Reserve Officers a. The Employer may establish a reserve officer program. Reserve officers may be utilized to supplement the existing work force as the second officer in a patrol vehicle.
b. It is specifically understood by the parties that the responsibility and liability for the use of reserve officers rests exclusively with the Employer.
c. Reserve officers will not be used to supplement the work force for the reasons of avoiding the payment of overtime.
d. Reserve officers will not be covered by or subject to the provisions of the Agreement.
Reserve Officers. 31.1: All persons utilized as Clinton Township Police Reserve Officers or Dispatchers shall be required to wear shoulder patches on their uniforms and/or badges which clearly and conspicuously distinguish such persons as a reserve officer or dispatcher, whichever the case may be. No reserve officer or dispatcher shall be allowed to wear a badge during outside employment.
31.2: No reserve officers shall be assigned to any member of this bargaining unit without member's consent and then only in the capacity of an observer or trainee. Reserve officers shall not be considered as personnel in regards to Article XXX Minimum Personnel Requirement.
Reserve Officers. The following provisions apply regarding the effects on bargaining unit members by use of Reserve Officers.
A. Upon hire, a Reserve Officer must complete the Reserve Field Training Program under the direction of a member; and
B. A Reserve Officer shall only be used in a Patrol assignment, including traffic and special events and for limited surveillance, investigative and/or station support assignments under the direction of a member, Chief, or Deputy Chief, provided no full-time member shall thereby be displaced from his or her assignment or from an opportunity for an assignment. When performing patrol duties in a cruiser assignment, a Reserve Officer must be accompanied by a member, Deputy Chief, or Chief.
Reserve Officers. Reserve Officers are defined as casual, part-time, intermittent and/or temporary police officers of the OUPD and will not assume the duties of bargaining unit employees in such a way as to cause the displacement or layoff of such employee. Reserve officers shall be provided the opportunity to work at least sixteen (16) hours per month, but shall not work more than 499 hours per year. Reserve officers who go two (2) consecutive months without completing sixteen (16) hours of work shall be released from employment. The Chief of Police, at his sole discretion may retain a Reserve Officer beyond this two (2) month limit if the officer’s inactivity is for reasonable grounds (e.g. short term medical absence). Utilization of Reserve Officers will follow the Reserve Police Officer policy. Any amendment or modification to this policy will require a sixty (60) calendar day notice to the bargaining unit and will provide the bargaining unit opportunity to give input into the policy amendment or modification.
Reserve Officers. SECTION 1. The establishment of the police reserve force is covered under Madison Heights Ordinance 508.
SECTION 2. The primary function of the police reserve:
A) Parades
Reserve Officers. Whenever a reserve officer is allowed to work any assignment, vehicle, area, street, or guard duty with the department, the work will be performed under the direct supervision of a full-time employee of the Police Department, except in an emergency. In events where traffic or crowd control is needed, such as parades, there may be several reserve officers under the supervision of one or more full-time employees of the Police Department.
Reserve Officers. No reserve officer shall be assigned to any member of this bargaining unit without the member's consent and then only in the capacity of an observer or trainee. Reserves will not be considered as personnel in regard to Article 15, Minimum Manpower.
Reserve Officers. The City reserves its right to utilize Police Reserves to augment the regular sworn officers of the Police Department during any function or assignment. The City shall not replace or displace sworn officers of the Police Department with Police Reserves, Auxiliary and/or Explorers. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT The parties recognize their responsibilities under the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act, as amended. All provisions shall be subject to accommodations and requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Reserve Officers. Reserve Officers may be used in patrol vehicles as an additional person to the Certified Officers, at the option of the Certified Officers. The Reserve Officers' uniforms will display patches with the words "Reserve Officer" on the uniform jacket, coat, etc., to designate differentiation from Certified Officers.
Reserve Officers. (See 16.3.3) Reserve Officers participate in a modified version of the PTO program. Please see the Reserve Officer SOP.