City of Phoenix Sample Clauses
City of Phoenix. The Undersigned hereby offers and agrees to furnish the material and or service(s) in compliance with all terms, conditions, specifications, and addenda issued as a result of a solicitation.
City of Phoenix. A Municipal Corporation Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, City Manager Director or delegate: Title: Department: Attest: this day of 2023 City Clerk Approved as to form this 19th day of January 2017. This document has been approved as to form by the City Attorney and is on file with the City Clerk. It need not be submitted to the City Attorney for approval unless the form document is altered. Contact Name: Telephone Number: Alternate Contact: Telephone Number: It is hereby certified that the products offered in solicitation number contain no less than ten percent (10%) post-consumer recycled material. Post-consumer waste materials are defined as only those materials that come from products generated by a consumer that have served their intended end- uses and have been separated or diverted from solid waste for the purpose of collection, recycling and disposition. Scrap generated as part of the manufacturing process and routinely used by the manufacturer to make additional products does not qualify as post-consumer recycled material. The City will be the sole judge of the suitability of any recycled products offered, and whether or not the price preference should apply. It is further certified that the following post-consumer recycled materials are used in the product and in the percentage content indicated. List Post-Consumer Recycled Material(s) Used (Example: milk jugs, newspaper, etc.): Total content percentage (please enter percent of total post-consumer recycled material used to manufacture the product.) %. Sources of Recyled Material Contact Name Address Phone Number Certified by (Bidder) Printed Name and Title Signature The Contractor hereby certifies that it will comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. Section 5323(j)(2)(C), Section 165(b)(3) of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended, and the regulations of 49 C.F.R. 661.11: Signature Date Company Name Title The Contractor hereby certifies that it cannot comply with the requirements of 49 U.S.C. Section 5323(j)(2)(C) and Section 165(b)(3) of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended, but may qualify for an exception to the requirements consistent with 49 U.S.C. Sections 5323(j)(2)(B) or (j)(2)(D), Sections 165(b)(2) or (b)(4) of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act, as amended, and regulations in 49 C.F.R. 661.7. Signature Date Company Name Title
City of Phoenix. Maintenance Agreement The following table identifies the commitments stated in the pertinent Third-Party Agreement listed above, with minor modifications for clarification purposes. Developer is responsible for performing and complying with all obligations of ADOT under such Third-Party Agreement, except those obligations that are specifically identified below as being retained by ADOT. ADOT CAR No. IGA/JPA 15-0005211-I Third-Party Agreement Description Intergovernmental Agreement between ADOT and City of Phoenix concerning ADOT abandonment and City maintenance of designated cross streets following final acceptance of the Project Description of ADOT-Retained Obligations III.1 d. Participate with the City in ongoing monthly landscape meetings to review water usage and integrate the Developer into these meetings to make informed decisions and recommendations. ADOT retains this obligation, except to the extent of Developer obligations set forth elsewhere in the Contract Documents.
City of Phoenix. Xx Xxxxxxxx, City Manager
City of Phoenix. Maintenance Agreement The following table identifies the ADOT commitments stated in the pertinent Third-Party Agreement listed above. Developer is responsible for performing and complying with all obligations of ADOT under such Third-Party Agreement, except those obligations that are specifically identified below as being retained by ADOT. ADOT CAR No. IGA/JPA 15-0005211-I Third-Party Agreement Description Intergovernmental Agreement between ADOT and City of Phoenix concerning ADOT abandonment and City maintenance of designated cross streets following final acceptance of the Project Description of ADOT-Retained Obligations III.1 a. Be generally responsible for facilities within the State’s access control limits as shown in Exhibit A, (other than those areas identified in Exhibit A as being the City’s responsibility), including the construction, reconstruction, major rehabilitation and/or betterments, of the roadways, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, medians, channelization, drainage facilities (except where responsibility is defined by separate Agreement), guardrails, barriers, crash attenuation devices, walls, chain-link fencing, bridge structures (including pedestrian bridges, overpasses and wildlife crossings), drainage, tunnels, and other roadway-related facilities (excluding special traffic signals, wrought iron fencing, certain drainage facilities and special materials requested by the City). Delegated to Developer to the extent set forth in the Contract Documents. III.1 b. Be responsible for major resurfacing, rehabilitation, and roadway reconstruction treatments including the construction and replacement of all Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) roadway surfaces and all asphalt concrete roadway surfaces requiring such activities found within the City’s areas of responsibility located within State rights-of-way, in excess of 100 square feet in size for paving and in excess of 50 linear feet in length per repair for curb, gutter and sidewalk. None retained; all delegated to Developer. III.1 c. Be responsible for maintenance of all storm drain siphons within State highway rights-of-way, of which the State is the primary user. None retained; all delegated to Developer.
City of Phoenix. XXXXXXXX, City Council Chair Date ATTEST: XXXXXXXX, City Clerk Date The foregoing IGA between the City of Phoenix and The Arizona Board of Regents, Northern Arizona University has been approved as to content and is hereby recommended by the undersigned. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, P.E., Director Date Street Transportation Department The foregoing IGA by and between the City of Phoenix and the Arizona Board of Regents, Northern Arizona University has been reviewed pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-952 by the undersigned who has determined that it is in proper form and is within the powers and authority granted under the laws of the State of Arizona to the City of Phoenix. XXXXXXXXX, City Attorney Date
City of Phoenix. Pedestrian Crossing The following table identifies the ADOT commitments stated in the pertinent Third-Party Agreement listed above. Developer is responsible for performing and complying with all obligations of ADOT under such Third-Party Agreement, except those obligations that are specifically identified below as being the obligations of ADOT.
City of Phoenix. Maintenance Agreement The following table identifies the ADOT commitments stated in the pertinent Third-Party Agreement listed above. Developer is responsible for performing and complying with all obligations of ADOT under such Third-Party Agreement, except those obligations that are specifically identified below as being retained by ADOT. ADOT CAR No. IGA/JPA 15-0005211-I Third-Party Agreement Description Intergovernmental Agreement between ADOT and City of Phoenix concerning ADOT abandonment and City maintenance of designated cross streets following final acceptance of the Project Description of ADOT-Retained Obligations III.1 q. Review recommendations from the City for future installations, removals, significant modifications, additions or betterments of Electrical Facilities governed by this Agreement and shown in Exhibit B, which will require a State approved “Non-Blanket Permit” and will be done at the City’s expense. ADOT retains this obligation, except to the extent of Developer obligations set forth in the Contract Documents. III.1 r. Comply with the 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) (or the latest edition as published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)) and the current Arizona Supplement, as per Arizona Revised Statues § 28- 641, when performing any work under this agreement. Traffic Control plans will be reviewed and/or approved by and through the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), Phoenix Maintenance District Permits. None retained; all delegated to Developer.
City of Phoenix. Rio Reimagined project area is the largest geographical area within the project boundaries and there are several identified priority brownfields that are targeted for redevelopment. Two priority sites are: • Former Cemex sand and gravel mining site, 0xx Xxxxxx to Central Avenue, south of Rio Salado; The 120-acre CEMEX site is adjacent to the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Project and is within the boundaries of the Del Rio Area Brownfields Plan (Del Rio AWP), a community driven land use plan developed through grant funds received from U.S. EPA’s initial area-wide planning initiative. The site has the potential for petroleum soil contamination due to closed underground storage tanks and potential hazardous substances from other historical industrial operations. • The 130-acre Vulcan site, 16th to 24th Street, south of Rio Salado. is also located adjacent to the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Project area and is within the Rio Salado Beyond the Banks Land Use Plan which calls for a mix of residential and commercial uses. Since 2018, an interdepartmental team has been coordinating with the owner and prospective developer to assist in the evaluation of various development challenges, including, grading, drainage, stormwater retention, and environmental conditions. Completion of environmental assessments would aid in completing the overall site conditions and provide the ability to continue to move forward with development. City of Tempe Rio Reimagined area has two priority xxxxxxxxxx sites: • West Hardy site, a 24.5-acre property located on Rio Salado Parkway between the Priest Yard and the IDEA campus. Completion of an environmental assessment in this area would increase economic development in Tempe’s Lake District Innovation Hub. This site is vacant and adjacent to an existing public works yard, the Tempe Center for the Arts, and the future IDEA technology campus, totaling 1 million square feet when completed. The IDEA campus is expected to have a significant impact on the City’s future as an employment center for high technology jobs. The entire area is being redeveloped save this vacant lot in the middle. Tempe’s Character Area 3 Design Guidelines + Placemaking Principles designates future land use area and capital projects to support redevelopment in and around the West Hardy property. • The Rio Salado Parks site include a series of linear open space areas and regional recreational amenities along 6.5 miles of shoreline; this includes the Tempe Center fo...
City of Phoenix. Water Distribution Energy Efficiency Study City of Avondale Avondale WRF - Filtration System Evaluation City of Xxxxxxxx