Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. In the event an employee covered by this Agreement accepts a full-time position within the Corporation which is outside the scope of this Agreement and is later placed in a position within the scope of this Agreement, the employee shall retain the seniority previously acquired and shall have added thereto the seniority accumulated while serving beyond the scope of the Agreement. His/her return to the bargaining unit should not result in the layoff or bumping of an employee holding his/her previous position acquired through job posting, if the employee remains outside the bargaining unit for a period of twelve (12) months or more. (1991)
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. The employee shall retain seniority accumulated up to the end of leaving the unit, but will not accumulate any further seniority. Should an employee return to the bargaining unit after the expiry of the ninety (90) day period:
a) it shall be through the normal posting procedures; and
b) seniority shall again accumulate, effective the first day of work in the bargaining unit.
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. In the event that an Employee covered by this Agreement should be promoted to a supervisory or confidential position beyond the scope of this Agreement, and is later placed in a position within the scope of this Agreement, the Employee shall retain the seniority previously acquired up to the time of the promotion outside of the bargaining unit for a period of thirteen (13) months from assuming the Supervisory position.
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. Employees promoted, transferred, assigned or appointed to positions outside the bargaining unit from and after January 1, 1994, shall accumulate seniority in the bargaining unit for a one (1) year period. After the one
(1) year period, the seniority shall be frozen. Employees promoted to positions outside the bargaining unit prior to January 1, 1994 shall continue to accumulate bargaining unit seniority. The freezing of bargaining unit seniority shall only be applicable for bidding and/or bumping purposes and shall not affect economic benefits related to the accumulation of seniority.
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. An employee who leaves the bargaining unit to become an excluded employee of the Board, and returns to the bargaining unit, shall retain all seniority at the time of leaving but shall not accrue seniority while out of the bargaining unit. If an employee returns to the bargaining unit, such return shall be through a posted position consistent with the employee's seniority and qualifications. Such return shall not result in the layoff nor bumping of any other employee. The employee's total time worked with the School District shall be used to determine the employee's benefits.
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. If an employee is the successful applicant for an excluded position, the employee shall retain their seniority up to the date of leaving the bargaining unit, but will not accrue any further seniority. If the employee desires to return to the bargaining unit, such return will not result in the layoff of any bargaining unit member, but shall be done through the posting procedure, commensurate with the employee’s bargaining unit seniority and qualifications. Notwithstanding the above, the employee’s entire service with the Employer shall be counted for the purposes of all service related benefits.
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. If an employee is, or has been transferred to a position which is not subject to the provisions of this Agreement, he/she shall retain his/her seniority for a period of twelve (12) months. If transferred back by the Employer to a position subject to the provisions of this Agreement, he/she shall carry his/her seniority with him/her and shall exercise his/her seniority to displace any employee with less seniority in accordance with Article 14.05. After twelve (12) months, all seniority shall be lost.
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. An employee who is transferred from the bargaining unit after May I, shall cease to accumulate bargaining unit seniority. An Employee who has been transferred to a bargaining unit position has up sixty (60) days to return to a bargaining unit position or be returned by the Company to a bargaining unit position. When returned, the employee shall be placed in a bargaining unit job to which said seniority and qualifications entitle him. An Employee who remains in a non-bargaining unit position after one year shall not have any rights to return to the bargaining unit that this collective agreement previously conferred upon him. However all seniority earned under prior agreements shall be maintained under the April to April ARTICLE
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. Employees promoted,
Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit. An employee who is transferred from the bargaining unitafter May shall to accumulate An Employee who has been transferred to a non- bargaining unit position has up to one year to to a bargaining unit position or be by the Company to a bargaining unit position. When the employee shall be placed in a bargaining unit job to which said seniority and qualificationsentitle him. An Employee who remains in a non-bargaining unit position after om year shallnot haveany rightsto return to the thatthiscollective previously conferred upon him. Howeverall seniority earned under prior agreements shall under the April to April