PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. 26.1 This clause 26 will only apply if in providing Services the Supplier or its sub-contractors or Staff will supervise, care or have significant direct contact with a Vulnerable Person.
26.2 In this clause, "Vulnerable Person" means:
(a) persons under the age of 18; and
(b) people who need or may need community care services because of mental or learning disability, other disability, age or illness, and who are, or may be, unable to take care of themselves or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.
26.3 The Supplier shall consider all the risks associated with providing the Services and take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all Vulnerable Persons, and seek the written consent of the legally authorised carer or guardian of the Vulnerable Person before having of any significant direct contact with the Vulnerable Person.
26.4 Without limiting the obligation in clause 26.3 the Supplier shall adopt and carry out a written policy and set of procedures to protect Vulnerable Persons if:
(a) it is a company or partnership, or they are an individual who employs other persons; and
(b) in the course of providing the Services, the Supplier’s Staff or sub-contractors supervise, care for or have significant direct contact with Vulnerable Persons.
26.5 As part of the procedures mentioned in clause 26.4, the Supplier shall check the backgrounds of and view disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service for your potential employees, contractors or volunteers who will, in the course providing the Services, supervise, care or otherwise have significant direct contact with Vulnerable Persons.
26.6 If the Supplier, its Staff or sub-contractors are having significant direct contact with Vulnerable Persons, it shall, prior to any significant direct contact with the Vulnerable Person, offer to their legally authorised carer or guardian its consent to having it (or its Staff or sub-contractors, as appropriate) background checked and disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service viewed, should the carer or guardian wish to do so.
26.7 The Supplier shall comply with clauses 26.3 to 26.6 inclusive even if it is not required to do so under any child protection or care standards legislation and even if the work is formal, informal, voluntary or salaried.
26.8 The Supplier acknowledges and agrees that compliance with the obligations in this clause 26 shall not relieve the Supplier, its Staff or any sub-contractors of their legal obl...
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. This clause 21 will only apply if in providing Services the Contractor or its sub-contractors or Staff will supervise, care or have significant direct contact with a Vulnerable Person. The Contractor shall consider all the risks associated with providing the Services and take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all Vulnerable Persons, and seek the written consent of the legally authorised carer or guardian of the Vulnerable Person before having of any significant direct contact with the Vulnerable Person. Without limiting sub-clauses 21.1 and 21.2 the Contractor shall adopt and carry out a written policy and set of procedures to protect Vulnerable Persons if: it is a company or partnership, or they are an individual who employs other persons; and in the course of providing the Services, the Contractor’s Staff or sub-contractors supervise, care for or have significant direct contact with Vulnerable Persons. As part of the procedures mentioned in sub-clause 21.3 the Contractor shall check the backgrounds of and view disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service for its potential employees, contractors or volunteers who will, in the course providing the Services, supervise, care or otherwise have significant direct contact with Vulnerable Persons. If the Contractor is the person having significant direct contact with Vulnerable Persons, it shall, prior to any significant direct contact with the Vulnerable Person, offer to his or her legally authorised carer or guardian its consent to having the Contractor’s (or its Staff or sub-contractors, as appropriate) background checked and disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service viewed, should the carer or guardian wish to do so. The Contractor shall comply with sub-clauses 21.2 to 21.5 inclusive even if it is not required to do so under any child protection or care standards legislation and even if the work is formal, informal, voluntary or salaried. The Trust cannot advise the Contractor, it’s Staff or any sub-contractors of their legal obligations in relation to dealings with Vulnerable Persons, and this clause should not be seen as such.
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. The Grant Recipient shall comply with the provisions of Annex 8 (Protection of Vulnerable Children and Vulnerable Adults).
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. 15.1 This clause will only apply if in providing the Services you or your business partners or employees will supervise, care or have significant direct contact with a Vulnerable Person.
15.2 In this clause, "Vulnerable Person" means:
15.2.1 persons under the age of 18; and
15.2.2 people who need or may need community care services because of mental or learning disability, other disability, age or illness, and who are, or may be, unable to take care of themselves or unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. The Grant Recipient warrants that, in relation to all Mobility Groups in connection with the Funded Activities the Grant Recipient adheres to the relevant Domestic Law including any relevant statutory and non-statutory guidance relevant to the sector, nation and overseas territory, and that under 18-year-olds are safe on any Mobility.
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. The beneficiary warrants that, in relation to all activities in connection with the Action where project activity is taking place is England or Wales, it will comply with all legislation and statutory guidance relevant at any time to the safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults (including without limitation, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Children Act 1989), and with the British Council’s Child Protection Policy as may be amended from time to time. Equivalent provisions in equivalent legislation in locations other than England and Wales shall apply in those locations. The beneficiary acknowledges that, for the purposes of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, and any regulations made thereunder, as amended from time to time (the “SVGA”), and where the location is England or Wales, it is the “Regulated Activity Provider” in respect of any “Regulated Activity” (both as defined in the SVGA) carried out in connection with the Action and that it will comply in all respects with the SVGA and any regulations or orders made thereunder. Equivalent provisions in equivalent legislation applicable in locations other than England and Wales shall apply in those locations. The beneficiary will ensure that it is (and that any individual engaged by it to carry out Regulated Activity in connection with the Action) is subject to a valid enhanced disclosure check undertaken through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) including a check against the adult’s barred list or the children’s barred list, as appropriate or a valid local equivalent e.g. police certificate if the individual engaged is outside England or Wales. Where applicable, the Beneficiary shall monitor the level and validity of the checks under this clause for each member of staff or other individual engaged by it to carry out Regulated Activity in connection with the Action. The beneficiary warrants that at all times whilst this Agreement is in force, it has not, and has no reason to believe that any person who is or will be employed or engaged by the Beneficiary in connection with the Action, is barred from carrying out such employment or engagement. natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. The beneficiary shall immediately notify the British Council of any information that the British Council reasonably requests to enable the British Council to be satisfied that th...
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. This section provides details of your responsibilities with regards to the protection of children and vulnerable adults. If there are any Participants who are under the age of 18, or the work undertaken has an impact on children and/or vulnerable adults, then you must complete and sign the safeguarding checklist and return it to us at before any Mobility Groups travel. For more information, please see the ‘Health and Safety’ section. Your funding may be suspended if you fail to complete this Annex prior to any Funded Activities taking place.
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. THE HIRER is required to be aware of and is responsible for compliance with the Parish Policy for the Protection and Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults. A copy can be supplied upon request.
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS. 36.1 The Service Provider acknowledges that the Client has legal responsibilities under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 (“CA 2004”) and the Service Provider warrants that it will cooperate with the Client to enable the Client to comply with CA 2004.
36.2 The Service Provider shall give reasonable assistance to the Client to comply with the CA 2004 and shall not do any act either knowingly or recklessly that would cause the Client to be in breach of the CA 2004.
36.3 The Service Provider shall make arrangements to ensure that it complies with CA 2004 and accordingly the Service Provider shall:
36.3.1 ensure that senior management within its organisation are committed and responsible for monitoring the actions of their staff to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults.
36.3.2 have a clear statement, policy and procedure in place outlining the Service Provider’s responsibilities towards children and young people and vulnerable adults which is made available for its staff and Specialists.
36.3.3 identify the manager with overall responsibility and the ultimate accountability for the Service Provider’s contribution to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults and what lines of accountability are for each staff member and Specialists.
36.3.4 consider how the delivery of the Term Programme will take account of the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children by carrying out an assessment of the needs of the children and young people and vulnerable adults affected under this Partnering Contract and the Service Provider shall determine priorities and actions designed to improve outcomes for them.
36.3.5 ensure that staff including those of Specialists working with or in contact with children and young people and vulnerable adults have an understanding of their roles and responsibilities by organising and providing training on safe guarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults.
36.3.6 ensure that robust recruitment, vetting and control procedures are in place to help prevent unsuitable people from working with children and young people and vulnerable adults and to ensure that managers in charge of recruitment are adequately and properly trained.
36.3.7 ensure that its staff work with the Client in partnership in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and vulnerable adults.
36.3.8 in accordance w...
PROTECTION OF CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS a. This clause will only apply if partnership activity involves supervision, care or direct contact (including electronically) with a Vulnerable Person.
b. In this clause, "Vulnerable Person" means:
i. persons under the age of 18; and
ii. people over the age of 18 who are, or may be, in need of community services due to age, illness or a mental or physical disability. Who is, or may be, unable to take care of himself/herself, or unable to protect himself/herself against significant harm or exploitation.
c. Both parties must consider all the risks associated with the activity and take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of all Vulnerable Persons.
d. Both parties are responsible for ensuring their own policies regarding volunteer management and safeguarding children and vulnerable adults are up to date and are applied to activity covered by this partnership agreement. These policies should be made available upon request.
e. The partner organisation will be the primary safe-guarder of any vulnerable person participating in the activities covered by this partnership agreement. Guided by their safe- guarding policy the partner organisation will decide if an activity is regulated or un- regulated, whether it is adequately supervised and whether a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check is required. A summary of what constitutes a supervised activity is at xxxxx://
f. National Literacy Trust cannot advise partners of their legal obligations in relation to dealings with Vulnerable Persons, and this clause should not be seen as such. If you have any queries about your obligations, we strongly advise that you seek your own independent legal advice and also contact the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (