Recipient Eligibility Sample Clauses

Recipient Eligibility. The recipient may not use donated sick leave until all of his or 28 her accumulated sick and vacation leave is depleted.
Recipient Eligibility. The recipient must be employed in a position eligible to accrue 15 leave time. The recipient may not use donated sick leave until all of his or her accumulated 16 sick and vacation leave is depleted.
Recipient Eligibility. For a Unit Member to be eligible for consideration as a recipient of Cal Plan, all of the following are required: The condition for which the leave is requested must constitute a verified and approved catastrophic illness or injury as defined herein; The Unit Member must be in paid status at the time the request is made; 15.
Recipient Eligibility. Provider will be paid pursuant to this Agreement for services to a Recipient who has an eligible service plan that has been approved by DHS or an entity authorized to approve services through a contract with DHS. Any payment made for services provided outside of the service plan or payment for services in excess of the approved service plan or payment for services to ineligible Recipients is the sole responsibility of the Provider and shall be repaid.
Recipient Eligibility. For a Unit Member to be eligible for consideration as a recipient of Cal Plan, all of the following are required: The condition for which the leave is requested must constitute a verified and approved catastrophic illness or injury as defined herein; The Unit Member must be in paid status at the time the request is made; At the onset of the catastrophic illness or injury for which the leave is requested, the Unit Member must have at least 80 hours of available regular sick leave if full-time, or a proportionate share prorated by the percentage of employment, if less than full- time; The Unit Member must not have been disciplined (including informal corrective measures and progressive disciplinary measures) for misuse or inappropriate use of leave within the past two (2) years prior to the request for Cal Plan; The Unit Member must not have used Cal Plan within the previous eighteen (18) consecutive months during the course of employment with the District. The Unit Member is not receiving disability benefits or Workers’ Compensation payments.
Recipient Eligibility. Any employee of the District is eligible to receive shared leave if the following conditions are met: (A) The employee’s job is one in which sick leave can be accrued and used. (B) The employee is not eligible for time loss compensation under Chapter 51.32 RCW (workers compensation). (C) The employee’s use of sick leave has conformed with District policies. (D) The employee has exhausted, or will exhaust, his/her sick leave. (E) The employee’s absence and use of shared leave are justified. (See Documentation below.)
Recipient Eligibility. In order to receive leave donated through the Program, an employee must: (a) Have completed his or her probationary period; and (b) Have no paid leave available for use including, but not limited to, sick leave, vacation leave, compensatory time, and discretionary holiday time; and (c) Not be receiving any other disability related benefit such as worker’s compensation; and (d) Be absent for a period of at least ten (10) consecutive days for a serious illness of the employee or a member of their immediate family; and (e) Employees shall not have an active disciplinary record in their personnel file for Violation of the Documented Sick Time Policy, Excessive use of Sick Time, Abuse of Sick Time, Unauthorized Absence or a Pattern of Sick Leave Abuse; and (f) Understand that all donated hours will be converted to sick hours and must be used for the qualifying event.
Recipient Eligibility. Any payment for services provided to ineligible Recipients is the sole responsibility of the Provider. Payment by DHS will not be made on behalf of ineligible Recipients.
Recipient Eligibility. Any employee shall be eligible to receive shared leave under the following conditions and with the approval of the SA of HR. 27.5.1 The employee’s job is one in which sick, vacation and/or personal leave can be used and accrued. 27.5.2 The employee is not eligible for time loss compensation under RCW 51.32 (Workers Compensation). 27.5.3 The employee’s use of sick leave has conformed to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 27.5.4 The employee has exhausted, or will exhaust his or her sick leave and/or annual leave. 27.5.5 The employee’s absence and use of shared leave shall be in accordance with Section 27.5.1. 27.5.6 To be considered eligible for leave sharing, a person’s condition must be judged to be extraordinary or severe. WAC 000-000-000, which relates to the leave sharing legislation, states that extraordinary or severe means serious or extreme and/or life threatening.
Recipient Eligibility. You will provide a recipient list to us with complete recipient name and address. You will ensure that no recipients are prohibited from receiving Products, Optional Publications or other materials under this Agreement for any reason set forth in Section 6.(b).