Quality Assurance (QA. The Contractor shall provide a plan of action to ensure continuation of quality review processes during the transition period to the successor company. (CDRL A006)
Quality Assurance (QA. The government shall evaluate the contractor’s performance under this contract in accordance with (IAW) the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan. This plan is primarily focused on what the Government must do to ensure that the contractor has performed IAW the performance standards and contract quality requirements are met. Contract quality requirements” means the technical requirements in the contract relating to the quality of the product or service and those contract clauses prescribing inspection, and other quality controls incumbent on the contractor, to ensure the product or service conforms to the contractual requirements. It defines how the performance standards will be applied, the frequency of surveillance, the minimum acceptable defect rate(s), and deductions, if applicable.
Quality Assurance (QA. The Government shall evaluate the Contractor's performance under this contract in accordance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan included with each task order. This plan is primarily focused on what the Government must do to ensure that the Contractor has performed in accordance with the performance standards. It defines how the performance standards will be applied, the frequency of surveillance, and the minimum satisfactory performance threshold.
Quality Assurance (QA. As part of the process of continuous improvement in Quality Assurance and in compliance with QQI statutory guidelines an Executive Self-Evaluation Report (ESER) has been completed and a Quality Improvement Plan to 2022 (QIP) is being activated with identified actions and milestones. Each task identified in the QIP has been aligned to a new QQI Policy Area and also to one of our five strategic goals. This Plan will form the basis of an internal working document to track work flow and the progress of our QIP goals. It will be reviewed and revised periodically as an agenda item for the Quality Assurance Implementation Group (QAIG) while work continues on the development of our new quality system.
Quality Assurance (QA. Quality Control (QC)
Quality Assurance (QA. 10.1 There will be a reciprocal approach to QA, including paired observations of teaching and learning.
10.2 The College will provide the School with appropriate feedback gathered via pupil satisfaction surveys.
10.3 The College will facilitate meetings at termly intervals or when appropriate as part of the QA procedure to monitor the delivery of all teaching aspects of the agreement. These may include formal reviews with academic staff where appropriate.
10.4 Upon prior written agreement, the College will facilitate visits from the School’s representatives to assess the quality of teaching and learning, pupil progress and behaviour, marking and feedback.
Quality Assurance (QA. 1. The Government’s Quality Assurance Program is based on the premise that the Service Provider, and not the Government, is responsible for management and quality control actions to meet the terms of the Agreement. The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) procedures recognize that the Service Provider is not a perfect manager and that unforeseen problems do occur. Good management and use of an adequate Quality Control Plan will allow the facility to operate within acceptable quality levels.
2. Each phase of the services rendered under this Agreement is subject to inspection both during the Service Provider’s operations and after completion of the tasks.
3. When the Service Provider is advised of any unsatisfactory condition(s), the Service Provider shall submit a written report to the Contracting Officer addressing corrective/preventive actions taken. The QASP is not a substitute for quality control by the Service Provider.
4. The COTR may check the Service Provider’s performance and document any noncompliance, however, only the Contracting Officer may take formal action against for unsatisfactory performance.
5. The Government may reduce the invoice or otherwise withhold payment for any individual item of nonconformance observed. The Government may apply various inspection and extrapolation techniques (i.e., 100 % surveillance, random sampling, planned sampling, unscheduled inspections) to determine the quality of services and the total payment due. ICE will develop the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) pursuant to the requirements of the PWS. Attachment 2 of this Agreement sets forth the procedures and guidelines that ICE will use to inspect the technical performance of the Service Provider. It presents the financial values and mechanisms for applying adjustments to the Service Provider's invoices as dictated by work performance measured to the desired level of accomplishment.
1. The purpose of the QASP is to:
a. Define the roles and responsibilities of participating Government officials.
b. Define the types of work to be performed.
c. Describe the evaluation methods that will be employed by the Government in assessing the Service Provider's performance.
d. Describe the process of performance documentation.
Quality Assurance (QA. The Government procedures to verify that services performed by the Contractor are performed according to acceptable standards.
Quality Assurance (QA. A program of planned policies, procedures, detailed responsibilities, and systematic actions (including inspection, testing, documentation, and auditing) necessary to provide adequate confidence that the Work (designs, materials, alignment and grade of constructed facilities) meets the contract requirements.
Quality Assurance (QA. The Contractor shall set standards and implement processes that will support understanding of, and compliance with, documentation standards set forth in this section and any standards set by the Contractor. QA activities may include monitoring performance so that the documentation of care provided will satisfy the requirements set forth below. The documentation standards for client care are minimum standards to support claims for the delivery of specialty mental health services. All standards shall be addressed in the client record; however, there is no requirement that the records have a specific document or section addressing these topics.