HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. (Articles 26.01 – 26.04 are applicable to Full-Time Only):
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. 22.01 The Clinic agrees, during the term of the Collective Agreement, to continue to contribute towards the premium coverage of participating eligible regular full- time employees, in the active employ of the Clinic, under the insurance plans set out below subject to their respective terms and conditions, including any enrolment requirements:
a) The Clinic agrees to continue to contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the billed premiums toward coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Clinic under the present Canada Life - Dental and Drug Plans (or to any other insurer providing similar coverage)
b) The Clinic agrees to continue to contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the billed premiums toward coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Clinic under the present semi-private insurance plan (or to any other insurer providing similar coverage).
c) The Clinic agrees to continue to contribute one hundred percent (100%) of the billed premiums toward coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Clinic under the present Group Life Insurance and Accidental Death or Disability Insurance Plan (or to any other insurer providing similar coverage).
22.02 It is the Clinic’s responsibility to ensure that the existing benefit coverage is maintained with an insurance carrier on the same terms and conditions that currently exist. Provided this is done, any claims by an employee for benefits under the group benefit plan is a matter solely between such employee and the insurance carrier. Such claims shall not, therefore, be the subject of a grievance or arbitration under the Collective Agreement. The Clinic shall have the right to select or change any of the carriers in respect of any of the above benefits provided that in the event that any carrier is changed an equivalent level of benefits will be maintained. The Clinic will notify the Union of change of carrier.
22.03 Coverage for newly hired employees as set out in 22.01 shall be effective in accordance with any enrolment or other requirements of the particular insured Plan.
22.04 The Clinic shall not be responsible for any deductibles or user fees assessed or required by legislation which are payable by or levied against employees or their dependents making claims for benefit(s) under the said insured Plans.
22.05 All presently employed regular full-time and regular part-time employees enrolled in the Clinic Pension Plan shall maintain their enrollment n the pan, subject...
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. The parties agree that a full-time employee who reaches the age of 65 years, up to and including 71 years, who would otherwise be eligible for health and insured benefits under Article 22, will instead be eligible for:
21:01 It is agreed that for the permanent full-time employees covered by this agreement, the City shall pay 100% of the billed premium for Green Shield: Semi-Private, Extended Health Care Vision Care $270/24 months (effective the 1st of the month following the ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement); $280/24 months effective April 1, 2012 and $300/24 months effective April 1, 2013. Vision care amount to include laser eye surgery and eye exam up to the Vision Care amount 24 month maximum. Prescription Drug Dispensing Fee Cap - $10 per prescription (effective 1st of the month following ratification of the Memorandum of Settlement) No OTC Drugs in Formulary; Orthotic/Orthopedic Annual Cap $400 Out of Province Travel Plan ▪ Physiotherapist ▪ Registered Massage Therapist (Physician Referral Required) ▪ Chiropractor Dental Plan #9, with Rider #3, (Orthodontic, one thousand five hundred ($1,500 limit)), at current ODA minus two (2) year. Overage Dependent Coverage is applied to the Green Shield Extended Health Care and the Dental Plan, for which the City will pay 100% of the billed premium. It is agreed that the full E.I. rebate on premiums shall be retained by the City. Coverage for new full time employees shall be effective as follows:
(a) Extended Health Care – 1st day of the month following date employed.
(b) Dental – 1st day of the month following completion of three (3) months service.
21:02 The City and the Union agree that a group life insurance plan providing benefits of one and one-half times basic salary shall be in effect. This plan to cover full time employees only with a three (3) month waiting period for new employees. The City will pay 100% of the billed premium for this benefit.
21:03 The above coverage shall carry double indemnity in case of accidental death or dismemberment.
21:04 All employees upon retirement may revert to $1,000 Group Life Insurance, 100% of the cost to be paid by the employee.
21:05 All Permanent Full-Time Employees covered by this Agreement shall be provided with a Long Term Disability Plan, for which the City will pay 100% of the billed premium. The parties agree that eligibility for L.T.D. benefits will cease when:
(a) An active employee becomes eligible for an O.M.E.R.S. unreduced early retirement pension; or
(b) The gross monthly income payable to the employee from O.M.E.R.S., Canadian Government Annuities, Canada Pension Plan and Workers’ Compensation are equal to or greater than the total monthly in...
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. 15.01 The Hospital agrees, during the term of the Collective Agreement, to contribute towards the premium coverage of participating eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the insurance plans set out below subject to their respective terms and conditions including any enrollment requirements.
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. (Articles are applicable to Full-Time Insured Benefits The Hospital agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Plan or comparable coverage with another carrier. The Hospital agrees to contribute seventy-five percent (75%) of the billed premiums towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the amended Blue Cross Extended Health Care benefits or comparable coverage with another carrier providing for (single) and (family) deductible, providing the balance of monthly premiums are paid by the employee through payroll deductions. In addition to the standard benefits, coverage will include hearing aid allowance (lifetime maximum per individual) and effective April will include vision care to a maximum of (from 90.00) every months and introduce Generic Drug Substitution unless medically indicated otherwise. Existing provisions for private duty nursing services contained in present extended health care plans will be amended to reflect that this benefit is limited to a maximum of ninety (90) eight-hour shifts in any calendar year. The Hospital agrees to pay one-hundred percent (100%) of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under or such other group life insurance plan currently in effect providing the balance of the monthly premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. The Hospital agrees to contribute seventy-five percent (75%) of the billed premiums towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Dental Plan or comparable coverage with another carrier (based on the current fee schedule as it may be updated from time to time) providing the balance of the monthly premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. Effective April Dental recall including preventative services is every nine (9) months; Blue Cross rider (or equivalent) [complete and partial dentures] at co-insurance to annual maximum; and Blue Cross rider (or equivalent) [crowns, bridgework, and repairs to same] at co-insurance to annual maximum. Change of Carrier
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. The Hospital agrees to contribute seventy-five percent of the billed premiums towards coverage of eligible employees active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Dental Plan or comparable coverage with another carrier (based on the current fee schedule as it may be updated from time to time) providing the balance of the monthly premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction.
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS. Insured The Hospital agrees, during the term of the Collective Agreement, to contribute towards the coverage of participating eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the insurance plans set out below subject to their respective terms and conditions including any enrolment requirements. The Hospital agrees to pay one hundred percent of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Semi-Private Plan or comparable coverage with another carrier. The Hospital agrees to contribute five percent of the billed premiums towards coverage of eligible employees in the active of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Extended Health Care benefits or comparable coverage with another carrier providing for (single) and (family) deductible, the balance of monthly premiums are paid by the employee through payroll deductions. In addition to the standard benefits, coverage include vision care (maximum every months) as well as a hearing aide allowance (lifetime maximum per individual). one month following the date of the ratification coverage will include vision care (maximum months) as well as a hearing aide allowance (lifetime maximum individual) and deductible will be (single) and (family). provisions for private duty nursing services contained in present extended health care plans will be amended to reflect this benefit is limited to a maximum of ninety shifts in any calendar year, The Hospital agrees to pay one hundred percent of the billed premium towards coverage of employees in the active employ of the under or such other group life plan currently in effect providing the balance of the monthly premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. The Hospital agrees to contribute fifty percent of the billed premiums towards coverage of eligible employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the Blue Cross Dental Plan or comparable coverage with another carrier (based on the current fee schedule as it may be updated from time to time) providing the balance of the monthly premium is paid by the employee through payroll deduction. Effective one month following the date of the award/ratification, the Hospital's contribution to the Dental Plan will be of Carrier: The Hospital may at any time substitute another carrier for any plan (other than provided that the benefits provided thereby are substantially same.
HEALTH AND INSURED BENEFITS applies to full-time employees only) 26.01 The Hospital agrees, during the term of the Collective Agreement, to contribute towards the premium coverage of participating employees in the active employ of the Hospital under the insurance plans set out below subject to the respective terms and conditions including any enrolment requirements: