Quarantine Leave. Quarantine leave without loss of pay shall be granted to a Long Term Occasional Teacher for a period of quarantine when declared by the Medical Officer of Health or designate.
Quarantine Leave. Regular classified employees shall receive salaries in full when quarantined by city or county health officers because of another’s illness. Such quarantine must be verified by a physician or health officer.
Quarantine Leave. 15.01 Leave with pay and without loss of sick leave, benefits, experience or seniority shall be granted to an employee who is required to be absent from work because he/she is prevented by order of medical health authority or who is requested by medical health authority to place themselves under voluntary quarantine or from attending to his/her duties on Board premises.
Quarantine Leave. Leave with pay and without deduction from sick leave shall be granted to an employee for a period of quarantine when declared by the medical officer of health.
Quarantine Leave. An employee shall receive full salary during the period of quarantine by duly constituted governmental authority.
Quarantine Leave. Time lost by an Employee as a result of being quarantined by the Medical Officer of Health because of a job-related exposure shall be treated as an approved Leave of Absence and shall be paid at their regular wage rate for the period of quarantine to a maximum of ten (10) regularly scheduled shifts. In the event an Employee’s exposure or illness is recognized and approved by the WSIB, any monies paid by WSIB shall be assigned to the Employer.
Quarantine Leave. Where the Medical Officer of Health requires an employee to be quarantined or not attend the workplace as a result of her carrying out her duties for the Employer and the employee is not entitled to benefits for loss of earnings under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act of Ontario, the employee shall be entitled to a paid leave of absence for the period of quarantine or non attendance at work required by the Medical Officer of Health. Should the employee become ill during this period, the leave will convert to sick leave and the employee will be eligible for benefits in accordance with Article 20.
Quarantine Leave. Where, because of exposure to a communicable disease, an employee is quarantined or otherwise prevented by order of the medical health authorities from attending to duties, the employee shall be paid regular salary without loss of sick leave, benefits, experience or seniority and the time shall riot be deducted from the employees sick leave account.
Quarantine Leave. In any case where, because of exposure to a communicable disease, a teacher is quarantined or otherwise prevented by order of the medical health authorities from attending upon the duties of a teacher, the teacher shall be paid and the time shall not be deducted from the sick leave account.
Quarantine Leave. A teacher, who is quarantined by order of the Medical Officer of Health for the City, or by a Provincial authority, shall be granted leave with pay if the absences for quarantine are certified by such qualified Medical Officer.