School Calendar Committee Sample Clauses
School Calendar Committee. The Association may appoint a representative from each school on the School Calendar Committee. The calendar committee members may be from other employee organizations. The Superintendent of Schools may appoint a number of members to the committee equal to the number appointed by the employee organizations. All proposals for the calendar shall be developed at committee meetings, and personnel from each school site shall vote on proposals and share the number of votes cast with the district committee. A procedure for voting will be agreed upon by the calendar committee. The proposal with the greatest number of votes from all schools will be the one presented to the Superintendent. The school calendar shall be a part of the Agreement after adoption by the Board; however, the Board reserves the right to make changes in the calendar in the event of an emergency. Adjustments made in the school calendar caused by an emergency and affecting only instructional employees shall be negotiated. The Board and Association agree to discuss all aspects of the official school calendar for years covered by the contractual agreement.
School Calendar Committee. The Association may appoint one (1) classified representative from the Transportation/Food Service/Maintenance Departments and one (1) classified representative from the District Office to the School Calendar Committee. All proposals for the calendar shall be developed at committee meetings, and personnel from each school/worksite shall vote on proposals and share the number of votes cast with the district committee. A procedure for voting will be agreed upon by the calendar committee. The proposal with the greatest number of votes from all schools/worksites will be the one presented to the Superintendent. The school calendar shall be a part of the Agreement after adoption by the Board; however, the Board reserves the right to make changes in the calendar in the event of an emergency. The Board and Association agree to discuss all aspects of the official school calendar for years covered by the contractual agreement.
School Calendar Committee. The School Calendar Committee is a standing committee that 25 meets on a regularly scheduled basis. The School Calendar Committee shall be made up of no less 26 than four (4) members, two (2) school-based administrators and two (2) members of the 27 instructional staff. Prior to the beginning of each semester, the School Calendar Committee will 28 develop a school calendar that includes anticipated dates and times for faculty meetings and 29 school-related events. School calendars should indicate whether instructional staff attendance is 30 mandatory or voluntary. The School Calendar Committee should also be involved in planning the 31 schedule for the pre-school week, which is subject to the approval of administration. 33 (3) School or Site-Based Safety/Security Committee: The School Safety/Security Committee is 34 a standing committee that meets on a regularly scheduled basis. The School Safety/Security 35 Committee shall be made up of no less than four (4) members, two (2) school-based administrators 36 and two (2) members of the instructional staff. Committee members may make a written request 37 for an emergency meeting of the School Safety/Security Committee. Written requests for an 38 emergency meeting should specify the reason for the request and should include the Safety & 39 Security Department. Requests must be responded to within 5 days. 41 13.05 – WAIVER OF CONTRACT LANGUAGE
(1) Request: The Instructional Leadership Committee at any site may request a waiver of 44 contract language in Article 5 (General Employment Practices), Article 6 (Working Conditions), 45 and Article 7 (Work Schedule). All other articles shall not be altered, modified, or deviated from 46 without the express written consent of TALC and the District. Any alternation, modification, or 1 deviation shall be memorialized in a Memorandum of Understanding. Requests for a waiver of 2 contract language shall be made to the TALC Labor/Management Committee.
School Calendar Committee. 1. A committee composed of three teachers, three administrative personnel, three classified personnel, and three parents will be appointed by the Superintendent for the purpose of submitting recommendations for the proposed school calendar to the Superintendent of Schools by January 1. The teaching personnel shall be selected from a representative list of six names of teachers submitted by the Association within twenty-one calendar days of receipt of the request or the Association shall forfeit its right to recommend teacher representatives on the Calendar Committee.
2. A proposed calendar(s) will be presented to the teachers by the Superintendent of Schools for the teachers’ review prior to the presentation of the calendar to the Board by the Superintendent.
3. The school calendar is set by the Board.
School Calendar Committee. There shall be established at the beginning of each school year, a school calendar committee. The purpose of this committee will be to collect information and make recommendations for the selection and adoption of a school calendar by the Board of Education. The school calendar committee shall be composed of the following: Three (3) full time teachers, one from each building, selected by the building staff. Two (2) members of the administrative staff selected by the Superintendent of Schools One (1) member of the classified staff selected by the Superintendent of Schools. One (1) member of the Board of Education selected by the Board president. The Superintendent of the Schools or his/her representative shall serve as a non-voting ex officio member of the committee and will act as temporary chairperson of the committee until a permanent chairperson shall be elected by the committee. The committee shall be selected as soon as practical following the commencement of classes in the fall and shall meet as often as required to complete its work. On or before March 1, the committee shall prepare and distribute proposed calendars to all classified employees and members of the teaching staff for the purpose of securing from said employees their preference concerning the school calendar. After receiving staff input, the committee shall make its recommendation to the Board of Education concerning the adoption of the school calendar for the forthcoming school year. If the Board of Education finds the committee’s recommendation to be satisfactory, the Board will adopt the recommended calendar. If the Board disagrees with the committee recommendation, the Board shall refer the proposed calendar back to the committee with the Board’s recommendations and proposed changes and the reasons therefore. The committee shall review and consider the Board’s proposed changes and within 20 days submit to the Board the committee’s final recommended calendar. Upon receiving the committee’s final recommendation, the Board shall take such action as it deems appropriate and shall adopt a calendar for the coming school year. Upon receiving the committee’s final recommendation, the Board of Education shall be solely responsible for the final adoption of the school calendar. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the committee from recommending and the Board from adopting a two-year calendar.
School Calendar Committee a. A Calendar Committee shall be comprised of the following:
(1) Up to three (3) members appointed by the Association President.
(2) Up to three (3) members appointed by the Superintendent.
b. The Calendar Committee shall annually develop recommendations prior to November 15 to be presented to the Board for consideration. The committee may recommend a two (2) year school calendar.
c. The Board may choose to approve, modify, or reject the Calendar Committee's recommendation. The Board may also choose to request further review by the Calendar Committee. The final authority to approve the school calendar rests with the Board.
School Calendar Committee. Prior to the beginning of each semester, a school 36 calendar will be jointly developed by school administrators and teacher 37 representatives to include but not limited to the TALC representative. Activities 38 such as faculty meetings or other official school-related events are examples of such 39 responsibilities.
School Calendar Committee. A school calendar committee shall be established annually for the purpose of collecting information and making recommendations for the selection, establishment, and adoption of the school calendar to the Board of Education. The school calendar committee shall be composed of the following members selected from their respective groups. Two (2) classified staff members Two (2) community/parent representatives (one (1) elementary and one (1) secondary on a school rotation basis) Seven (7) certified staff members appointed by the President of Dodge City NEA.
School Calendar Committee. The Association will have a representative who shall serve on the calendar committee.
School Calendar Committee. The School Calendar Committee is a standing committee that meets 17 on a regularly scheduled basis. The School Calendar Committee shall be made up of no less than four 18 (4) members, two (2) school-based administrators and two (2) members of the instructional staff. Prior 19 to the beginning of each semester, the School Calendar Committee will develop a school calendar that 20 includes anticipated dates and times for faculty meetings and school-related events. School calendars 21 should indicate whether instructional staff attendance is mandatory or voluntary. The School 22 Calendar Committee should also be involved in planning the schedule for the pre-school week, which 23 is subject to the approval of administration. 25 (3) School or Site-Based Safety/Security Committee: The School Safety/Security Committee is a 26 standing committee that meets on a regularly scheduled basis. The School Safety/Security Committee 27 shall be made up of no less than four (4) members, two (2) school-based administrators and two (2) 28 members of the instructional staff. Committee members may make a written request for an 29 emergency meeting of the School Safety/Security Committee. Written requests for an emergency 30 meeting should specify the reason for the request and should include the Safety & Security 31 Department. Requests must be responded to within five (5) days.