YPS, SA/YPU HHS000077600005, HHS000539700082, HHS000539700027 FY2022-2024 SA/YPI, SA/YPS, SA/YPU HHS000539700193 17600318616 Grantee TIN: (SEPTEMBER 2022) Contract Determination: Subrecipient Payment Method: Cost Reimbursement In this document, Grantees (also referred to in this document as subrecipients or contractors) will find requirements and conditions applicable to grant funds administered and passed-through by both the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). These requirements and conditions are incorporated into the Grant Agreement through acceptance by Grantee of any funding award by HHSC or DSHS. The terms and conditions in this document are in addition to all requirements listed in the RFA, if any, under which applications for this grant award are accepted, as well as all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Applicable federal and state laws and regulations may include, but are not limited to: 2 CFR Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; requirements of the entity that awarded the funds to HHS; Chapter 783 of the Texas Government Code; Texas and Contract Standards set forth in Title 34, Part 1, Chapter 20, Subchapter E, Division 4 of the Texas Administrative Code); the Texas Grant Management Standards (TxGMS) developed by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; and the Funding Announcement, Solicitation, or other instrument/documentation under which HHS was awarded funds. HHS, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to add requirements, terms, or conditions.
PROCUREMENT INFORMATION. The Aviation Department intends to issue a RFP to select three service providers to deliver the required custodial and floor care services. Aviation plans to issue the solicitation on or about June 2023 and award contracts on or about April 2024. Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: • Operations Plan • Quality Assurance and Work Order Management Program • Recruitment and Retention Plan • Pricing • Qualifications/Experience