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Research Grant Sample Clauses

Research Grant. A research grant is a grant of money to a member or group of members on the completion of certain pre-approved professional activities.
Research Grant. Funding will be made to the Institution by way of grant payments in accordance with Attachment B. The grant represents Institution’s costs of conducting the Trial. All amounts are inclusive of all direct, indirect, overhead and other costs, including laboratory and ancillary service charges, and will remain firm for the duration of the Trial, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties. The Institution will not directly or indirectly seek or receive compensation from patient(s) participating in the Trial (“Trial Subject(s)”) or third- party payers for any material, treatment or service that is required by the Protocol and provided or paid by INC Research, including, but not limited to, Sponsor Devices, Study Drug, Comparator Drug, Trial Subject screening, infusions, physician and nurse services, diagnostic tests, and Study Drug and/or Comparator Drug administration. 6. Výskumný grant. Financovanie bude poskytnuté Inštitúcii vo forme platieb grantu v súlade s Prílohou B. Xxxxx predstavuje výšku nákladov Inštitúcie v súvislosti s vykonávaním Skúšania. Všetky sumy zahŕňajú všetky priame, nepriame, režijné a ostatné náklady vrátane poplatkov za laboratórium a podporné služby a zostávajú počas doby Skúšania pevne stanovené, ak sa strany písomne nedohodnú inak. Inštitúcia nebude priamo alebo nepriamo vyhľadávať či dostávať kompenzáciu od pacientov, ktorí sa zúčastňujú Skúšania („Pokusné osoby”), alebo platcov z tretích strán za akýkoľvek materiál, liečbu či službu, ktorá je vyžadovaná Protokolom a je poskytovaná alebo platená spoločnosťou INC Research vrátane (nie však výhradne) Prostriedkov Sponzora, Skúšaného liečiva, Porovnávacieho liečiva, skríningu Pokusných osôb, infúzií, služieb lekára a zdravotných sestier, diagnostických testov a podávania Skúšaného liečiva a/alebo Porovnávacieho liečiva.
Research Grant. Is funding provided either by an external organization or a private or public organization to a Research Director for research purposes, which the University manages and which is given in the form of a grant, sponsorship, contract, an agreement to fund or any other form of financing.
Research Grant. 1. Any teacher, during the course of a contractual year (September 1 through August 31), may be eligible for a three hundred dollars $300.00 honorarium within the provisions of the following: a. A brief outline must be submitted in writing to the local Superintendent for authorization to begin a project. b. The teacher will organize a project review committee which includes one (1) district teacher, a full time administrator, and a Board of Education member. The specifications of this project must meet the written approval of the committee. c. The teacher will identify a school district-related project to be researched during the course of the school year. Upon completion of this approved project, the teacher will receive the honorarium. d. The teacher shall, in the most meaningful way, make available the research findings to the staff of the district. e. Anyone completing a research project may present to the administrative office a legible handwritten account of the project and its results. It will be typed and copies made for distribution.
Research GrantThe Host Institution agrees to manage, administer and disburse the research grant payment/s received from Toka Tū Ake EQC under this Agreement. The research grant is to be used for the benefit of the Host Institution and for the sole purpose of conducting the research described in the research proposal annexed to this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the research grant does not include a component for attendance at or travel to conferences (unless this Agreement states otherwise). Unless this Agreement states otherwise, any expenditure in this regard is to be applied for separately. The research grant can be used to pay overheads, however these overheads must be equivalent to no more than 30% of the cost of staff time allocated to the project. Expenditure under the research grant may be made only on the authority of the Host Institution for costs directly incurred by the Host Institution in carrying out the Project. The Host Institution shall be responsible for monitoring expenditure throughout the period of the Project. Toka Tū Ake EQC will not be responsible for budget overruns unless prior written approval for further funding has been granted by Toka Tū Ake EQC. For the avoidance of doubt, Toka Tū Ake EQC is under no obligation to approve or provide any further funding for the Project. Toka Tū Ake EQC is not otherwise liable or responsible to the Host Institution, the Researcher or any other person, in connection with the attached research proposal, the Project, the expenditure of the research grant or otherwise in connection with this Agreement. The research grant will be paid to the Host Institution in the following manner: a) Payments will be made by Toka Tū Ake EQC to the Host Institution upon 1) approval of a satisfactory milestone report and 2) receipt of an accompanying tax invoice. Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, it is expected that invoices and milestone reports will be received at six-monthly intervals after the commencement of the project for the duration of the Project. b) All requests for payment by the Host Institution must be supported by a tax invoice referencing the Toka Tū Ake EQC issued purchase order (PO) number. If any GST is payable on the relevant amount that invoice must be a valid GST invoice and the Host Institution will ensure that it is registered for the purposes of GST. c) In all cases, research grant payments will only be made by Toka Tū Ake EQC to the extent that it is satisfied that the relevant costs ...
Research Grant. Sanofi hereby grants to Translate Bio, and Translate Bio accepts, a non-exclusive worldwide right and license under Sanofi Background Technology, and Translate Bio retains rights under the licenses granted to Sanofi pursuant to Section 9.1, solely for the purpose of performing Translate Bio Collaboration Activities in the Collaboration (the “Research Grant”). The research license granted herein and the rights retained by Translate Bio under this Section 9.7 shall expire at the end of the Collaboration Term. Translate Bio may sublicense its rights under this Section 9.7 in accordance with Section 9.8.5.
Research Grant. A research grant to The Department of Molecular & Genetic Medicine, commencing on July 1, 1997, of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per year, payable monthly, which the University will use to fund the efforts of the Investigator, who will devote his full time efforts during the Contract Period solely to assisting the University in performing its obligations under those Project Agreements between the parties to which the parties have agreed the Investigator should devote his efforts.
Research Grant. Once Cumulative Receipts reach a total of $1,000,000, Licensee shall thereafter pay LSU a research grant equal to the sum of one percent (1%) of Net Sales Receipts and two percent (2%) of Gross Sublicensing Receipts in each calendar year, with total research grant amounts not to exceed $25,000 per calendar year, subject to the inflation adjustment of Article 12
Research Grant. Sublicensee agrees to provide Sublicensor with the amount of *** with the understanding that Sublicensor will fund research to be conducted by Dr.
Research Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including but not limited to Section 2.4), Isis and Alnylam hereby grant to Regulus a worldwide, royalty-bearing, sublicensable (in accordance with Section 2.5) nonexclusive license in the Field, under each Licensor’s Licensed IP, to Research xxXXX Mimics; provided, however, that in exercising its rights under this Section 2.2(d) or under Section 2.2(b) hereof using the Alnylam Licensed IP, Regulus shall at all times comply with Alnylam’s “Guidelines for Evaluation of Clinical Candidates” (the “Clinical Candidate Guidelines”)”, attached to this Agreement as Schedule 2.2(d), as such Clinical Candidate Guidelines may be reasonably revised by Alnylam from time to time and provided to Regulus.