Promotion Defined. Promotion for the purposes of this Article only relates to promotions within the bargaining unit.
Promotion Defined. Promotion in this Agreement shall mean transfer to an occupational classification carrying a higher rate of pay in the bargaining unit.
Promotion Defined. A promotion is an advance from a given rank to a higher rank.
Promotion Defined. A “promotion” is placement or advancement into a supervisory position.
Promotion Defined. The movement of an employee from one (1) job classification to another job classification, which has a pay grade higher than the employee’s former job classification.
Promotion Defined when an employee moves from one classification in the bargaining unit to a different classification in the bargaining unit which has a higher maximum weekly wage rate than the one from which the employee moved.
Promotion Defined. A promotion is defined as a change from one job classification into a different job classification having a higher maximum salary range.
14.6.1 Bargaining unit employees and outside candidates shall be interviewed for any vacancy. In the case of a promotion, the District shall select the most qualified applicant from all candidates. Preference shall be given to in- house applicants. In considering in house applicants, the District shall utilize education, skills, and experience. If two or more candidates have substantially equal education, skills, and experience, the employee with the highest seniority shall receive the promotion.
14.6.2 A permanent bargaining unit employee who is promoted to a position in a classification which he/she has not previously performed, shall be considered probationary in the new classification for a period of twelve
Promotion Defined. The word "promotion" when used in this Agreement shall mean the advancement of an Employee to a position with a higher regular rate of pay than their present posting.
Promotion Defined. A promotion is defined as a change from one job classification into a different job classification having a higher maximum salary range.
14.6.1 Bargaining unit employees and outside candidates shall be interviewed for any vacancy. In the case of a promotion, the District shall select the most qualified applicant from all candidates. Preference shall be given to in- house applicants. In considering in house applicants, the District shall utilize education, skills, and experience. If two or more candidates have substantially equal education, skills, and experience, the employee with the highest seniority shall receive the promotion.
14.6.2 A permanent bargaining unit employee who is promoted to a position in a classification which he/she has not previously performed, shall be considered probationary in the new classification for a period of six (6) months. At any time during the probationary period, he/she may be returned to his/her former classification.
14.6.3 Employees who are promoted shall be placed on the salary schedule on the step in the higher classification which provides a minimum of a five percent (5%) salary increase; however, under no circumstances will the employee receive more than the highest step of the higher classification. There will be a designated CSEA member on the interview panel designated by the CSEA president.
Promotion Defined. A promotion shall be defined as a change from one position to another position that involves a change in duties and responsibilities and a higher rate of compensation. Vacancies will be posted for a period of not less than seven (7) calendar days on all employee bulletin boards. Employees interested shall apply within said time. Promotions within a City Department shall be made by the City on the basis of departmental seniority provided the senior employee has the ability to meet the job requirements of the higher classification. An employee’s disciplinary record may be considered with respect to determining the employee’s ability to meet job requirements of the higher classification. In the event no employee in the Department is selected, applicants from other Departments shall receive preference on the basis of seniority with the City and ability to meet the job qualifications over persons seeking the position who are not presently employed by the City.