Proposal Contents. The Vendor’s proposal shall be organized as directed in section 4 of this solicitation. Vendors shall complete each section entirely or the Vendor may not be deemed Responsive.
Proposal Contents. Proposals shall consist of the following documents, completed and executed in accordance with this Solicitation:
1. Price Proposal
2. Technical Proposal 3. Representations and Certifications
Proposal Contents. An Additional Mitigation Project Proposal shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
1. A description of the project, including its location, interested parties, the manner in which it will achieve methane emissions reductions, benefits to affected or disadvantaged communities, impact on the environment, and other project information relevant to the project’s ability to achieve the proposed methane emissions reductions;
2. The financial support level and structure necessary to cause the reduction of methane emissions, and justification for the project’s economic viability during the period of operation proposed to generate methane emissions reductions as an Additional Mitigation Project;
3. The timeline for the proposed project construction, operation, and methane emissions reductions;
4. The anticipated annual and cumulative methane emissions reductions associated with the project, relative to standard industry practice and/or as compared to business-as-usual operations at the project;
5. The proposed protocol used to quantify projected methane emissions reductions associated with the project, along with an explanation of how these reductions are real, permanent, additional, and verifiable;
6. The identity of a CARB-Accredited Verifier that shall verify the projected methane emissions reductions associated with the project; and
7. The cost-effectiveness of the proposed methane emissions reductions.
Proposal Contents. Applicants should submit a complete and thorough proposal describing the program in a convincing and comprehensive manner. Since there is no opportunity for applicants to meet with reviewing officials, the proposal should respond to the criteria set forth in the solicitation and other guidelines as clearly as possible. Proposals should address succinctly, but completely, the elements described below and must follow all formatting requirements. - Microsoft Word - Microsoft Excel - Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) - ASCII Text - Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG images) Proposals should include the following items: In one double-spaced page, provide the following information: Name of the organization submitting the proposal Beginning and ending dates of the program Scope of the projects – both YES inbound and YES Abroad – including: o Number of students to be placed o Geographic distribution of students o Method of placement o Sub-award organizations o Proposed theme o Nature of activities Funding level requested from the Bureau Total program cost Total cost sharing from applicant and other sources Total per-student cost
Proposal Contents. Applications submitted in response to this FOA must consist of four separate and distinct parts: Narrative limit- 25 double-spaced pages
Proposal Contents. In its proposal, Contractor must describe its detailed plan for implementing the requested or proposed change, including the following:
1. a task list and time-line implementation schedule,
Proposal Contents. Offerors should not label proposal submissions as confidential or proprietary. The Issuing Office will hold all proposals in confidence and will not reveal or discuss any proposal with competitors for the contract, unless disclosure is required:
Proposal Contents. Proposal Section Section Contents
Proposal Contents. Proposals shall contain the items contained in Attachment K - Proposal Checklist in the order listed. Naming conventions for the PDF tabs and/or individual PDF documents shall be as follows: N o Multiple Proposal Responses Respondents may submit only one (1) proposal in response to this RFP. In addition, Respondents must propose a solution that addresses all components in this RFP. Incomplete or additional submissions may be rejected. V alid Proposal Period All aspects of a submitted proposal to this RFP, including pricing, will be firm for a period of no less than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days after the RFP submission deadline. Estimated proposal prices are not acceptable. M odification or Withdrawal of Proposals Respondents may modify or withdraw a submitted proposal at any time prior to the RFP submission deadline. To do so, Respondents shall email PCS at the address found herein with the intent to modify or withdraw the submission and the RFP number found on the cover page clearly stated in the email subject line. C onfidential/Proprietary Information Any proposed restrictions on the use or inspection of material contained within a proposal response must be clearly stated in the proposal response. Respondents may request PCS consider confidential or proprietary information through the following steps:
Step 1. The Respondent, with its proposal, shall submit written requests for confidentiality. The Respondent must provide a justification and state Step 2. Confidential/proprietary information must be readily identified, marked, and submitted in a separate PDF from the rest of the proposal. Commingling of confidential and/or proprietary information with other information is NOT acceptable.
Step 3. The Purchasing Director will make a written determination as to the apparent validity of any written request for confidentiality. Neither a proposal in its entirety, nor proposal price information will be considered confidential and proprietary. Any information that will be included in a resulting contract cannot be considered confidential.
Step 4. In the event PCS does not concur with the Respondent’s request for confidentiality, the written determination will be sent to the Respondent. Ref. Section 00-00-000 et. seq., C.R.S., as amended, Public (open) Records.
Step 5. If the Respondent does not agree with the Purchasing Director’s determination and the parties cannot come to an agreement, the Respondent may file a protest. See the protest section ...
Proposal Contents. The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award without discussions with offerors. Accordingly, each offeror should submit its most favorable terms from a non-price standpoint. However, the Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if later determined to be in the Government’s best interest by the Contracting Officer. Offerors are required to submit the original and four (4) hard copies plus one (1) electronic CD copy of its proposal to the address provided above. Each volume should contain the following items in addition to the other information required by this solicitation.